Only just saw this this afternoon. Not sure how much stock they have. Couldn't match at JB cos they don't sell them outright and Harvey Norman didn't even consider it at all.
Also Xperia Z for $429.
Only just saw this this afternoon. Not sure how much stock they have. Couldn't match at JB cos they don't sell them outright and Harvey Norman didn't even consider it at all.
Also Xperia Z for $429.
Good to see you can still design your own websites with GeoCities… nice one MSY. Web design in 1994 was the pinnacle.
I offered to re-design their site for free a few years back it is so god damn annoying… I never did receive a reply :(
You obviously never seen the web site they had before the current one XD
This one is a marked improvement.
Is anything on MSY legible?
does anyone know which one is a better phone, Xperia Z or Nexus 5 ? Thanks
Generally, Nexus 5 (they're not too far apart, though). It has a better display, CPU and GPU, and is a bit smaller in the hand - but the Xperia Z has a MicroSD slot, price and the waterproofing going for it. Nexus will probably be supported for a bit longer, but the Z's skin isn't that offensive and might actually be preferable (to some) over bare stock Android.
Two terrible phones Sony ever made, why not add extra $$$ and buy a grey import Samsung galaxy Note 3?
why is Z1 terrible?
So you're comparing AU stock against HK import?
The Note 3 is over $800 locally.
I used to have a s4 when it's just came out, I can't belive its still laging. Got a Z1 and its much faster than S4 and the its just fells better in hand and you can take it to swimmimg ;)
Not at all IMO. But the camera was quite disappointing in its output given the specs/bigger sensor.
Really? I've heard nothing but praise about the z1s 20MP camera. What was disappointing about it?
I heard the initial software was terrible, so review units weren't crash hot for the sensor it was packing. I think they fixed that though.
dont use the i+ mode. use M mode with everything defult. You'll be happy ;)
Will never buy Samsung again.
Just look at how long the whirlpool and xda thread on sudden death is and tell me that they have good build quality.
same story happed to my friend and she lost some nice photos whith memory…
What, she didn't enable dropbox or google photo upload? In this day and age? tsk tsk!
(or used a memory card)
I know Sony don't make the best phones, but Samsung is hardly any better.
and to be fair, there's no perfect phones yet… I have an HTC One, it's almost perfect, unfortunately I don't quite like the camera.
The Z1 is the best phone I've owned- love it (free on the $30 Virgin plan, thanx Ozbargain!).
It's the S4 killer 4 sure ;-)
I'm about 5 mins too late for that one ;( Bought it out right ;)
They are tryna screw me with handset repayments still!
Ur the smart 1 m8, "be a debtor to no man" ;-)
The Xperia Z is easily the best phone I have ever owned so far, and there have been a lot, including Samsung's, LGs, iPhone and HTC. Haven't yet used Z1 but heard it is a good upgrade from Z especially the camera. Very tempted by Nexus 5 but lack of microsd and waterproofing is holding me back. Hard to go back to a non waterproof phone especially having young kids, there is a level of comfort knowing it can survive a dunk in water.
quite agree with you. I never buy iPhone/Samsung. If you want me to rank the brands for android, Nexus -> Sony -> HTC. And XiaoMi Miphone will be same rank as HTC. Reason behind this is, I never want to pay premium for a plastic phone. My sister's S4 died within 5 months…no abuse or anything. My HTC lasted me 2 yrs, Nexus 4 dropped endless time and only a few wear marks on it. Now on Nexus 5
I have lots of friends with 2+ year-old S2s which are still working fine. Sometimes it's just the luck of the draw.
The Z Ultra is really nice as a small tablet, but I already have the Nexus 7. Ahhhh.
Sample size is too small to make any meaningful judgments on quality.
Someone else will have had their Z die a week after they got it.
You need more data before you can rank them all.
is this Aus stock ?
Anyone know if this price will remain? I'm only lookig at buying towards end of dec
It will probably even drop, Sony phones don't normally hold their value well.
Waiting to come down under 500…
Dse $697 with speaker ball and $30 gift card
just bought a black one @ $599
another slip in the box saying australian stock gets an additional year of warranty.
pretty happy i didnt buy from Kogan this time :D
Do you have a legible link to this deal?