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iPhone 8GB Free on Vodafone $49 cap

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The iPhone is now available free on the $49 Vodafone cap. Includes $350 credit, 200 MB data download, free docking station, plus your choice of Free Evenings and Weekends, Vodafone Best Mate or 100 Free TXT Bonus. This offer is only available on-line, free delivery.

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Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    good stuff, first optus, now vodafone… must be a new iphone coming soon! :)

  • -6

    Apologies, they just don't link it from the main page. Good deal.

    • I have fixed the link to go directly to the iPhone 8GB page. Voting -1 on the wrong link is a bit harsh, don't you reckon?

  • A massive $350 credit* a month

    Does this $350 credit include international call?

    • -3

      Do you mean international "CALLS"?

      Gosh, why do you need international calls from your mobile anyway POWER?

      • Yes…international calls.
        As I don't use that much for national calls… hardly used over $100/month. So I would like to use left over credits for int. to family & friends. Yes I know phone cards are cheaper but this is for the convenience. :)

  • optus is better, they have it for 49 free aswell.. and if you buy online before the 24th you get $50 bonus credit.
    250mb data
    after 8 free calls

    • +1

      Can't use services like http://www.aussiecall.com/ though. Very useful for people like me on 3.

    • i think voda have 3 months free on their online sales?

  • +2

    Optus have 50mb more in data but $50 less in talk credit a month.

  • So does that website (http://www.aussiecall.com/) actually work cyssero.

  • -3

    personally, i still think this is way better

    • Looks like some affiliation site. More importantly, where is iPhone? Otherwise it's not even comparable to the Optus/Vodafone deals.

  • -2

    Mm wasn't this plan out ages ago? I have a friend who had this deal before last Christmas.

  • Does voda cost to unlock on plan?
    Don't think optus does.

    • unlock cost $75

  • -1

    I say definitely wait for announcement of the new one, around June 8th, during Apple's developers conference.

    • apples and oranges. New iphone would be free on $99 plan or something not $49 or $59.

    • Yeah I'm going to wait too. The new models should be released at the same price point and phase out the older models so I wouldn't say a price hike is an absolute certainty.

      • -1

        if that was the case new macbooks would be same price as what they replaced. But in reality new models are always more expensive.

        • Not always…new iPods for instance often are at or very close to what the previous models being phased out were at.

          It was only a guess but I very much doubt you will see a huge price hike, at least on the unit as a stand along price. What promotions telcos run is anyones guess.

  • pure speculation on a new model iPhone being priced the same.

    • Of course I was speculating…everything we know about the device is more or less speculation. The fact that it's "coming out soon" is in itself also speculation.

  • is it possible to pay extra upfront to get the 16gb?

    Also can i use it on another vodafone sim?


    • Looking at Optus' plan, they are charging $13 per month on a 24 month contract to upgrade to 16GB phone.

      I would be going with Vodaphone/3 mobile.
      Hopefully 3 themselves come out with a $49 iPhone cap.
      They seem to have the best extras like international calling and Skype/Data packages.

      I like Voda's Free Evenings and Weekends as it take the Optus 8pm-midnight and adds free calling from Midnight Saturday to Sunday 23:59pm for FREE.

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