Buy any of the hosting packages at go daddy, and you get a free domain registration. And $56.59 Facebook ad credit. My hosting is running out soon. This seems like a better deal for me. Check the conditions though.
Free Domain and Facebook Ad Credit with Purchase of Web Hosting

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Most hosting providers give such credits on signing up, prices are bad.
All hosters do this, and godaddy is a very dodgy company. Not a deal at all.
Firing anti-GoDaddy retro rockets.
Just kidding, but honestly, that's not a deal seeing as how dodgy GoDaddy is in the first place, and the hosting plan itself isn't good value at all.
Go Daddy is shit, once I bought a domain in a deal with them ($2.89), they sent an email a week later saying that they'll take it back due to "suspicious activities", I had just point a blank heroku site to it!
What the bloody piece of s**t
Not free if I have to buy something >:(!