Favorite lady fragrances

Let's not forget about the ladies. My two favs are both estee lauder.

Beautiful and Beyond Paradise. My daughter reckons that Beautiful is an old lady fragrance, but likes Beyond Paradise.


  • Chanel No. 5. I have tried different fragrances over the years, but nothing beats Chanel No. 5, IMHO.

  • J'Adore (the parfum) :) Just gorgeous!

  • Issey miyake

  • Coco Chanel and Pleasures or Pure White Linen by Estee Lauder.

  • Any lady who can pull of Chanel No5 has an extra tick from me. does not suit everyone though.

    J'Adore by Christian Dior ranks second.

    Sweet fragrance like Flowerbomb does not do it for me.

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