Learn with Homer for iPad Free, Save $16

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  • The ONLY comprehensive reading program for iPad—designed by top education experts!
  • Top Feature on the App Store + NYTimes
  • 5 Star Review, Editor's Pick - Common Sense Media

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Apple App Store


  • +1


  • +3

    D'oh indeed. They've just gone from a paid to a freemium model:

    Free to download! Free content includes 18 Learn to Read lessons and stories, 12 Discover the World lessons, and access to Homer’s Clubhouse and parent tools. That’s more than 30 stories and lessons for free! Additional content available through in-app purchase.

    • +1

      Looks like the IAPs are free at the moment as well.

    • -1

      that is where they get you.

      this is not a deal!

      • It is all free ATM, I'm sure future IAP release will be paid, enough for the kids as is thanks

  • I thought it was learn with Homer the Poet…

  • Doh a beer, I'd like a beer
    Ray the man that sells me beer

  • It looks like this app has always been free since it was launced in August:

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