Why don't you have a PS Vita yet?

The high cost of the Vita's memory cards prevents me from buying a product with fantastic software, which can only get better with the PS4's immense popularity. I'm really big with downloading titles upon release and having that added space on the memory card to use with the PSN Plus service that allows monthly free game downloads.

I don't understand why Sony won't use the standard microsd card.


  • +9

    I don't understand why Sony won't use the standard microsd card.

    The high cost of the Vita's memory cards

    I think you answered your own question.

    To add salt to the wounds, the vita cards are actually slower than your ordinary microSd or SD card.

    • +1

      I don't know why someone negged you? I believe your spot on with why they don't use a standard format! Its All Money, Money AND MONEY with Sony….

      • +1

        I don't care about negs but I just wish they had the balls to explain it.

        • +1

          The reason why someone neg'd you is obvious isn't it?

          There are so many people fixated on the idea that the cards are so overpriced that they refuse to buy one or generate some interest.

          I say, why?

          It's the total price of the console that counts, not the individual items, the console could be $1 and the cards $200, for all I care I just want to pay ~$250 for a complete portable game device. And it just so happens you can get an easy deal for $250 almost anywhere with a decent sized card.

          For the record, competitors like a 3DS XL is already more expensive than the Vita console, will the 'cheaper' SD cards make the system 'lower' cost? Is the idea that knowing the media is cheaper helps swallow the price tag, despite paying more at the cashier.

          If you don't like the console, or aren't interested, yeah sure fair enough, but the memory cards being expensive is a fairly weak argument when the initial outlay for the console is so damn low priced.

        • +2

          Savvy gamers like you consider the total system price, but not everyone does, particularly those that are gift givers.

          The low system cost is to entice (sucker?) you in to using their platform (wow, Vita is $50 cheaper than it's competitor!), then they recoup the 'lost profits' with overpriced proprietary accessories. After all, Sony could have just used regular SD cards, why make them proprietary at all?

          If Sony had priced the Vita $50 higher but used regular SD cards, I wonder whether it would have sold as well?

        • Even non-savy gamers consider the game lineup though.

        • +1

          That is one of the biggest myths around gaming today, "the Vita doesn't have a good game line up". What a crock of ****! I have a 64GB memory card literally chock full of them, I also have around 15 hard copies of good games. It's almost as bad as when people say that "the 3DS only has kids Mario games on it". Both are just biased fanboi statements and shouldn't be allowed to continue.

  • thought it was a matter to prevent piracy. I was lucky to get 16gb for 15bucks from an ebay auction. i just started to play with it after a year in storage ATM playing dragons crown then on to muramasa rebirth…

    best bet if ebay see anyone auctioning off their cards.

  • Few things.
    I hate the idea of non-clamshell portables, just an accident waiting to happen.
    Because the games are terrible and have no way in hell of competing against the 3DS lineup- Fake monster hunters vs real monster hunter? Persona vs real shin megami tensei/devil survivor?
    I don't feel dragons crown is enough to get me to buy one (and I already played muramasa which is pretty subpar on the wii).

    When I see it on sale I'm like, oh cool, cheap vita, but then I remember the above 2 things and walk away.

    Obviously this is all personal opinion and you're entitled to your own, you asked, so I'm explaining the things that make me stay away from it.

    • +3

      Honestly mate the clam shell is a non-issue. I have both consoles and carry them both at times. The XL is the one with the screen damage from the screens rubbing against one another.

      Persona 4 Golden is the pinnacle of the SMT series for me. It's the best story, best amount of content and quality production of the expanded series in my opinion. One of the best games I have ever played on any console.
      I play and love Monster Hunter, I've followed it since the PS2 days and it was the only reason I have bought both of the new Nintendo consoles. Now Soul Sacrifice is of the Monster Hunter genre (4 player co-op against monster enemies with RPG aspects in small maps) but it is different enough to warrant it's existence. It's your loss if you don't play it, same with Ragnarok Odyssey (totally different feel than Soul Sacrifice and Monster Hunter)
      In many ways both of these games better Monster Hunter, in other ways Monster Hunter has the edge. God Eater 2 is looking like it is going to envelop all of the aforementioned games and Toukiden and Freedom Wars are also looking great. Calling them Fake Monster Hunter's is a bit of a cop out in my opinion, you should try them before branding them. After all do we call Mortal Kombat a fake Street Fighter, same with Tekken, Dead Or Alive etc

      Dragon's Crown, I didn't like it tbh though I know many people do. Muramasa Rebirth though is a hell of a lot better on Vita than it was on Wii (again, I have both)

      • +2

        I've never really liked the story in persona, the gameplay isnt good enough for me to disregard the story.

        It's not that I wouldn't like to play the monster hunter clones, it's just that I cant justify my purchase of the vita with them. I had a psp for monster hunter and barely ever ended up touching anything else, I did try god eater as well on the psp.

        Also the clamshell annoys me, it annoyed me on the psp, I constantly worry for some reason about scratching the screen.

        Anyway I'll just prepare to get downvoted again. Sucks to not like something other people like. The OP is asking why we dont have one, I'm not just randomly hating your favorite thing.

        • +2

          I'm not downvoting you, just responding. I use a Horiscreencover on mine. On my other one I have a clam shell cover that came with the special edition set of Muramasa. Also I don't understand why you call other games of the same genre clones? Like I said before, the other fighting games are not known as Street Fighter clones, FPS games are not known as Wolfenstein clones so why the negativity?
          I also am not sure how you can not like a Vita if you've never had one and how you cannot like the P4G game if you've never played it? Its known as the best in the series.

        • Street fighter didn't invent the genre.
          Monster hunter may have invented it's own genre, I just don't see it as yet, since no one has tried to name it :P.

          As for the last part, had a psp, was not a huge fan. Played other persona games. All up, not enough to make me buy the vita. Things can change though.

          If they brought out a few more games that I want to play and I had a ps4, I would consider it. Maybe if some new AAA mmo's that I actually keep playing come out on the ps4 and I can do remote play in the house on a vita.

        • SF actually did invent the 1 vs. 1 genre we know today with all of the special moves etc

          Not sure why you can't see the MH genre but am happy to just call other games clones? Those games you are calling clones are vastly different in terms of game play.

        • 'the games are terrible and have no way in hell of competing against the 3DS lineup". It does seem true but i do enjoy my vita more actually. also whenever i go back to the 3ds screen i do notice the graphics downgrade.

          I enjoy both systems but if i think about it i have definitely spent more time playing the vita. Also owning a vita is much cheaper in the end thanks to psn sales, ps+ and the games themselves are generally cheaper.

          *edit - once i finish lego lord of the rings on the vita (enjoying it alot despite the reviews) i'll be working on the new zelda game :P cant wait.

        • +1

          For me my 3DS is all about Monster Hunter and Fire Emblem (I will finish the new Zelda of course)

        • MH and FE are still on my backlog….

          3DS backlog:

          • mario 3d land
          • starfox 3d
          • resident evil
          • MH 3
          • Donkey kong country
          • fire emblem
          • mario and luigi dream team
          • kid icarus
          • zelda OoT
          • zelda albw

          also a couple games i bought coz it was cheap but not sure if i will play - tekken and street fighter.

        • Mines pretty similar.

          You should add Bravely Default, came out last week, it's the best final fantasy game in years (see how much better a game it is when squeenix outsource).

          There is no way the graphics on the 3DS are as good for sure, but, I dont really mind that - would I have prefered it over 3D though? yes. But I also think the touch pad is the dumbest idea ever on the back of the vita.

        • Touchpad is great when used right. Games like LBP and FIFA make very good use. In FIFA it represents the opponents goal for precision shooting.

  • +1

    I have one as well as a 3DS, for me platformers & puzzlers are what makes a great handheld, & this is what the 3DS has over the Vita.

    Agreed on the cost of memory cards, what a rip off.

  • -3

    More like you can't install custom firmware or hack more than those memory cards, even if you can its not gonna be cheaper with those cards

  • I don't understand why Sony won't use the standard microsd card.

    Money and probably security reasons. I only got one when the card was included in the EB deal recently. What concerns me though is replacement of the battery in a couple years, after it ages and can't hold as much charge.

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