• expired

Samsung 64" Plasma TV SMART/3D PS64F5500 $1697 Inc. Delivery


Girlfriend decided to give my old 58" Sammy a wash with some alcohol wipes and took the reflective coating off it in some places! So I went into shopping mode yesterday to try and find a mid-range bang for buck replacement. Cheapest price I could find out of the main stores - it's listed at around $200 less than HN, Good Guy's, Bing Lee web prices (which most don't include delivery I believe) so might work as a bargaining tool if anyone needed a genuine bricks and mortar store price.

Click and collect available if there is stock nearby.


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closed Comments

  • +1

    you might want to mention its 3D and smart in the title

    damn thats a tasty tv for what seems like a good price….. cant justify replacing my 55" yet tho

    SAMSUNG 64" (163cm) Full HD 3D SMART PLASMA TV

    • +33

      Thanks, I updated title and put in an official product link.

      I can send her around with her cleaning kit if you really want a reason..

      • +1

        If she's made it anti-reflective or just non-reflective, isn't that a good thing?

  • +19

    I bet you saw her approaching the TV with her wipes and instead of intervening grabbed the nearest phone/tablet and started searching.

    • +9

      I bet he started her off by saying "Gee, the screen looks dirty", having placed the wipes in the vicinity beforehand, and having also researched the 64".

      • +2

        haha great minds think alike? you beat me by 19 seconds :)

    • +6

      the thing that you didnt know was that OP bought the cleaning wipes last week after visiting his local DS's and seeing the price :)

      well played OP, well played

    • +36

      People who want blacks instead of light and dark grey

      • +3

        who buys plasma in the age of LEDs & OLEDs!!!!

        as a 55" led/lcd owner… people who want picture quality

        tho im still happy with my led id happily jump back on the plasma wagon with tv's like this one. im not a fanboy in either direction

        • -1

          You must have a soniq or something crappy like that

        • Or have enough equity in your home to buy an OLED.

    • +2

      People who know what a good picture looks like.

    • +2

      Those who prefer more natural looking skin tones.

    • +1

      Owner of a Samsung 8500 64" plasma.

      It's the best picture on the market. The blackest of blacks…….the contrast…oh my!

      The Panasonic top of the line are OK too ;)

      This F5500 is a great deal!

      • +3

        All great panels, but ST and VT series Panasonics have the best black levels. F8500 is super bright for a plasma though and great contrast. Leave any LED for dead.

    • +1

      People who like picture quality?

    • +3

      Comments like this are the reason plasma is dying.

    • +1

      gamers ;)

      • Is Plasma better than LCD for gaming ? I have my laptop connected to the TV and I use it for watching avi and play some games. My TV resolution for PC is 1024x768 (5 yo 42 Panasonic Plasma)and I was thinking on replacing for an LCD one because I thought it was better for gaming (Sony V800/V900)

    • People who like visual quality.

  • +3

    Only problems with these big plasmas is the weight and power consumption this baby will probably use around $300 worth of power a year.

    • This is a great price! Picture quality is amazing, but if I had my choice again, I would go LED. These massive plasmas give off lots of heat and gobbles up power like it's at an all you can eat buffet, other than that it's very good.

      • Power consumption - 472W peak

        If you stick to watching only movies with very dark pictures like the Chris Nolan Batman series you might even do half that, even better than led.

      • +5

        Load of crap. Watching 3-4 hours a day the difference is $30 or so a year more for plasma. People spend hundreds more on purchase for an LED, which is inferior. Again, marketing spin swaying the gullible.

  • +2

    Bought one couple months ago for slightly cheaper than this and I'm very happy with it.

    I use it mainly for gaming and the input lag is virtually non-existent so I've never even had to turn on the Game Mode.

    If you plan to stream content from your computer then be sure to install the Plex app and media server as the built-in Allshare function no longer supports fast forward/rewind. For some unknown reason they disabled this in a firmware update. You can still skip back/ahead 15 seconds at a time with the left/right buttons, but this takes forever.

    Great picture quality and good 3D depth. TV comes with 2 active shutter glasses.

    My only real issue with this TV is the reflectiveness of the screen. I had to install curtains to block all outside light as otherwise it just isn't suitable for daytime viewing.

    • How much did you buy it for and where? Thinking of getting one, could probably do a pricematch.

      • +2

        Bought from Good Guys for $1780 and had it price matched couple weeks later under their 30 day price guarantee when Harvey Norman was advertising it for $1699.

        With 120% refund of the difference I ended up paying $1682.80

        The TV is now $1897 at Good Guys so if you walk in and ask them to price match Dick Smith it should come down to $1657 + $2 for delivery.

        • ok, thanks Kamoi

  • Just bought a 60" Panasonic Viera a couple of weeks back else I would've jumped on this.

  • +5

    lol at the summary view that ends in " So I went into shopping mode yesterday to try and find a…"

    thought it was going on to say "new girlfriend"

  • +1

    How come the equivalent models were going so much cheaper last year when I bought mine for $1350, I've been waiting for a friend and they never came down this year.

    • What model do you have?

    • i am waiting for Boxing Day Sales, so i hope they go cheaper too :)

    • +1

      I've been waiting for a friend

      Awww, we're all your friends here at OzBargain!

  • We all know you did this on purpose. Hehe

    And just in time for the weekend. How convenient… ;)

    • -2

      Could have sold it

      So how is this smart?

  • +6

    I feel so conflicted. Nice to see the girlfriend trying. But clearly she has her limitations. Ultimately I feel you must let her go. You can't go on replacing televisions forever. But girlfriends can come and go (preferably).

  • http://www.dicksmith.com.au/tvs/panasonic-50-127cm-full-hd-s…

    this looks like a good deal too, Panasonic ST60 at $1117 - one of the best plasma TVs money could buy

  • I know that plasmas have considerably better image quality than led, LCD but why are there not many plasma televisions around?

    • +1

      Increased power consumption.

      • -3


    • Because they took a long while to get the picture quality that they've got now. During that time they got a bad wrap from being thicker, heavier, more power hungry & the fact that LCD/LED's just were the 'cool new thing' and that's how they were marketed.

    • -6

      We have one of each lcd/plasma.
      The lcd is far better.
      The plasma is a reasonably new Panasonic supplied under wty to replace a dead one.
      Panasonic are dropping plasmas from their product line up.

      Some people still like crt's :-)

      • +12

        Damn… So many clueless people on here.

        LCD will continue as it's mass made for a huge variety of uses. They're much easier and cheaper to produce. Plasma Is more or less made for home use only. OLED will replace plasma as the enthusiast choice.

        Plasma provides superior image quality to LCD / LED.

        OLED is actually closer as a technology to Plasma than LCD / LED. Pixels on plasma and OLED can switch completely off, LCD will forever give a crappy washed out black.

        You're the typical, gullible person that marketing was designed for. My condolences.

  • +1

    Does it have the plasma buzz and how does it go with image burn

    I watch a lot of fox sports who have solid logs that don't move for hours on end

    How would it go with this?

    • +2

      Burn in is thing of the past for Plasma.
      I wouldn't count Plasma as dead yet, there is some research suggesting power consumption lower than led down the track.
      We have both and personally I like the Plasma's picture and that is on a 5/6 year old set, with no burn in :)

    • +1

      Mine was used p
      For the nrl on fox sports in HD and burn in was never an issue. Pausing on a shot for a while left a slight ghost, but 2 minutes later the ghost image is gone. So much technology to prevent burn in, that it hasnt been a serious issue in a long time. Even my htpc hasnt left any burn in, and at times it has sat in screens for hours (xbmc menus and windows desktop.)

    • Curious to know this too, because the E models were very buzzy!!!

    • +5

      yeah because the price tag is really comparable

      • Maybe not, but it has halved in 6-12 months as does any emerging technology and it won't be too long before they are the same price, then that point will be valid.

    • +3

      Irrelevant. OLED is fantastic but obscenely expensive and not obtainable.

      The Samsung F8500, ST and VT Panasonic Plasmas all comfortably outperform any LED, including the 4k panels. 4k LED is disgusting marketing $pin.

      Take it from people who know what they're talking about if you don't believe me…


      Marketing is twisting your mind. Notice the 4k LED is front and centre in the department store with the HD demo on, while Plasmas sit in the rear corner with SD sport on them? Then checkout the price. There's no margin to be made on plasma, LOTS to be made by dummies who buy 4k. Free advice.

    • +2

      I can seen an idiot who probably owns an LED back lit LCD trying to justify his own purchase. Seems people haven't seen 4K OLED because how available are they? Plasma are still the best bang for the buck, get over it child.

    • Playing 1080p content on a 4k tv ? Won't be any difference.

  • +2

    This is a brilliant tv. I have one in my mancave that I bought 3 or 4 months ago from JB. Paid pretty much the same price that its at now. Picture is amazing, the screen size has a much bigger wow factor then 4k does IMO. Sit a couple of metres away and you can barely see the added pixels, if at all. Meanwhile a glorious 64inch picture with beautiful colours can be appreciated very easily.

    I just picked up the 39inch 4k on here a few days ago and as gorgeous as the picture is for a computer monitor and sitting close. If i sit the same distance as I do from my 64inch, the 4k isnt noticeable. Obviously a 64inch with 4k would be more likely to look better, but even if it does they wont look 3 times as good.

  • I would have gone shopping for a replacement girlfriend.

  • +2

    waiting for a deal on the TH-152UX1 152" 4k plasma :P


    • +1

      …to play your abundantly available 4k encoded content?

      I mean short of your own recorded 4K videos…what are you going to actually watch on 4k?

      • +3

        Jokes are difficult to understand.

        I nearly bought this TV, but had to look at other models because it was too big to fit through the door. If only they would bundle it with a free sledgehammer I think that would solve a lot of problems.

      • +1

        It's about $500,000 - no or low content is the very least of my worries m8 ;-)

        • +2

          It's about $500,000 - no or low content is the very least of my worries m8 ;-)

          you need a second mortgage to buy it

          Power Consumption: 3700W

          and a 3rd mortgage just to run it…… :|

      • g-games? Oh wait that's another 5k on a rig to play them on.

  • I'm trying to wait for post-Christmess sales :P

  • I'm not in the market for a new TV, but I admit it never occurred to me that alcohol wipes would ruin a TV screen. I suppose everybody else here knew that, but such good advice gets a Plus from me.

    • yup. only ever use a clean microfibre cloth, maybe very slightly damp with warm water. no chemicals or cleaners.

      • water with a dash of vinegar works really well for me. makes it streak less.

        ive also started using vinegar as my rinse aid in my dishwasher after someone on OzB suggested it and it works really well for me.

  • Before rushing to buy this model consider that this year's F8500 series 8 model has a significantly better picture than this older series 5 panel.

  • am i correct in assuming the F5000 series plasma is just a dumbed down version of this model without smart tv features but with similar screen? interested in the 51inch plasma at 717

  • +2

    This is my TV. I think I've had it a year. Excellent - love it. Plasma is my preference. It's just a more natural looking picture to me. Excellent for all devices.

    All TV's are too reflective. I've not had any better than this.

  • +1

    So many, 'my XXX is better than your YYY' going on here, make up your own minds at the store.

    I did.

    • +3

      I agree. And even if one is objectively better than the other, there's no need to be condescending jerks about it. They're TV's for god's sake.

      • Room lighting can have a lot of difference on how a panel looks. This should be taken into consideration when choosing.

  • What's the 'buzz' level like on these newer F models compared to the E?
    Ps. Would like genuine responses, not just "yeah she's great mate" because you're trying to justify spending that much money on a beehive like a lot of E model owners (like myself)!!!

    • On the F8500 there is a buzz but at a meter or so I can't hear it.

  • Any deals on a TV stand that can hold this behemoth? 36kg, and very large base, not sure if my current glass stand for a 20kg 37" can hold it.

    • If you can, and want to, wall mount it. It looks incredibly impressive sitting on the wall by itself!

      • Would be impressive on the wall. That was my intention however the wall in my place was built with the aluminum foil like core shit :(

        Be sure it's a low profile mount, looks much better than the el cheapo mounts.

        IKEA has some good options if a stand is what you want.

      • Would be impressive on the wall. That was my intention however the wall in my place was built with the aluminum foil like core shit :(

        Be sure it's a low profile mount, looks much better than the el cheapo mounts.

        IKEA has some good options if a stand is what you want.

  • looking for the ST60 50" Panny tho being a Sammy person scared that it won't play all the regular MKV 720p-1080p standard movie and tv rips? Also any tips on best price and whether to wait for Boxing Day sales….?
    Also curious about the 51" Samsung at the cheaper sub $800 price point 2013 series 5 model, f5000?
    and any one using your sammys and pannys with synology nas (really want the 1513+ new model http://www.synology.com/en-us/products/spec/DS1513%2B) or the asustor 302-4-t http://www.scorptec.com.au/computer/50888-as-302t?gclid=CI-q… which has hdmi out so can autodownload to shows via torrent or usenet ala sick beard n couch potato etc then have unrard files ready to go n plex or hdmi out… trying to figure out ideal tv nas software download subscribe unrar setup ready to view on sub $1200 ST60 or F5000 plasma options…

    • +1

      I'm big on getting media compatibility right and I have this TV. In short, I wouldn't trust any smart TV to decode much adequately. They are a pain in the arse in that area. And there interface is horrid. I'd rely on a seperate box, which is usually inexpensive. A Boxee Box is one solution (clearance prices now, as D-Link are not supporting the product any more). A Roku 3 is good, but needs Plex media server installed on a PC in the same network. A PC is another solution. Just my 2 cents

    • Forgot to say - yes, I use a basic synology with mine. But I don't use any synology 'DS Video' app. That app stopped transcoding recently due to a patent issue. I'm not sure if they've resolved that yet. It's a good file server though. Never any hiccups.

      I'd be cautious about a straight syno - TV link. You're reliant on those limited software sets (Synology / Samsung). Given the NAS is not transcoding now, this could be risky. Having said that, I don't have the high end model you're looking at, but it's the same software.

  • +3

    Thanks for the post.

    Get the last one in Goodguys Compbelltown at $1600. Worth of driving 40 minutes.

    This is much bigger than my old Panasonic 42' plasma.

  • my local TGG offer very poor service - couldn't even price match!! walked out and placed order @ DSE. rather support them…

  • +1

    this is in stock, i need this

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