Ever been declined for a credit card ? If so what was your experience ? What did you do ?
Who did you contact ? Was there a valid reason ? What was the final outcome ?
Credit Card Applications - Ever Been Declined?

I was declined for a 28 degrees master card about 6 months ago which seemed extremely odd to me. I had zero debts (no house or car loans etc) savings in the bank, history of savings, good credit rating, and a current credit card with an aussie bank with nothing on that either (I wanted to replace this card) I was baffled. The only thing I think I had against me was recently moving in with my girlfriend, so my current place of residence was less than 4 months. My previous housing situation was rock solid for years which was also on the application.
I reapplied in the last 2 weeks and was accepted, the application changed in no way whatsoever. I don't know what they base their decisions off.
Edit: I asked them why it had been declined and they said they have a department which made those decisions and something on my application caused it to be rejected. Gee thanks, I couldn't have figured that out myself!
GE Money seem to be really pedantic about your address - no other cc company is in my experience! I had a similar experience (post below).
I long time ago when I was a student I had a $500 limit on a credit card. I wanted to increase it to whatever they would give me, but they bank couldn't even give me a hint and just said keep putting in applications and they will either reject them or not. Get rejected for $2000 but not for $1000. Whole system is stupid.
Got knocked back for woolworths credit card a couple of times in thenlast few years for no apparent reason.
Got the usual response that they can't disclose the details as to why I was rejected and so on
Had an Amex at the time and got the Qantas staff credit union card too without any problems so it was more confusing!
Then, several months back I applied again and was approved! Even though I still had the other cards.Whole system is a joke and doesn't make sense - maybe they just reject every 4th application to keep us on our toes?
I once was rejected for a citibank card for not earning the required minimum annual limit. I specifically told them twice before. Submitting the application on the phone that I work two jobs but I suppose they called one up and it wasn't higher than their minimum. Decided to just give up as they seem totally incompetant everything I've had to call them for something.
I couldn't get a 28 degrees card because although I could provide 100 points of ID, their policy is that you also have to provide proof of residence at the address the card is posted to. I was temporarily living interstate and didn't have bills etc in my name, and there was no point changing my drivers license. I went with another cc company who didn't have this requirement, it seemed to be specific to GE Money (providers of 28 degrees). Ironically, I could have had the card posted to my previous address in WA and forwarded to me by the others living there if I had wanted it badly enough.
Mine was rejected thrice. I migrated here on a PR visa around one and half years back, and got a job soon after(Contract job, 6 figure salary).
Applied for commonwealth bank card and got it with 15K limit.
Applied for Citi(Shitty?) bank, rejected without giving a reason, though they have my salary account with good savings in it. Apparently they cant give the reason for rejection. But I guess the reasons for rejection are:
1. Been only 8 months living here in Sydney(when I applied), with a savings account of 6 months old.
2. Contract Job(may be they know the IT jobs are never guaranteed jobs, and might have thought they not gonna last here for long with almost all jobs are outsourcing)
3. Good savings(in Citi and CMB bank) and on time payments with CMB credit card, means less chance of using Citi credit card, and with on-time payments there is less chance of paying any late payment fee or interest charges.
4. Single, so not many expenses.After 14-15 months of arriving in Sydney, with a constant income (still a contract job), applied for HSBC and Virgin cards, both were rejected without a reason. Not sure what are the reasons.
Where as my friend who has around 45K income, married, get a card whereever he applies..
My assumption is, they give credit cards to "only" the people who spend much or chance of spending much and paying interest with late payments etc.. not sure.
But I am happy with Commonwealth Credit Card, not in the near future thinking to apply for a card again..
I got rejected multiple times but what annoyed more is BOM, BankWest, GE Coles MC did not really reject but offered almost peanuts as limit inspite of having 6 figure contract i/c.
I think they should disclose why they are rejecting. Or they should be really clear in their eligibility criteria.
Yes. I applied for a Wizard (GE Money) card once and was declined.
IMHO, there should not have been a reason why I would have been declined.
I asked why but was told that they could not disclose why to me…
I was told that I would have re-apply to be considered again.
Not a satisfactory outcome.