• expired

Exetel Broadband - Free Activation (Save up to $99)


was looking for a new broadband provider - stumbled across this. already seems to be one of the cheapest plans out there ($20 for 100gb, plus $20 for line rental - or $40 for unlimited plus $20 line rental). if you had an existing service, activation was $59. if it's a completely new service, activation was $99.

you can add $10 for unlimited national calls, and another $10 for unlimited international calls to certain countries.

12 month contract with pro-rata ~$200 cancellation fee.

cheaper than tpg - i can't comment on service levels/speed though. whirlpool has the usual complaints - but no more than other providers there!

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closed Comments

  • I get this on their page, how come the minimum cost is $539.87 for below plan, it should be $479.88. It looks like there are hidden charges.

    100 GB Plan Cost $19.99+
    Line Rental $20.00+
    Monthly Cost $39.99 Per Month
    Contract Term 12 Months
    Total Minimum Cost $539.87

    • The $539.87 includes their standard $59.99 Activation charge.

      However, if you click on the Plan Details link you'll see that it is the correct price of $479.88.

      And if you click on the ADSL Plan and Phone Option Information link you'll see that the $59.99 Line/Service Activation charge has been voided for this offer.

  • -2

    I was with Exetel for many years (home phone, internet and mobile), then they started to slowly increase their prices and adding unavoidable surcharges. They then increased their price by 70% so I moved on. They most likely will do the same with users on this deal. Highly recommend their mobile phone plan though which i still have.

    • Do u mean they raise price even after u already signed up with them or only for new customers?

      • They raised their price after signing up (however this was over the course of years). But it did go from $39 to $79 which is when I left.

        • So ur saying during the first 12m yhey can raise their price and if i dont like it and cancel i will get charged d/c fee ($200) ?? Or only after the first 12m contract they will raise price?

      • I can't remember the exact details, but a few years ago when I was with Exetel, they actually did try to add an extra $3 or so per month charge to my account in contract. Needless to say I kicked and screamed, although I eventually decided to cancel my contract early (trust issues, haha)
        edit: here's the deets http://www.comparebroadband.com.au/article_650_Exetel-raises…

    • yep…I lurrrve my mobile plan with Exetel <3

    • Their "old" mobile plan? I am still on their older M plan which is of great value, and on an old ADSL plan for around 2 years that's cheap and great for my usage. Just finger crossed they don't do a purge…

      • Still on their ADSL1 T1500U plan here, they sent out a email a couple of years ago saying they were increasing it by $10/month, (which still would have made it the cheapest Unlimited for me), but it never happened.

  • +1

    Another little caution here i was with exetel for quite a few years with nothing but very slow speed with the excuse of copper cables for over 2 years however since changing servers my speed has been 4 times the speed with the same cables so be careful of the cheap internet rates rates.

  • +1

    Every story is different.
    I've been with Exetel for 5 years now. During that time I have averaged between 100-250GB per month and never had an issue with my service. I have moved twice and relocated the service. The first time was faultless, the second time I was told by Extel there were no spare Optus ports at the exchange (Optus said the same thing when I asked them direct about signing up with Optus.) I wrote an email saying I would need to cancel my service and within 24hrs they "found" a port for me and connected me.

  • I'm regional 2 and can only get adsl 1 in my new house (no phone connected) should i go with exetel? I need about 100gb. Cheers!

  • +1

    I've been with them for about 6 months, pretty happy so far.
    AZ-A plan, $60/month for 1TB download + line rental. Only available on Optus exchange.
    If you're in an Optus area this is possibly one of the best value plans.
    Between 8-10pm it sometimes slows down a bit. But the rest of the time I get about 19Mb/s.
    So yes there are some people that have had bad experiences, but it's not like that for everyone.
    I will agree though that it's not the best provider for people who need a lot of tech support.

  • I just want something that will stream youtube, offer descent overseas and local pings for gaming. This looks fine if the pings/latency is fine. Can anyone comment?

    • +1

      I hope you realise you are basically asking for the most difficult thing possible?

      Streaming and pings are what costs ISP's money, so this is the first thing that goes bad.

      I would go with a different provider.

  • How is the network speed in Brisbane. Did anyone know which exchange it is connected for kangaroo point residents. Can we use TPG compatible modem to access this broadband network. The service test result shown the following message when based on location test.

    This Preliminary Service Qualification Test Result is only a preliminary result of plans available in your exchange. Please note that the service speed that Exetel will deliver to you can vary (ADSL1 in place of ADSL2+) when Exetel submits your order to our wholesale supplier.

  • +1

    sigh, only just signed up before this deal =(

    • Same - i called them up but they couldnt apply free activation since i applied at the end of November.

      Just cancel your request (depending on which stage of the application process its at) and re-apply

  • I put in my address as i'm coming off a naked dsl plan with TPG and for some reason all the plans went up by $10… what the…

  • Guys, can someone please enlighten me on something.

    I'm currently on a RIM, so apparently I can only get ADSL2+ via Telstra. Now I recall someone saying that Exetel resell Telstra's internet, so does that mean I can get Exetel?

    That'd save me around $40 a month if I can!

    • Yes but as I mentioned above, Telstra exchange customers have to pay $10 more, so you'd be even better off with ClubTelco.

  • -1

    even telstra are better than exetel

    • +1

      Beg to differ – Telstra were the biggest nightmare when I switched to them. They got my bill wrong every single month. It was a nightmare.

      • I had same problem.. Bundled Foxtel, Bigpond & Home phone, Every month was a wrong bill, Hour on the phone,

        Funny thing was, When We cancelled phone + Internet, they only billed us $25 a month for Foxtel for just over 12 months for the additional Box.. Then we got a letter, We have made a mistake in billing, but seems its our fault, You only have to pay correct amount from now on…

        Well It was good whilst it lasted… I wasnt arguing :)

  • I don't really see this as a "deal". Unless you like 5c off the price of a mars bar… I mean, TPG who I am unfortunately and reluctantly with have an unlimited ADSL2+ plan with home phone line rental for $60 a month…its exactly the same as these guys. So theres's no real benefit to move, unless a Telstra customer finds this ad and wets their pants over how much cheaper it is compared to what they are paying…heh!

    • Some of us(50%) live in areas without TPG exchanges….

      So this is a $100 in your pocket..

      I'm with Exetel.. Could I disconnect and reconnect in one day…?(existing users can't get this plan yet.. Soon according to WP)

  • in January I will be full 10 years with exetel…I am still on the old plan…. ADSL2 + landline + unlimited national calls + mobile phone with $440 worth of calls …. all up $55… I am not a heavy user of ADSL and had to call them 2-3 times in 10 years… can't complain…

    • Been I pioneer user myself. Couldn't complain about the service!

  • Been a customer with them for over 5 years now, initially as an ADSL2+ customer and now NBN, with the exception of one incident over the Christmas period last year, I've never had a problem with their service.
    The big thing to bear in mind is unlike many other providers, uploads don't count towards your limit.

  • Shame, Increase of $10 plus no EXEChat option. when entering my number.

  • +1

    Exetel would offer attractive signup deals to get you in, then a few months later say they couldn't renew the plans with their wholesaler. BUT… We have negotiated some NEW 'special' plans and would give everyone a choice… It usually went SOMETHING like this. You can choose to stay on the plan you're on, but we'll charge you $20/m more. Or, you can choose one of the new plans, pay $10/m more but get additional download quota or feature/s. A few months on they'd remove or limit the features they'd given to lure you to change plans, but keep the raised price.

    In your first 12 months they usually gave YOU the choice to upgrade or not. But it was at an extra cost. Once the initial contract was up, they could (and did) change things as they please - and they did it often. It's why I left after putting up with it for a few years.

    Whenever I read about their new special intro plans I have to remind myself of why I left. If you were getting 40Gb for $40/m, and they then offer 60Gb for $30/m, then why should it cost me $20/m more to stay on a plan that has 20Gb less downloads as it would have cost them less to provide.

    Additionally, I forget all the other dirty tricks they use now. But their constant 'upgrades' and 'new plans' made the monthly fee you signed up for a joke. Yes there are constant upgrades. But you have to pay an extra amount here or over there. Some people on Whirlpool liked this, saying they were getting 'more' than before. The trouble was, the constant changes easily ended up costing you a couple of hundred $ more per year.

    Then there's their hidden fees that they didn't make obvious. I forget them all now, but one was the $3/m charge just to pay your bill that they didn't list on their website.

    Now I don't know if ANY of these things are still the same today. I left a few months after the CEO passed away. So it's possible his heirs made some changes. All I'm saying is people should check with Whirlpool or current customers before jumping on board. Because it USED to be what Exetel claimed was the price only was the price until Exetel decided to change it.

    Oh - and they used to throttle p2p traffic too. Some people might like to check this one first also.

    • They haven't throttled P2P in like… 5 years. They even have a local bittorrent cache going now.

      The reason they constantly change plans is because they renegotiate deals with the wholesalers which includes bonuses for new signups because every wholesaler wants to increase their customer base more than they want to offer incentives to their current customer base to stay. So they pass the bonuses for new signups on in the form of new plans. Say they receive a $300 bonus for new signups… they can pass on a $10/month saving over a 2 year contract and still receive some of the bonus while being able to offer even cheaper plans. It's bonuses all around, just not for the existing customers. The answer is to swap to new 12 or 24 month contracts and be considered a "new" customer. It means stability for Exetel (youre locked in for 2 years) and a cheaper price for you.


      • +1

        You get bonuses - but are they still charging every time they offer one? (And charging people not to upgrade for that matter.) If they are then they're plans are no longer $x/m. They are $x/m + every upgrade fee divided by the number of months until the next upgrade. ;-p

  • +2

    ClubTelco are $40 a month for unlimited ADSL2+. No contracts at all, no connection fee, no joining fee or churning cost. They have a $50 yearly membership fee, but you get a card that's similar to the Gold Card for the "Entertainment Book" thing where you can use it to get a nice discount on eating out, going to the movies, etc… Have been with them for over 3 years now without issue, at two different properties. Would download in excess of 500gig a month with ease, have gone well over a Terabyte in a month before. No throttling, no slow down, no warnings or complaints. Streaming for Netflix, the EPL and boxing/UFC PPV's work like a dream.

    Anyway, upload is a bit slow today & ping slightly higher than normal, but this is my current speed test result: http://www.speedtest.net/result/3140460653.png

    • I'm SOLD. Moving house soon so will check them out.

    • $40 include phone line rental too?

      • Nope, just have a standard cheap $20 Telstra line rental.

        • U sure telstra has $20 phone line rental?? I thought it was around $30?

        • The basic home line rental is $22.95 a month right now.

          But it's cheaper again if you re-sign for a special, even cheaper again if you bundle with mobile, even cheaper again with extra added value if you bundle with Wanktel and or Broadband.

          But I use Telstra just for the basic home line & have a legacy home line deal for $19.95 a month that I've had with them for ages. ClubTelco are just a Telstra re-seller, too. So there is no issues with line changeovers/etc.. (like you might get with signing up to Optus or one of their re-sellers, or going with someone who takes the line over for you from Telstra, then you get slugged $200+ later on just to get the line back again if you dont like their service/product).

    • +1

      Well, $40 depending on where you are. They're $60 for me.

      • +2

        Oh - and Clubtelco are having bandwidth issues. Check Whirlpool. Some people are getting download speeds you'd expect on dialup. Others can't even load webpages.

  • We pay $90/month for 1TB of data (uploads not counted), PSTN phone line with unlimited calls (incl Optus and Virgin mobiles), and a mobile phone plan with 1.5GB of data / $500 calls+sms / $500 Exetel-to-Exetel calls+sms. I use between 600 and 800GB a month down and 100GB and 150GB upload a month and never had any problems.

    The only annoying thing is that using Optus means an 0.8Mbps upstream sync speed (hardware fixed by Optus DSLAMs) instead of 1Mbit (like Telstra, TPG, iiNet, pretty much everyone else). Apparently it's to help with a reliable connection over dodgy copper but since I upload a lot I would really like that extra 20KB/sec of headroom… which is a sad commentary on our internet infrastructure when an increase of just 20KB/sec is something you really desire -.-

  • Here's some more info/review on exetel might be useful for the interested - http://www.productreview.com.au/p/exetel-2.html

  • just cancelled my exetel seervice and reapplied to get the new plans, win!

  • I signed up 2 days ago, but have not heard anything yet. Online status says "not found".

    How long does it normally take to be activated?



    • did you get an email?
      otherwise call them up and ask

    • Same

    • You should have received an email 20 minutes after signing up that your order is confirmed.

      Call them up if you have any questions. I would give it time, but each to their own.

  • Just received my update email.

    Saying its in process and after check status on website i get this:

    Optus ADSL2
    Application Date 2013-12-02
    Current Status PENDING
    Your application is currently pending.
    Your service is scheduled for connection on 2013-12-17


  • If you ever experience any issues with your ISP, log a case with your ISP, if nothing happens, then log a case with the TIO, then watch things magically happen..

  • Got my update status email today too. Scheduled to be activated on the 18/12/2013.

    Good stuff!

  • Hows everyone's connection going… I got connected about 20 mins ago and no probs… dling from thundernews.com at 2.2mb/sec.. I'm connected at 21213 kbps..

    • Do they come to ur house to activate?? Or all sone outside?
      When did u sign up? Soo quil
      Mines scheduled for the 17th

    • hi Vladdo

      so you get 21 Mbps ? that is really good speed?

      have u tried speedtest.net?


      • Here's my result…


        I was already connected with iinet, received an email from exetel advising that it had been switched over. Disconnected my adsl modem, changed the login details as per the email, and reconnected. I'm on a Telstra only exchange so it reconnected at exactly the same speed as iinets… so far, speed is identical to iinet and was paying $150/month for 1tb.. now paying $80/month for unlimited.
        I signed up on the 4th december. I previously had an iinet adsl2+ connection, so it was a straight churn..

        • awesome - thanks for sharing Vladdo

          u have justified my reason to pay $10 extra to opt for exetel thru Telstra wholesale rather than optus wholesale! Even though i have to get a new telstra line installed for $300!

        • no probs..

          it's funny coz I actually signed up to TPG about 2 weeks earlier, and didn't hear anything from them until they called to tell me that the application had been declined because I couldn't use their DSLAM and had to go via telstra wholesale equipment therefore I have to pay another $30/month extra which is the same price as exetel. With exetel offering a $99 signup fee waiver it was a no brainer..

          In your case tho, it comes down to does your exchange have any free ADSL2+ ports, how far from the RIM will you be and is it already congested? Maybe search around on whirlpool and find out the status of your exchange..

        • im 1k away from the exchange so wont be as good as being 50m away!

          But ive been with an optus adsl (and an optus reseller) for the past couple of years and heavily congested at peak hours so telstra cant get any worse :)

  • thank you for sharing. that speed is amazing!

  • To be fair, I have it lucky as I have a telstra RIM box literally no more than 50 metres away and uses underground cables. I wouldn't have expected anything less than pretty much the fastest connect speed possible. I'm also lucky in that there's relatively few houses around here so there'd be no backhaul congestion..

  • Hi all,

    I just got a confirmation that a technician will be sent out on 19/12. I have to give access to the Main Distribution Frame.
    I live in a multiple unit house and have no idea where the MDF is located. It is probably locked anyway. Do I have to contact my landlord to organise this?

  • +1

    Hrm.. well that's interesting.. I just got charged my internet from exetel but have a "ADSL Line Transfer Charge $59.99" fee on it.. Let's see if they remove the fee and how long or how many times they try to wriggle out of it.. even tho it states on the T&Cs "† A once off service activation charge of $0.00 applies to users with an active Broadband and Phone Bundle Service from another provider moving their Broadband Service to Exetel."

    • Same thing happened to me, thinking of giving them a call this afternoon to see what's up

      • Got a reply saying that I was correct and that the money will be taken off next months invoice.

      • hi montorola

        just wonder do you have a good speed?

        i intent to move to exetel but i am concerned about the speed

        currently iam with optus and have a very good speed


        • +1

          AFAIK, speed has a lot to do with exchange related infrastructure, not just your ISP. Im with Exetel, my speeds are great, consistent, rarely is it down and when it has been its been back up in no time, but Ive read others complain about speed at Exetel. I wouldnt think they complain for the hell of it if their speeds were good.

          Support is useless if you are not familiar with setup and checks of your own equipment when you have an issue. They send a Telstra tech, and Telstra will bill you $100 odd bucks if the fault is not found to be Telstras. That does not mean the fault is Exetels, or yours, or not actually Telstras, it just means the tech never found it and you pay $100 odd for the privilege. So you need to be good at trouble shooting your own gear, have access to a back up router, splitter etc. And even then, if the fault is after the connection at the front of your home, as in the wiring in the house, its your problem and needs to be corrected on top of the $100 odd fee to say its not Telstras fault.

          Exetel do some checks online, if they cant see a fault, they just put up their hands and suggest the Telstra tech visit. Not sure what else they should do, but its pretty ordinary if you cant check your own gear confidently.

  • Any one know if they come in to ur house to activate?? Or all done outside like TPG?

  • I rang to sign up and the representative said that as I live in a grannyflat with the same address as the main house there is no way to choose which of the 2 phone lines gets connected. The main house has it's own connected phone number and internet plan. I was told I need to sign up with Telstra to get a new phone number.

    Seems a bit strange. Does anyone know why this is the case?

    • I probably shouldnt answer as Im not certain, nor fully fluent in the tech. But I think it may have something to do with the property probably having a single phone line in, and that one phone line being used to house both numbers. Theres a limit to what can be "stuffed" into a single feed line, and it might be at its capacity with the house using say adsl.

      • Interesting. Thanks for your reply.

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