Options for fixing Samsung ultrabook...

hi guys, i was wondering what my options for fixing a Samsung ultrabook were, it's kind of a newish model, core i7 ulv 3rd gen 13.3" good nick, after a family member bought a 256gb ssd(from here!) swapped it over, but on powerup the laptop turned on with power/hdd leds lighting up, but no screen image, screen is not cracked, wasn't dropped/liquid spilled inside, spoke to laptop tech, $60(non refundable) to diagnose which is ok but he said they might need to replace entire top half of laptop(something about Samsung probably not supplying just lcd panel itself) and that would be really expensive(for a 1366x768 lcd!), in which case would advise him to just put it towards new lappy with fhd screen(laptop is out of warranty)
other ideas included scour ebay for similar faulty model and swap parts, except this model comes up rarely on ebay/gumtree faulty or not

otherwise, does anyone know a good honest experienced tech in Sydney metro who can test the lcd panel itself and say 'go' or 'no go'? it could be a simple fix like a faulty/slipped cable, or backlight, mobo etc i've done the odd ram/hdd upgrade but this is a little more involved, cheers


  • Sounds to me like the family member bumped a connector out of place when installing the SSD.
    First thing I'd be doing is double checking.

    • yeah, i think i'll take off the entire rear panel and do the usual "tighten up and pray" with the cables, thanks for the tip!

  • Could has dislodged the ribbon cable from the LCD to the MOBO. I assume you cloned the HDD to the SSD (or reinstalled the OS)?

  • Have you tried to BOOT to BIOS?
    Have you tried to plug it into another monitor via the HDMI ?? At least you might be able to see if the pc itself is running!
    Also have you tried to put the original drive back in ???

  • yeah i tried the hdmi port before, no dice, pressed alt-F4 over and over, turned on tv first then tried laptop first, if the lcd screen is faulty would that affect the hdmi out? and thanks for the hdd tip, original hdd is long gone, i tried a different ssd, no difference, will try a standard hdd, Hitachi if i can find it as i think that was the same as new, would a different drive affect the lcd?
    and no, he didn't clone drive, but this weekend i'll open it up to check the lcd connector, only thing is, youtube videos show i have to remove the thin metal bezel which is glued on, hot air gun needed to soften glue, cheers

    • alt+f4 won't do anything. Turn it on and mash del and f2 to try launch the BIOS. HDMI out should work, so chances are it's not the LCD if that doesn't work. Give it some time boot and press windows+P to cycle through display output to try get the HDMI out working.

      • thanks, tried it, no screen :(
        ps windows+p works on my win8 laptop, but does that work before windows boots? ssd is blank from what i know

    • turned on tv first then tried laptop first, if the lcd screen is faulty would that affect the hdmi out?

      If the LCD screen is faulty, that won't affect the HDMI Out. However, If the graphics card (onboard or dedicated) is faulty, then that would affect both LCD and HDMI Out.

      When you connected to the TV, did you change the Source input on the TV to the correct HDMI port (HDMI 1 or 2, etc)?

      • yes, changed to hdmi2

  • I fix laptops I am an ex RAAF electronics technician ,try repeating the RAM and even othey ram if u have any, contact me on [email protected] if u want me to looked it-free if no fix apart from post

    • this is an ultrabook and like most the ram is soldered on motherboard, and the ram slot on back is empty, and thanks for offer, which area are you located?

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