• expired

Gears of War FREE for Xbox Live Gold Members


The december free games (usa, australia) re
Gears of war (first one)
Shoot many robots dec 16.

Note you can download it now if you do a search for gears of war in the store even tho the games with gold link doesnt link to it yet. Just shows iron brigade.

You need to have xbox live gold to download them.
Even a 24 pass may be enough.

Bit disapointing the december titles and nowhere nearas good as psn free games but better than nothing i guess.
Handy for anyone with a gimped xbox one paperweightthat doesnteven play mp3s andneeds to dig out the old x360

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closed Comments

  • It's already available as free to download for XBL Gold members. Plus there's a couple of map packs free as well.

    • -1

      Thx yes u can dl it straight even tho thegames with gold doesnt mention it yet. Justsearchfor it.

  • -2

    Is this not a deal, because Xbox Live is a paid subscription and this is a feature of that subscription?

    • +7

      It is like you are saying Costco deals are not deals because you are required to pay for the membership before going in.

      • I thought in the past PSN+ free game threads have been removed for the same reason? I might be mistaken.

        • +3

          These games (along with anything else purchased from the xbox store) are permanently tied to your xbox profile whether you continue to pay to be a "gold" member or not. I don't believe this is true with PSN+ games.

          As they are free for a period of time, it's in your interest to "buy" these games even if you have no intention of playing them or even downloading them immediately.

          Therefore the heads up by way of ozbargain post is appreciated.

          At least from me - +1

    • -1

      So by your logic costco dealsshouldntbe promoted on ozbargain?

    • +1

      I used to disagree, as games with gold was a limited bonus, but now that they've announced that it will be ongoing I think it is fair to declare it as a subscription feature.

      for this reason PSN+ games should not have been listed as deals, as the games are the sole reason to pay for the service in the first place. List deals on the subscription, sure, but leave game announcements for the forums, like I believe Xbox games with gold should now be.

      PS I'm not a rep for Microsoft by any stretch of the imagination, how do I get 'store rep' removed from my profile?

  • +1

    24 / 48 hour codes don't work

  • +5

    :( Xbox need to get better free games to compete with PS3

    • Xbox free games are yours to keep. PSN+ games are only playable whilst you subscribe. Bit of a difference.

      • +4

        But PSN+ games are much newer titles (i.e. this month Grid 2/Guacamelee). Xbox free games are generally outdated. Personally, I'd rather play newer titles and not get to keep them.

        • +2

          Paying for a month of ps + is still a better deal than this IMO

      • doesnt matter they are all digital games meaning you cannot resell it
        and with playstation and xbox if you game online you have gold or ps plus all the time so it wont matter if playstation games are yours or not

        • You could try to sell the account…

        • haha I've seen that happening.

  • +1

    I think out of all the proper titles offered by Games with Gold - I've already owned all but one of them.

  • +3

    What's with all the commentary about xbox one being a paperweight and how are MP3's even relevant to this deal? This is ozbargain, not an opinion piece/soapbox for you to preach from.

    • -1

      I think you have ozbargain confused with Sparta! Go into any deal that has a major competitor and you will see opinions and a soapbox to preach from

    • Agreed, unnecessary & childish

  • Shoot Many Robots is pretty fun …

  • Thanks for your effort, downloading now and it comes with the map packs too, cheers : )

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