This was posted 11 years 3 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag PS3 $29.99 USD or PS4 (Digital Upgrade) for $39.99 USD @ Amazon

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

ACIV is now only $29.99 USD, add another $10 USD and you can get the PS4 version.

You can get a $10 USD PSN digital code from Amazon too, for those who can't get their Australian Credit Card to work in US PSN.

NOTE: For US PSN only

Also $29.99 for #PCMASTERRACE @ Steam. Thanks belzecue

Link to the $10 PS4 Digital Upgrade and $10 US PSN Credit Thanks beakeroo

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon US

closed Comments

  • This is for US PSN though, right?

    • Right.

    • Yes, but you can always create an US account to use them. The game will work across all the other accounts in the same PS3. I am not so sure about PS4 though.

  • Redeems fine on US Account, Now just have to download on my ADSL Connection…

  • Awesome. What is this $10 voucher?

    • I would like to know as well

    • Sorry, I mean the $10 US PSN digital code. Edited the post to avoid misunderstanding.

      • That was a bit misleading lol

        Anyway, I've bought it, installing now but I don't get the option to buy the upgrade for $9.99 on the US store from my PC, it just says unavailable.

        • That is on PSN once you redeem the PS3 code to your PS4…

        • +2

          I'm on PSN. I'm on the US PSN store on my PC, the game is downloading now on my PS3.

          Edit/ Working now. Here's the link to the game upgrade and here's the link to the $10 US PSN credit on Amazon.

        • Thanks, putting the link into the post.

        • I don't think you get $5.00 off for the $10.00 card - reading the terms below it states "Order the Amazon Exclusive Holiday Walking Dead Vita Bundle and receive $5 off".

          Happy to be corrected.

        • No, I think you're correct, I'll edit my post, cheers.

        • I bought it, added the $10 to my wallet. The game is installing now on my PS3. But now I am also getting 'unavailable' on the US PSN store on my PC..

          Do we need to have our PS account connected to a PS4? Because I haven't got mine yet.. but I just want to get the code now when the price is good.

        • Did you click the link I posted? Its in the first post at the bottom. Otherwise try logging out of the store and then back in again.

        • Yea I clicked that link.. Logged in/out. I get this:

          "You have already purchased

          Assassin’s Creed®IV Black Flag™

          You have not purchased

          Assassin's Creed®IV Black Flag™ Disc Upgrade Service Entitlement"

          Maybe because I don't have a ps4.. It makes sense if that's the reason

        • I don't have mine yet either. Try looking for it from your PS3.

        • It worked after I installed AC4 on PS3. Sweet. Thanks :)

  • +3

    Also $29.99 for PC (STEAM)

    • ROFL, Xaphier: #PCMASTERRACE

      "I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it all right. [returns to the Germans] So! It's all forgotten now, and let's hear no more about it. So, that's two egg mayonnaise, a prawn Goebbels, a Hermann Goering, and four Colditz salads."

  • This is actually a fantastic game. I've been playing it a lot lately on PC.

    Good deal.

  • has anyone got this to work on ps4? i thought the digital upgrade on ps4 would require ac4 ps3 disc in.

    • +2

      No if you buy the digital version you don't need a disc.

  • Cant buy steam dl ( any work around?
    Game Downloads are only available to US customers
    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please continue shopping on the home page.

    • +2

      Change your shipping address. Pick a state that doesn't charge tax. I use Oregon.

      • thanks mate.

  • When you buy and download it from the US store with your US PSN account, can you log in with you normal AU account and play it normally or do you need to use the US PSN account to play the game?

    Also "The last of Us" DIGITAL Copy is being sold for $34.99:…

    • +1

      Yes you can buy on US PSN then log out and play on AUS PSN if you want

  • I remember I played Assassins Creed 1 back in the day but half way through I got over doing the same thing over and over and over and stopped, never played AC2 or AC3. Is it still the same?

    • No. Assassins creed 2 was amazing (in Italy)—-i highly reccomend it—-Brotherhood was also good (the next game)—-Revelations was dissapointing———Assassins creed 3( in USA as an American Indian Assassin)was great and im gonna get this one for christmas

      • +4

        My opinion slightly differs. Ass 2 was great, yes, best of the lot as far as story and gameplay went. Bro Ho was pretty good but started to over stretch. Ass 3 and revelation were garbage. I've heard so many good things about Ass Pirates though that I am taking the plunge into Ass Pirates…

        • I gave you a +1 just for the term 'Ass Pirates' haha.

          I pretty much agree. Though AC3 had it's moments - bow and arrow hunting was fun!

        • Assassin's Creed 1 - Initially captivating - quickly became repetitive and boring.
          AC2 - Brilliant.
          Brotherhood - Aight…
          Revelations - STAHP.
          AC3 - Cool to begin with - then meh.

          AC4 - Absolutely fantastic.
          In the ~10 hours I've played this, I've loved almost every minute. There have been a couple of dud missions here or there, but overall - so far - it's thrilling. It looks beautiful on my Xbox One and isn't anywhere near ugly on last gen consoles either. While not being terribly deep, Edward Kenway is definitely the most likable protagonist since young Ezio. My only major criticism is that the sword combat is still a bit shit - I wish they would improve on this.

          Highly recommended.

        • Ok bought! Love that the PS4 downloads on standby. Go to sleep, wake up, bam everything is done with no noise.

  • I just need a US psn account right? Or do I also need to have ps+?

    • You just need a US account to download it, then you can use any other account on the console to play it.

    • just a US psn account

  • thanks

    was going to buy ps4 version for $75

    save me $30

    muchos gracias !

  • had to redeem through account management on XMB

  • Does the same apply on PS4?

    I buy for PS3 and then upgrade once I get my PS4 (is it always $10?) on my US account? Even for PS4?

    • No, I think the offer expires in Feb or March.

    • expires at the end of january

  • Ah I just bought it for $68 at EB (pricematch bigW) :(

    • Does EB Games still refund no questions asked within 7 days?

    • Same… :(

  • Got this from amazon 2 days ago from the black friday sale. This way you get PS3 and PS4 versions for $35.

    BF4 was acquired the same way for $30 only :)

    ALSO, don't forget this gives you $5 amazon digital credit which you can use to take $5 off any other psn digital purchase. Perhaps this can be updated in the OP. That makes it $29.99 + $9.99 - $5 = $34.98 for both PS3 and PS4 versions! ;)…

    • Yeah but when does that $5 apply? Cos this is my second PSN purchase and I didn't get a $5 off discount on this one.

      Edit/ Just took the BF4 Season Pass to checkout and wasn't offered $5 off. Terms say we will get an email in two days to confirm, guess I'll wait seeing as though the BF4 season pass isn't actually on sale anyway. Also I wonder if they stack or if I'll only be able to use one $5 discount per transaction?

      • Contacted Amazon and they manually added the discount coupon to my account. I then bought a US$50 PSN card for $45. Then I used that to buy BF4 Premium pass for US$50 on my American PSN and that takes me past the US$60 December spend which will net me another US$10 credit :)

  • I made multiple purchases, and the credit applied instantly for most of them. I had to wait 2-3 hours for one purchase, but the rest went through straight away.

    • Cheers, wonder why I don't get it?

  • Ok sealed the deal. Came to $35 USD for me because it applied a $5 promo discount that they gave me from the $35 BF4 purchase

  • Is there a difference between the 'PLAYSTATION 3' and PS3 Digital Code? Is the 'PLAYSTATION 3' a hard copy or something?

    • Yes, you need the PS3 Digital Copy.

  • Is anyone interested in just the ps3 version? I just need the PS4 version. I was thinking we could split the cost and ($20 USD each).

    • Can't be done unless you share an account.

    • Doesn't work like that? You need to register the PS3 version to be able to upgrade the PS4 version on the same account

    • I don't think this is possible to do. The ps3 and ps4 code will be tied to the one account

    • Ahh ok, thanks everyone.


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