3/4 violin - Usually US$67.72 now US $38.72
reviews seem reasonable for a beginner violin.
case, bow and resin included.
it's Tmart so delivery can take a while.
3/4 violin - Usually US$67.72 now US $38.72
reviews seem reasonable for a beginner violin.
case, bow and resin included.
it's Tmart so delivery can take a while.
did you actully buy a violin before your kids started playing?
I'd be looking on eBay for all the $3-500 ones being sold off by parents cos their kids decided 2 weeks later that they wanted to play guitar….. :-)
or buy a AU$45.08 one and sell it off 2 weeks later for $45 on ebay when they decide they want to play the guitar… or if they enjoy it then sell it for $45 and buy a better one
My kids play the violin and there is no way I'd bother with one this cheap… Even the smallest violins are $300 to $500 for beginners to get a decent one.