Game's got numerous specials at the moment, but the most impressive in my opinion is the Halo 3 Legendary edition for half price! I didn't even think you could get them any more. P.S. this is my first post, sorry for screw ups lol. Online Specials (Few Good Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii Specials)

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a "please" and "thank you" wouldnt hurt
I have seen far worse replies to useless posts, and a posted bargain without the basic necessary details is useless. Here's a "please" for you. PLEASE get stuffed. Thankyou
just post the titles, and their prices. Also remove the "first post please be nice"..please
there are way to many titles to list, if you want to look get off your ass and look at it yourself. Nice find!
Heres an overview thanks to Kotaku AU…Hardware
DSi (plus Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars and a carry case) $329
PS3 (plus Killzone 2 or Singstar ABBA) $659
Wii (plus Mario Power Tennis) $369Software
Animal Crossing + Wii Speak (Wii) $99
Assassin’s Creed (PS3) $29
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (360) $29
Battlefield: Bad Company (360, PS3) $49
Blue Dragon (360) $29
Chili Con Carnage (PSP) $19
Colin McRae: DiRT (PC) $14
Contact (DS) $17
Crush (PSP) $19
Disaster: Day of Crisis (Wii) $59
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (PC) $14
Etrian Odyssey (DS) $39
Far Cry 2 (PC) $39
Final Fantasy III (DS) $39
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii) $59
Forza 2 (360) $19
God Hand (PS2) $19
God of War 2 (PS2) $24
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (DS) $49
Guitar Hero III + guitar (360, PS3) $85
Halo 3 Legendary Edition + cat helmet (360) $99
Heroes of Might & Magic V (PC) $14
Kane & Lynch (360) $29
Korg DS-10 (DS) $39
Lost Odyssey (360) $49
Mass Effect (360) $39
Motorstorm (PS3) $39
Ninja Gaiden II (360) $49
Resistance 2 (PS3) $79
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon (DS) $39
Tomb Raider Legend (360) $24
Tomb Raider Underworld Collector’s Edition (360) $64
Virtua Fighter 5 (360) $19Not much of a sale (game is too expensive) but good find.
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List the titles and their prices….