This was posted 11 years 2 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fallout 3 GOTY Edition $4.99 USD (PC).


Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition $4.99 on

Its $21.49 USD on Steam.

With Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition, experience the most acclaimed game of 2008 like never before. Create a character of your choosing and descend into an awe-inspiring, post-apocalyptic world where every minute is a fight for survival. Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition includes all five of the Fallout 3 Game Add-on Packs:

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closed Comments

  • +2

    This game is Awesome if you haven't played it yet you should buy it and play it.
    Lack of steam on this kinda sucks or you could just wait for the steam sale again. I'm sure it's come down this low before.

    • +6

      If you don't have it already I highly recommend the Chrome & Firefox extension EnhancedSteam. Adds that sort of information when you view the Steam page as well as useful things like what sort of DRM the game uses, Metacritic User Scores etc.

      For example, Fallout 3 GOTY

      Lowest Price: $19.99 at GameFly PC (Info)
      Historical Low: $4.99 at GameFly PC on Sat Aug 03 2013 (Info)

      Warning: This title uses 3rd party DRM (Games for Windows Live)

    • Getgames has that the game as Steam DRM, Anyone can confirm deny this ?

      EDIT : Folks on reddit confirm its Steam DRM,…

      • +1

        Oh I didn't see that in the page thanks for pointing it out. If it's going to have drm steams a pretty friendly drm.

        • :) Sure thing. Just bought it and activated it on Steam, Works 100%

        • +1

          Excellent. Grab some water turn up the speakers and prepare for the best gaming experience I've had aside from the last of us.

  • Dont forget to disable gfwl which is shutting down next year. Hopefully there will be an official patch out by then.…

    Dont let this put you off fallout 3. It's one of the best games ever.

  • I wonder why Bethesda wants to suck out $1.50 extra from us (We pay $21.49 USD vs they pay $19.99 USD at normal prices)…it just seems so trivial.

    • I was going to say GST, but they won't pay GST on this.

  • +5

    Here are some of the most popular Fallout 3 mods, you might want to grab a few. I intend to start a new Fallout 3 game soon, I never finished it the first time round.

    You probably want to get NeilMc's texture overhaul, Large Address Aware, FWE or FOOK overhauls, Apocalypse Weapons 2, 20th Centuary Weapons, ENB with Memory Boosting Features enabled, a UI mod like Darn, MMM or MonsterMod, EVE, a lighting/weather mod such as Fellout to remove the greenish colour cast…

    • +1

      After being disappointed over the fake Fallout site, I decided to play Fallout 3 again. Installed a tonne of mods and the game looks so much better than the original! Definitely agree with Thaal Sinestro that you should pimp your game out with mods :)

  • I was not familiar with the Fallout universe but I really got into and enjoyed this game. It took a while to get going, and I spent way too much time doing side quests before doing the main one and discovering how short it was… but I have good memories. For $5 it's a steal.

    I couldn't get into New Vegas the same way but I intend on trying again. And the PC versions of both are the best ones.

  • My number one all time favorite game as an Adult.

  • +1

    This great video series shows people how to install a great bunch of mods, I've viewed it despite being familiar with mods on Fallout 3.

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