I was looking on the PSN store and the two main dlc are $25ea. Went and checked on amazon and they're only $9.99ea. I would buy them but they most likely wont work on the AU PSN store. Is there anywhere that sells the dlc for AU at a cheaper price?
Where to get cheap DLC for Skyrim on PS3?

I can't confirm for Skyrim, but usually UK DLC works with Australian games. Or you could just buy the US version.
Note that you don't need the AU store to work you can create an account with any store to buy DLC, redeem codes and install software. The only catch is that Australian games generally don't recognise US DLC.
Hmm yeah, I was going to create a us account and buy the code from amazon but saw it might not be compatible. Such a pain, I dont want to fork out another $50 for dlc.
Best thing I ever done with the PS3 version of this game was trade it in for Steam credit and bought the Legendary Edition.
GL finding the legendary edition for consoles.
ozgameshop has them for $49.99 right now
Long wait to get it, esp this time of year.
Ordered on Black Friday, got it today. Not so long.
The two main DLC were only $10 each the other day. I bought them for my wife. I guess the RPG sale has ended then?
Yeah I saw that. It finished on the 4th and I started looking at the dlc on the 5th. I was pretty annoyed :(
get the legendary edition and sell the old one maybe?