Woolies Delivery - Giving away those large plastic crates?

I just got my Woolies delivery (free delivery thanks to OzB). I started to take the items out of the first large black plastic crate and the guy asked if he could leave it there. I asked him if he meant I could have them. He said yes and offered to go get more for me out of the truck.

These crates look fairly sturdy and I am surprised that I have not seen someone talk about the added value of getting these with delivery.

Do all the woolies delivery guys give away these plastic cases?

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  • No, the fellow didn't leave the crate with my delivery.

  • +1

    can u post a pic of this crate?

  • I somehow doubt that they're meant to give them way. Weird - but I have encountered a few odd Woolies delivery drivers.

    • I was really surprised how eager he was to go fetch more for me from the trcck he had already closed up.

      • Were the crates in good nick? Maybe a batch starting to fail at the foldy-joints when heavily laden and due for replacement, or maybe they're just in the process of switching over to a new design or colour for corporate/promo reasons.
        May also just be a disgruntled employee seeking to cost the company money whenever and wherever they can.

        Good get, anyway. I actually have a black collapsible crate somewhere , but I paid for mine!

  • +1 for a pic please

  • +1
    • i have a suspicion they are either scaling down or closing down this operation

      seen a few "we no long offer delivery" signs

      • I assume you're talking about signs at individual supermarkets?
        Almost all supermarkets used to offer limited delivery services to surrounding suburbs. Pretty inevitable that it would migrate to the completely online thing for most.
        Specific large supermarkets (with good truck parking logistics) now serve as delivery hubs for large areas.

        • Specific large supermarkets (with good truck parking logistics) now serve as delivery hubs for large areas.

          the shop my delivery came from is quite a distance from where i live (15+ kms)

        • Our Woolworths deliveries come from a supermarket about 15k away. Deliveries from Coles for us - very nearly 25.

    • +3

      Probably these??? http://resources2.news.com.au/images/2012/04/07/1226321/2278…

      nice! picking up your groceries from the car park outside woolies. that's going to be convenient!

      • The similarity to actually shopping yourself is just uncanny.

    • Yes. That is what they look like. Mine seems bigger. They are very sturdy.

  • This happened to me the first time I got delivery - the guy just said I'll pick them up next time (only if there is free delivery again I was thinking!). Of course he never came back so now I think they might come in handy for storage or when moving house.

  • I have asked in the past whether the driver from either coles or woollies could leave the crates - some have & others said No as they were accountable back at the store + worth apx. $15.00 ea. However we now have about a dozen which drivers have left - very handy for husbands new workshop to store his tools in. Nice to get something back for paying inflated charges on groceries on top of the delivery charge.

  • +2

    OK, now I'm suffering from some serious foldy-crate envy.

    We might have a go with the next driver. With a little luck (suspicion growing), lots of them might be being paid kickbacks from the crate manufacturer…

  • I used to work for Woolies in Produce and if they are the same crates that im thinking off (black with foldable sides) they are accounted for back at the store. Stacked on pallets and sent back with the driver that does the deliveries every night.

    I don't think they are strict on policing the count of them, so if your driver is nice enough to leave them, then sweet. No harm in asking!

  • I asked a Woolworths driver last week if he 'needed' the crates back, and he said he did.

    With that said, we used to find it hit and miss with Coles Online drivers back when most people didn't know online shopping existed.

  • +4

    I scored one when the delivery guys were running really late. "I'll pick it up next time". I always feel a bit guilty ordering from Woolies online for delivery because I can see a Woolies store from my driveway. But that $10 discount was too hard to pass up! If only they did click and collect…

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