is an online training company. They have 2,292 courses on design, software development, animation, business skills, etc. (Dare I say, an upmarket version of Udemy? :) )
In association with Creative Bloq, they are giving away 10 days of training with unlimited access to the courses. Main points to note about the trial/giveaway:
- You will need to supply a credit card number, which will be charged and refunded US$1.
- Make sure to cancel your membership before the trial is over, or you will start getting charged for real.
- You need to activate the trial by 25/12/2013.
Original page of the giveaway:…
just a question….
could one subscribe to this deal and download the courses they wanted in this time and then not mind when 10 days later they cannot access anything online because they have it all stored locally?
No, it's not for me, it's for my mate broden ;)