Huggies Nappies for $29.99 and Baby Love for $24.99 at Pulse Pharmacy;
Quality photo from my 5MP LG phone - Huggies up front and you can see Baby Love in the background;
Heaps of stock when I was there - Newborns, boys and girls (sizes up to 18kg).
I think they've made a deal with Huggies. Also saw formula on sale + discounts if you buy six. I was at the Knox City store.
They have heaps of stores in Victoria, some in NSW and a handful in QLD.
(but don't by online as the prices are higher)
First post + first time Mum and Dad. Thanks all.
We purchased this yesterday (wednesday) and there was no limit on how many you could buy.
Nice. $3 cheaper than Toys R Us offer :)
+1 for Huggies.
-1 for Baby Love. We'll rather use the Aldi-brand ones.