Refund for Acer laptop after cashback claimed

I bought an ex display Acer laptop, and after setting it up and claiming the cash back I discovered that the battery did not work.

I took it back to the shop a week after I bought it, and after four days they said it would have to go back to Acer which takes 2-3 weeks.

As I could not wait that long, the shop offered a substitute laptop, but what they had in stock and the extra I had to pay decided me on a refund instead.

As I had told the shop that I had claimed the refund, they would only refund the price I paid minus the refund.

Does anyone know what the legal position is?

As it seems to me they should have refunded the full amount and then cancelled the cash back, which is after all at Acers discretion!


  • The refund should be for the total amount purchased as the cashback issue is between you and Acer.

    Personally, I'd tell a fib - Tell the seller that Acer called you and asked you for information regarding the purchase, and after telling them about the refund they refused the cashback.

    If you don't, the retailer will keep the cash that belongs to Acer, and you have to wait to possibly get your cashback (or lose the amount if cashback is denied)

  • +1

    If Acer take back DOA from stores, they always check if a cashback claim is in progress from my experience, and usually cancel it.

    If DSE are going to resell it as a repaired unit, the person who purchases the notebook afterwards won't be able to claim the cashback.

    I would call the Acer cashback line to ask them how best to proceed. Personally I would inform Acer the cashback is no longer required and demand a full refund from DSE.

    You cannot morally have both the full refund and the cashback - though clearly from your post, you are not after that.

    • Thanks, will do.

      I think I will avoid cash back in future!

  • I had bought an Acer laptop and then due to a fault I had to return it. Acer did not approve cash back.

    So because you are in a similar situation, Acer will most likely cancel your cash back. You will now need to go back to the retailer and get full refund from them. Acer take 2 months to process the cash back claims cover for these types of situations.

    Do not delay and get the full refund.

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