Farewell to OzBargain from theearth


After 1141 posts and 1058 comments I am retiring (Sadly) from posting any deal in the future.
I really have had enough of some arrogant Oz bargainers here. Selfishness and arrogant are on the rise.

May I also thank majority of My fellow Ozbargainers for their kindness and supports

For example….. Someone neg my post for invalid reason although my post was clearly correct at later time, that person never revoked his/her neg vote and just ignored it. in other word, hit and run(not taking any responsibility on his/her own action).

Reported to Mods to remove that invalid neg vote but no action from Mods.
My Post

My experience with posting the deals in Oz bargain taught me that My judgement was right on this deal.

Have a good evening all

Unity, cornbeef, forma2,WNK.. Please keep up the good work
Thank you

closed Comments

  • +5

    noooo don't leave!!!! Please think of the CHILDREN!!!!!!

    But seriously, you should let it flow off your back…. The positive people outweigh the negative.

  • +18

    You dont have to tell anyone if you want to leave, except if you want people to ask you not to

    • +4

      He wants to know people love him
      And beg him not to leave

      His self worth and self esteem depends on it

      Does it mean there should be a thread like this
      Every time someone negs your deal?

      Grow up
      Get out more and get more sun

      Life has positive and negatives
      Deal with it!

  • -1

    Don't leave.

  • No don't leave; don't ever let a few neg votes ever get the better of you. Lucky this place isn't as bad as Yahoo Answers (where you get wiped for "chat" and lose a few points … points of which don't get you anything anyways). I received a rap over the knuckles over there once because I responded to a question which asked for possum recipes. All I did wrong was ask why anyone would want to eat one! True dinks. :o} Go figure on that one. Yes, I was peeved but not peeved enough to let a few negs or wipe outs get in the way. Remember "water off a duck's back" - The World wouldn't be the same place without a little criticism thrown our way now and then.

  • +8

    I don't think getting negged is that big of a deal. You get one and you move on.

    Then after the smoke has cleared you add them to your list. Create a new account via an anonymous proxy to make friends with them and follow the deals they like, leaving a few nice comments here and there. Eventually you become friends and go to a meet-up. And that's when you slide the shank in their side while whispering hoarsely in their ear REMEMBER ME??? YOU NEGGED ME!!! WAS IT WORTH IT???

    Cover your tracks and you're golden. Go to Bunnings and buy some stuff on special. Plastic sheeting. Concrete. Lye. Shovel. Use your gift cards to get a nice discount. Afterwards pick up one of these cheap flights out of the country for a short holiday just to be safe.

    That's the true OzBargain spirit.

  • +11

    Seeya Princess, thanks for all the posts.

  • +21

    Definition of a First World Problem.

    Got a Neg.

    Now Upset.

    • +7

      You lost me when you used Nelson Mandela in the context of an OzBargainer voting saga…

      • +1

        You lost me when you used big words and Philosophy…..:P

  • +1

    I'm crying on the inside.

  • +13

    too many cry babies on this site crying over fake internet points that mean nothing.

    you should all be on facebook.

    • where's Dr Phil when you need him?

  • +13

    This thread has more drama than a season final of Home and Away

    All over 1 negative vote

  • +1

    This thread is lame

    If everyone created one coz they get a negative vote

    This site should be called

    OzSooking or ozSookie

  • +1

    There are two kinds of people.

    1. Jerks
    2. Those who are not jerks.

    If you are not a school kid, you should know whom to ignore.

  • +1

    Thanks for posting that insane DSE 50% off Wii U deal! Keeps me happy :)

  • theearth doesn't owe these people anymore, he has given them everything..

  • Ol Gil doesn't like this

  • I think the meaningful discussion in this thread has run its course and is now delving into personal attacks. Thread closed.

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