Cyber Monday coupon code for the YubiKey Holiday pack brings the price down from $99 to $79 plus $5 to ship to Australia. The holiday pack has a standard YubiKey ($25 USD RRP), YubiKey Neo NFC version ($50 USD) and YubiKey Nano ($40 USD) and would normally be $120 US shipped.
For those of you unfamiliar with YubiKeys, they are a USB/NFC based two factor authentication device that a lot of services are starting to adopt. See yesterday's Forbes… for more info.
Just enter the following code 'YubiHoliday6515' when checking out of your purchase. The code is valid today, 12/2 only (OP: UK time I think(, and can only be used by each customer once (though customers can purchase a total of three packs at the less-discounted rate).
This is also a fantastic offer as if you use LastPass or Password Safe a backup key is essential and the NFC version is compatible with quite a few Android phones (and can double as a gate pass if you have prox sensor entry systems).
Less access for the NSA if you use an offline solution (e.g. Password Safe) with an offline configuration (e.g. challenge-response).
And once PasswdSafe (Android fork) supports NFC, that YubiKey NEO will be a tremendous boon.