Saw this online and thought it's a good price. Pity none available here in Adelaide but other major cities seem to have stock!
Samsung Galaxy S3 $359 @ Officeworks - Limited Stock Pickup

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Some one who's considering buying Huawei from the other Mobiciti deal..
Eeeeeewwwwww cat fight!
Where can you actually get one for that price, though? Aren't they all sold out for the foreseeable future?
Someone who wants a card slot and OLED screen
I have the nexus 5. The camera and the sound output is abysmal.
Patiently waiting for a software fix.
Do it yourself broseph, don't need to be rooted or anything. Or just wait for the 4.4.1 OTA to come to you… I was too impatient though :P
EDIT: Oops, forgot to mention the critical bits! There's significant camera improvements and supposedly the speaker stuff is fixed too, though I haven't had speaker issues so can't really comment.
someone who doesn't want a 5" phone
but a 4.8"? the physical size is almost identical to the nexus5, except u get more screen on the nexus
OK someone who wants microSD storage then. And physical buttons that don't take up half the screen.
yea some people want a 4.8inch sceen but not 5 inch. size of phone illrlevant
If we're going to be precise,the Nexus 5 is actually 4.95" screen
5/100 of an inch matters?Yer keep telling the ladies that
A much better screen too.
1080p striped RGB LCD vs 720p pentile AMOLED is well, easily one sided.
I regret buying this phone.
Seriously for this price get a 2gig ram phone. I am running Cynogen mod on my phone because Touch Wiz is unusable on 1gig of Ram. Or at least get the LTE model which has 2gig of ram.I bought my 3G model from Kogan a year ago for $100 more, but I have no regret :)
Wait till it slows to a halt. When you cant type cus it lags so badly.
Sounds like your ram is way over burdened? Have you tried a cache managing app like AVG cleaner? I never had that problem with my S3.
I tried a ton of apps cleaners and ram managers. Even rooted the phone to try specific ones. Best thing I did was install Cynogen mod. Now it runs super quick. Uses up about 60% of the ram.
Due to no TRIM support, flashing a new rom with a complete wipe probably helped as well.
I am not sure what apps you are running there Kaboda, but I have been using mine for a year and it has not lagged significantly.
LTE is important i think … but then again probably only use this phone for a year or two before changing again :) its a good product and a good option when comparing midrange phones
For me the big gripe was the ram difference between the LTE and the 3G model. I have no issues using 3G till LTE becomes cheaper.
I think it is time to think a 4G phone. After all, both optus and telstra are operating 4G network.
no stocks around my area
Elsternwick : "yeah we just sold our last one". To a grinning ozbargainer no doubt.
If only Officeworks' site wasn't running on a Vic20
When is the Samsung Galaxy S5 coming out?
i think i read somewhere in the first quarter but that was most likely a rumor, i think its likely within the first 6 months of 2014 :)
No one knows but best guess would be early to mid next year.
Having said that, the S4 i9505 is now being replaced by the S4 i9506 by a lot of overseas retailers, and local telcos are also now selling it.
The i9506 is basically an updated S4 with the S800 Snapdragon CPU and CAT4 LTE. Same internals as the Note 3 less 1 gig of RAM.
So this could potentially stave off the release of the S5.
The S3 also has a removable battery. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Nexus line doesn't.
So when you're frustrated with your Nexus/iPhones dieing a slow painful death with poor battery life, just remember you could have bought a S3. Instead of having to throw out the handset, you can just buy a new replacement battery.
Even better, you can get the OEM Extended battery which gives you 3000mah without any real extra bulge. On my S3 LTE, I can hammer my phone all day and still have about 20-30% left at night without much of a worry.
Just to come in off the top rope.
Does the nexus 5 have a microSD card slot?However it does support UBUNTU touch.
But then again that will eventually get ported over to the galaxy.The Nexus battery is fairly easy to replace yourself. No need to throw away the handset.
As team teri said, the Nexus battery is easy to replace yourself. You can buy internal ("sealed") batteries (etrade supply is one supplier) and replace them. It's not hard to do. I've done it twice before with a One X and a Nexus 4. (You can buy the Nexus 4 internal battery for $47USD incl. shipping btw).There's absolutely so no good reason why you would have to throw out the whole phone if the battery is completely dead.
If given the choice between an phone with outdated specs but with a microsd slot and a removable external battery vs a phone without a microsd slot and with an internal battery (which I know for a fact I can replace myself) but with vastly superior specs in every other area (GPU, chipset, CPU, RAM, timely, bloat-free OS updates straight from Google, etc)…. I'd take the latter every time.
One could always move up to the Galaxy 4 which is much closer to the Nexus 5 specs (although still an older chipset). I guess it's just a matter of deciding whether gaining a microsd card and external battery is worth paying an extra $150 (or more) for… hmmm ;)
You forgot to mention that you would also be voiding your warranty in order to replace the battery. As a Nexus 4 owner myself my opinion of the phone is that it is great on paper but in reality it's a fragile temperamental experiment of a phone. I can't comment on the N5 as I have never owned one and perhaps they got things right with it? I won't shell out to find out though, after Xmas (wife has bought me a 4G Note 3) I'll send my N4 back to LG for repair/replacement and sell it once it returns. It's only 4 month old and has been a terrible phone.
The selling point that got me on board with Android in the first place (jumped from 3GS to SGS2) was it's openness, it's anti-Apple agenda. Having no expandable memory or replaceable battery is the wrong direction and it irks me.
True, replacing the battery yourself would void the warranty, but atlas referred to the phone dieing a slow painful death with poor battery life. Generally when a phone gets to that stage it would typically be past it's warranty period anyway, unless you happen to get a dud from the get go, which is when you'd obviously want to get it serviced under warranty.
I owned a Nexus 4 for a few months and had it up until a few weeks ago. I sold it and upgraded to the Nexus 5. I never had any real problem with the N4, apart from the subpar camera. That was the one thing I missed from the One X. Just curious… what problems have you had with your N4?
I've had the N5 for a couple of weeks now and so far I'm really happy with it. Way better than the N4 in all respects in my opinion, and battery life has been great. Granted I'm running a custom rom so that's giving me noticeably better battery life than stock, but I wouldn't exactly call stock battery life horrible.
Re you moving to Android due to its openness and the anti-Apple agenda - I agree that no expandable memory or replaceable (external) battery is the wrong direction. I groaned when first started reading last year that that's where the future of Android phones were headed. Samsung seems determined to keep things old school in that regard with the microsd and replaceable battery with the flagship Galaxy models, which is good, but you have to pay a premium for it, and for me I can't justify the significantly higher price point just for those two things.
As annoying as it is that the Android model overall has been moving in that direction re storage and battery, I still find it more acceptable than going the Apple route.
Battery lasts roughly 4 hours from a full charge now and it overheats and reboots often. It actually gets very hot, enough for me to pull it out of my pocket.
lasts roughly 4 hours from a full charge now
Mine is shit but not that bad, do you mean the on screen time? If so, that's about right.
Else, have you tried the usual troubleshooting of formatting, etc.?Heat is a real pain though. Gets hot even when I'm just playing some simple game.
Nah, leterally leave for work at 7am and battery is dead by 11.30am at the latest. That is using it for listening to music or podcasts but still, 4 hours??
That's not normal
Fair enough, I guess I stand partially corrected.
However itt doesn't really get around the fact that you can't easily extend the battery life of the phone without an external battery case. Carrying a spare battery is not feasible, nor is installing an extended battery - and by all reports that I've seen, battery life is indeed a key weakness of the N5.
Like I mentioned above, I haven't had any problems with battery life. I was getting about a day and a half running the stock rom with a couple hours a day of web browsing via 3G and wifi (no 4G in my area), a few calls here and there etc. Now that I'm running a custom rom I can get just over 2 days usage out of it before I have to put it on the charger.
Initially I was hesitant about getting a phone with an internal battery (One X was the first phone I bought that had one), mainly for the reasons that you gave. After owning the One X, the N4, and now the N5, I don't feel like I'm sacrificing much by having a phone with an internal battery. I understand that some people would want extra re-assurance that would come from carrying around a spare battery. I thought I would be the same, but I've found out over time that my concerns were overblown. That's just based on my own experience of course.
I wouldn't expect everyone to rush out and get one, but the N5 has been a great phone for me so far, and the price point for what you get is great.
I bought one almosst one year ago, 32 Gb for 350 AUD :D.its brandnew
I have an s3 32gb model and I can say it is a great mobile.
Even though it is a 720p screen it was great especially in direct sunlight.Alas it is smashed and waiting for a repair but have got a note 2 lte. Same same and I like the fact that the samsung devices have an accessible battery and I have now a zero lemon 9300mAh battery. Got 5 days on first charge so well worth ditching them sealed devices.
I get the feel some Apple fanboyism has been adopted by some Samsung Phone users - championing a phone just because it was good once.
Ive owned an S3 and my current phone is a Samsung, but get the Nexus 5/ or spend the extra $150~ and get a truly good phone like the LG G2.
I'm not championing the S3, I just think that the Nexus range is not the pinnacle of Android that it is made out to be.
Don't you love it when anonymous ass hats neg your opinion without giving their own or even a reason. Its a real dick move imo.
Yep, people say the Nexus is the iPhone of Androids in that its users defend it blindly.
I agree wholeheartedly.
I find that the screen size, physical size and weight is perfect for one handed opration ( for me ).
The direct sun light viewing is great and camera did very well for what I needed it to do.
32 gb internal storage was the icing on the cake and coupled with a 64gb sd card you have a powerful tool and storage too.No fanboi ism but just saying that for qhat I needed it hit the target dead on.
Are you talking about the S3?
Honestly though, who would buy this when they could get a Nexus 5 for $399/$449?