• expired

GroceryRun.com.au Free Shipping - Cyber Friday from 8pm-2am


Groceryrun - Free shipping from 8pm - 2am

Get in on the action with Cyber Friday! It’s FREE shipping site wide, plus we’ve scattered heaps of freebies throughout the sale. So what are you waiting for? Take a free ride now & SAVE!

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closed Comments

  • Nice. Been waiting for free shipping to get me some more Reese's Puffs!

  • +3

    ONE FREE SHIPPING ONLY per account.

    • +1

      Time for a new account …

  • +3

    Scrolled from top to bottom and nothing seems worth buying, oh well..

  • +2

    err so whats free with free shipping

  • You've got to log in to see the free items (nothing really cool except free jelly belly stuff)

  • -4

    Nice got some free jelly and coffee capsule.
    Not sure what to do with the capsule cause i dont have a machine but free is good cheer.

  • +1

    2 orders with COTD in the last hour, what have you done to me ozbargain!!

  • Free Jelly - Best Before 9 December 2013..hope to get it before that !!

    • same here. those barilla tortellini are yum!

  • Nice - picked up the cupcake sprinkles, the pasta, the lollies and the powdered orange mango drink for free. Thanks, OP!

  • Cheers, grabbed some of the freebies :)

  • I am getting a shipping fee of $9
    Is there any coupon code

    • It gets removed when you checkout

    • you have to be login for free shiping. Make sure you are log in with an account.

  • Thanks, got the free pasta and lollies :)

    • Oops, I must have not completed the transaction. I can't find it in My Orders…

  • Thanks OP, got the pasta :D

  • all free things are gone?

    • No, they released some mango thing seconds ago.

      Jelly Belly Soda Pop Shoppe Bottles 85g - -
      Vita Fresh Orange Mango Powdered Beverage 70g

      • thanks! Hopefully got some! :)

  • +1

    Got jelly belly :)

  • no freebie left :( ?

  • +1

    2x Calrose Medium Grain Brown Rice 500g for $2.90 compared with 1kg at Woolies for 3.64

  • +2

    nothing worth paying for as usual

  • Hi, does anyone know where to buy Hershey chocolate?

    • go to cotd page, choc section

      • thank you, but it doesn't have the one that I like (milk chocolate bars)

    • Costco

  • Will not vote up for COTD because of prior bad experience. Hope you have made improvements.

  • I have a $20 voucher sent to me by catch of the day, how on earth do i put it in???

    • I think it's automatically applied when checkout

      • That's what I thought but I tried to use it the other day and let's just say 36 chocolates later

  • Good post, thanks. Only one free item available at the moment but bought a few things.

  • Thanks OP, bought some protein bars, great price!

  • -1

    By their very nature, these food outlets only ever get offered slow moving 'seconds' lines from factories, importers and that wonderful usa term 'consolidaters'. Remember Woolies and Coles get $80 out of every $100 spent on Groceries in Australia. To our eternal shame and morticans delight, the top 5 grocery items sold in Oz are 1.Soft Drink, 2.Lollies and Chocs, 3.Babies Nappies, all alleg. disposable, (but as they are in fact nearly, 'indestructable',coming to a land fill near you for at least 1000 years). 4.Good ole Gaspers, Cigs + Tobacco, 5. Ice Cream and other frozen &refrigerated sweet snacks.

    Next time I write. Its bad news for what are incredulously called : Air Fryers. Cheers!
  • +2

    I got the free candy today. It was expired as of September and tasted kind of foul.

    • I ate all the candy…. and forgot to check the expiry date.
      One of them tasted very bad though.

    • Its free, what do you expect?

  • Wow I got an entire carton of those jelly lollies instead of the one unit I was supposed to. Free shipping and free items.

    My first ozbargain experience has been a very good one!

    • Have you tried the lollies? A whole carton may not be a good thing! I thought they'd be similar in texture to Haribo gummi bears, but they're really soft and stuck to my teeth… tried two then turfed them.

      • Yeah the are 2 month out of date. Tasted one and look at the expiry date, then they went straight in the bin.
        The Pasta i got expire on the 20/12. They were alright. The drink power also taste pretty foul.
        Cant complain though since they are free.

  • Received my atkins bars. The peanut ones were all squashed in odd shapes like they were melted at some stage and the box is torn open and repacked. I suspected the bars' been handled by customers at supermarket shelves then repacked. Yew!

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