OzBargain Nintendo Network ID (NNID WiiU/3DS) Thread

I thought since everyone is getting onboard with the cheap WiiU deals we might want to add each other to the friends list. It's a lot easier than the 3DS equivalent, you just both have to add each other's name and not a long ass code.

The NNID and Miiverse is also coming to 3DS soon.

My username is beakeroo feel free to add me and don't forget to post your NNID username.



  • My NNID is Elsamo

    • I'll add you next time I'm on. Just finished playing Wii Fit U and now I need a shower, lol.

      • How is it is it worth getting the demo?

        • Yeah its great. We had the board left over from the last one so we got the demo and just bought the fit Meyer ($28 from JB) which unlocks the full game.

        • Added you to friends

  • I'm not 100%as I'm not home right now but I think my NNID is Lem_is_cool
    I'll add you guys too.

    • Added you.

  • you guys can add starscr3am, i think mine is, but the wii u doesn't get as much love as it should

    • Added you.

  • I'll update the first post tonight with all names.

  • whats this NNID business? I know it means we cant change regions anymore but what else?

    • http://www.nintendo.com/3ds/nintendo-network-account;jsessio…

      Basically gives you a unified profile/account for your 3DS and Wii. Joint wallet for purchasing & Mii-verse social interaction coming as well with it.

      Sucks about the region-locking of profile, but if it helps Nintendo FINALLY move towards a universal account system (instead of their archaic user & purchases are local on console ONLY), I'm for it.

      • thanks for the info. That makes you have peace of mind when you buy items off the store! However, games are so expensive on it im not sure how much i would utilise it. Games on ps store are pretty cheap when sales are on. How do i go about registering my NNID? Did you guys register it to the UK or AU store? I have MH3 and Donkey Kong Country from the UK store downloaded on the 3ds but im sure that wont be affected if i change my NNID to AU right?

        • Unless you have a WiiU you can't register an NNID yet, if I were you I'd wait to see what happens when the update arrives. I too have digital games from the UK and AU store. I think I have probably 5 full digital games from each so my plan is to let others be guinea pigs this time.

        • yeah i might just wait and see then. Why are nintendo so lame with this stuff boo

  • Housecat117

  • NINID soph1979

    Adding everyone :)

  • NNID: KLoNe1

  • NNID: CrazyCS

  • Update became available a few days ago. NNIDs now able to be used on & created from 3DS.

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