aview app (for watching ABC iView Content on Android) Free on Google Play

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Teed off because the ABC have been promising an Android app for iview for, like, four years now but havent done anything about it? The Aview devs have a treat in store for you.

This is a free app, I know its not a bargain as such because it will presumably always be free but its free nevertheless.

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  • +1

    Cool, didn't know such an app existed.

  • I thought this was free all the time? In any case it's a great app for the abc

  • ——> forums

  • Omg finally thanks so much not exactly a bargain but awesome none the less.

  • +1

    Thanks for pointing out. Didn't know it existed.

  • I have been using it for almost half a year now — one app that I install on all my Android device, and something I am most definitely willing to pay for. It was broken I think at the beginning of November — probably due to ABC tinkering with their protocol — and the developer updated a new version that fixed the issue within a few days. Great job.

    What I couldn't figure out is how is ABC not able to provide us a native Android app. How long have they promised that they'll implement one?

    • Yep completely ridiculous they don't have one on this day and age.
      So happy op posted this.

    • +3

      The culture at the ABC is incredibly pro-Apple, basically because its full of matte-finish book cafe hipster-wannabe middle class types.

      Even all the shows on Radio National use apple terms like podcast, vodcast, etc etc in complete violation of the ABC charter.

      It used to be that the ABC would make people duct tape the logos on on-air laptops so that Dell or Gateway wouldnt be getting a free plug. But I see fawning coverage of Apple on the ABC all the time now.

      Also, they're pretty bloody slack as well.

  • does it use bandwith?

    • shedloads. don't use it. ;)

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