i assume Sony is heavily serving the western market first this time due to many factors, but is Sony delaying it to give some Japanese developers time to have there games ready.
I noticed the yakuza series is very huge over there with yakuza 5 being the best seller last year, with Yakuza Ishin released at the same day of Japan PS4 launch is Sony working with Sega to make it a system seller?
I am still waiting for yakuza 5 to be localized but it seems i have to learn japanese now.
It's to not let Xbox get a head start this time. Many users (myself included) bought into Xbox last generation as they couldn't wait a year for the PS3, I ended up getting a PS3 around 6 months after it released here as I was enjoying the 360 until the 3rd RRoD. After that I looked at what the PS3 had to offer.