This was posted 11 years 1 month 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 Launch Games $68 ($63 with Voucher), PS4 Controllers $78 @ Big W


Credits go to Dingotech on WP for this deal, I am just reposting it here.

In the new Big W catalogue coming out this week they have:

PS4 controllers for $78
Launch games for $68.

If you use the 10off120 big w deal, you could use click and collect when the games appear for the discounted prices later this week and apply the voucher. Pick the games up on Friday when the console launches and the total price will work out at $63 per games. Almost US prices.

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closed Comments

  • Awesome! I was hoping they were going to do this after seeing the xbone deals last week… Cheaper than ozgameshop!

    • Just letting you guys know they will go quick. Big W doesn't usually stock a lot of the next gen games until the second shipment.

      When the Xbox one games came out, we only had about 2 of each title.

      Also, upon checking the system tonight for the PS4 consoles, we're getting 7 in and 5 were preorders, so good luck to the other 2 who manage to snag one

      • Is that second shipment the same time as the console's second shipment?

        • That I cannot answer, sorry

    • XboxOne costs $499US ( $567AU Cheapest price ) = $68 Australian mark up price.
      PS4 costs $399US ( $548AU Cheapest price ) = $149 Australian mark up price.

      Looks like Sony is ripping us Aussie off bigtime!!!
      A True OZbargainer should be all over this overpriced BS .. why is anyone here trying to justify the price difference between Two products made in China and shipped Globally.

      I'm not talking about what the better console is i'm only talking about the price difference on the AUSSIE markup from Sony and Microsoft.

      • -1

        Better than $599US/$999AU PS3 launch. How's about you just deal with it?

      • +1

        Xbone's RRP in AU is $599, PS4's is $549.

        The Xbone has been reduced due to lack of sales, the PS4 has sold out and so nobody is willing to reduce their prices.

        • even with RRP

          The PS4 goes from $399 to $549
          and the Xbox one goes from $499 to $599

          The PS4 still has twice the markup as the Xbox one at RRP

        • +2

          Yep, it does. Still it's not quite like your first post implied is it? Either way, I'm not here for fanboi wars, I'm happy with my choice and I'm sure you will be with yours. That should be good enough, I'm too old for all that other shit.

        • Gaming PC that cost me $5,000 :) i play games at 7680x4800 resolution! (3x Dell30" ) :) Allot of games run like a slideshow.. no hardware out that's good enough!

        • You forgot to add at least 10% US sales tax most Americans pay. This brings the prices closer

      • +2

        dont forget to take GST off when comparing..

      • You gotta consider the exchange rate as well as the cost of importing…

        • import costs should be less as australia is closer to the manufacturer than USA

        • Victoria is closer to me than HK but it doesn't mean its cheaper to send stuff to me from Melbourne :)

          We have an Australia tax, lets just deal with it, we make a pile more money here so comparing the two $'s is a waste of time.

      • +1

        XBox One launch edition also comes with Kinect Sensor and Fifa 14. Which makes it a better valued bundle than PS4 + PS eye + Fifa 14.

        • *Bunduru

      • Got my PS4 from Amazon. Arrived a week ago and cost me over $100 AUS less than retail over here. Set up a US PSN account and grabbed the $30/year PS+ deal from Amazon last night. Someone explain to me again why we should buy local?

        • Warranty support. But that is the only reason in this increasingly region free world.

        • Free can of snake oil with every extended warranty purchase.

    • +1

      Just got EBGames Indooroopilly (QLD) to price match AC Black Flag :-)

  • Anyone know if this is price match-able at EB Games? It would be great to pick up one of those games at that price whilst being at EB's midnight launch

    • Don't know about midnight launch, but if not, it's worth the savings to wait a few hours in my opinion.

      • +2

        There's also the option of going back to match the difference, if you can be bothered going back and bringing all the games. (within 7 days of purchase)

        • Yeah, as long as the place ur matching has stock, gl.

  • +2

    EB price match here I come.

  • Good deal!

  • +1

    Guys, don't forget that Shadow Fall and Knack can be bought for $65 each from EB with console purchase.

    • +1

      Both can be purchased for $50 at most retailers if picking up a ps4 at release day, here are the details:… The 2 bundles for $599 are soft bundles, I.e. The game just given to you at the same time as the ps4 box. EB are being crappy and not offering the deal and charging more. However some people have had luck calling eb customer support and asking them to match the deal.

      • I've ordered the KZ bundle from EB so it won't make any difference to me and its around 200km to my nearest JB so for those of us who don't live in the city $65 is not so bad.

        • +1

          Very true. Same here with the killzone mega bundle :)

    • and for $50 one of those two titles at JB.

      • Do we have some kind of official confirmation that JB will do the soft bundle for $50? Or are we at the mercy of whomever is serving that day?

        • +1

          I emailed my store and they told me that they won't price match Target's $39 for Killzone but will be offering either Knack or Killzone for $50 as per Sonys announced bundles:
 (for other peoples reference)

          It probably is up to the person serving you but I'd say show them that link and they should do it.

        • Rang Target, not offering $39 Killzone to this weeks pre orders. $39 incentive is only for those that have to wait 3 months.

    • I presume its only JB's and EB's honoring that? (the $50 KZ or Knack)

      • EB isnt honouring it

  • Will EB price match this considering we have to use a code to get it for $63?

    • EB will price match $68, but not $63.

      • not at midnight however.

  • they are on par with us prioces, US is 59.99 plus tax.. take our GST off and its pretty close

  • So do we think that Need for Speed is actually included in that price? They just didn't include a pic for the sake of space or what?
    Is it specific PS4 titles or all PS4 titles?

    • it wasnt for xbone, if you want it that cheap go digital on USA store

  • What launch titles are people getting for PS4? I'm picking mine up on the weekend but I'll be damned if I know what game(s) to get with it.

    • I imported the US version — NFS Rivals and Assassins Creed 4 are my favourites (and I hated AC1 and skipped 2+3) and great in both single+multiplayer. Killzone's kinda meh single player (MP is alright) and BF4 is still buggy right now.

    • I have Assassin's Creed 4 sitting on my desk along with a PS4 controller (both purchased from Amazon).
      I might also pick up Killzone from EB if they don't annoy me yet again with their poor customer service.

      Edit: I'm also looking forward to Resogun (free with PS Plus) and some of the other indie games.

      • Hmm I was thinking NFS Rivals.. It seems like it's all thats left on PS4 for me. I've got BF4 on PC and AC4 on Xbone.

        If I activate a month of + to get Resogun then I lose it once the time runs out, right?

        • +1

          Yep. But you get it again if you ever re-sub.

        • PS plus is the single best investment you can make, especially if you own a Vita as well. Heaps of free games every month.

  • Still I don't exactly understand why should a $399 gaming console be $549 in Australia. Well, I guess it's slightly better than initial price of PS3 which was almost $1000 for no reason.

    • USD $400 + $40(TAx) = $440, also consider exchange rate = AUD $490, so nearly $60 expensive (Sony considers that as the import duty in Australia)

      • The import duty is already included in $399 since they are made in China, not in US and why do you apply Australian GST first, before you convert the price from USD to AUD?

        1. USD $399 in AUD is approximately $437
        2. $437 + $43.7(GST) = $480

        Therefore I can conclude that there is no excuse for Sony to set PS4 price higher than $500 in Australia.

        • +3

          it's not Aust GST, it's US tax… something from USA & you understand the final price.

    • +7

      We aren't actually being ripped that much on the console this time.. The $399 figure is sans any tax, so add in GST and it comes up to $440. Add in ~10% dollar difference (as it stands atm) and it's ~$480/490 versus $550. About a 10-15% gouge.

      It's the games that are still the killer. RRP $60US, instead of a converting to ~$70-75Aus RRP get hiked up to $100-110. A few of our local stores are taking less profit to be more competitive but that's props to them, Sony (and MS) are still gouging on official software pricing like no tomorrow.

      ed: just beaten:)

  • Good to see Big W & Target are bringing more competition in local market.
    Still no match with the current war going on between Walmart & Target USA

  • -1

    Great. Anyone know if watchdogs is a launch title?

    • +4

      in April 2014

  • -8

    From a quick look, 5 of those 7 launch titles are also on PC…. for cheaper…. and with better graphics. Seems to be a bit of a poor launch, doesn't it??

    • +3

      better graphics… pretty sure it wont look better on my laptop

      • -4

        Laptop ain't a gaming machine buddy :/

        • +2

          That was his point Neo.

          As an aside, I'd like to see how good any of these computer games would look on a gaming rig that cost $550 to make (including cables, brand new tower, power supply and software).

          Some computer gamers get on these posts and in between mentioning how superior their games look, forget to mention that the Graphics cards alone in their computers cost more than an entire next gen console. I'm not running down computer gaming, just saying it's not necessarily a fair comparison: comparing a $550 turn it on and it works box to a $2000 gaming machine with its directX and viruses.

        • And family all waiting in turn to get to use the PC can be a big hassle.

        • +1

          As can waiting in turn to use the TV :-P

        • Yeah but I have lots of TV's but only one good PC :)

        • $2000? Way off the current price range there.

          An equivalent specc'd brand new PC (1TB HDD instead of 500GB) with an AMD R9-270X GPU ($249, so not the cost of the console) will cost about $800 including a controller.

          A higher price point, but it can do far more than the console can, can be connected to the TV / surround system (the GPU has HDMI output) and best of all has full backward compatibility - try and do that next gen consoles ;)

          What you pay up front for the hardware is saved when you buy games.. PC games (digital versions) are usually much cheaper than console versions, and also have massive price drops only a month or two after they are released. So you save in the long run.

          If you don't want DirectX then install SteamOS when it's out of beta and you can play all your (Steam) games in the loungeroom, voice chat with Steam friends etc.etc. and Steam access is free.

          Though personally I'm happy with Windows 7 - I don't get viruses as I don't download pirated games, and I don't browse dodgy (usually porn) websites. Keep away from the murky areas and you won't get infected.

          I love my PS3 and XBOX 360, and I'll probably look at a PS4 in a few years time.. when there is a large enough, interesting, console exclusive list of games for it. Until then I'll be running Battlefield 4 at higher resolution, higher textures and faster framerates than a PS4 or XBOX ONE.

        • [Sigh]… the $2000 was just a number pulled out of the air to describe a top of the line gaming rig. The only point being that it is not fair to compare the two.

          I wasn't flaming computer gaming gizmo (although thank you for the down vote). I was merely saying that a linear comparison is inappropriate and also takes for granted many of the advantages of console gaming (like software issues and viruses and all the other headaches that are removed when the ecosystem is controlled by a single entity… although this also has its negative points).

          The claim was made about better graphics, and my response was that those better graphics come with a higher price tag (for instance, $800 is more than $550): a point that is often overlooked and that should be uncontroversial.

          And all of this remains the case, even - at the risk of inflaming your obvious genius even more so gizmo - accepting that you can get a gaming computer for $800. Which is a price that probably excludes labour costs at the very least, and comes with a crappy MB, a shitty processor, crap RAM, etc, etc).

    • -3

      Potentially better graphics. I hear ACIV is pretty poorly optimised atm.

    • +1

      Always the PC master race derps have to screw up threads. Go away.

    • +2

      I believe Neo just trying to state the launch titles aren't the most exciting ones which is true. So no console vs PC involved here please

      • Fair point cloud. I wasn't trying to start a console vs PC thing either… just saying that any comparison between the graphics or performance of the two should be couched in terms that recognise cost differences.

        PS - I didn't down vote your comments either Neo.

  • +2

    If only Rockstar were to released GTA5 on the PS4. How awesome would that be. Too bad it doest look like they will.

    • GTA V is awesome on the PS3!

    • You are absolutely kidding yourself if you think Rockstar aren't going to port GTA5 over to the nextgen consoles. You think they hate money, or what?

      • No Im not kidding myself. Just going off what co-writer and Rockstar Games VP of creativity, Dan Houser said

        "Grand Theft Auto 5 will not be appearing on PS4 (or likely Xbox One)"…

        • +2

          You're using inverted commas, but that isn't a quote from Dan. What he DID say was

          "We don’t have another GTA in development, we don’t work on three of these games at a time. That would be phenomenally depressing."

          We're not talking about another GTA, we're talking about GTA 5. There have been plenty of evidence leaks to suggest it will come to PS4, although nothing is official.

    • I imagine they will released it 9 to 12 months later when they've maximized sales. Then they tell people we will sell it to you on the next gen consoles with all the add-ons and better graphics (higher resolution). People will lap it up and buy it again, 2 sales of the same game.

      Then they'll release it to the PC market and people knowing the past modding community may even buy it a 3rd time.

  • Any word if Good Guys are getting PS4 this Friday? They only revealed they would be selling Xbox One in last week's catalogue.

    • I thought all PS4 consoles have already been allocated until 2014? Even if they advertise the console, none of them will have stock.

    • One of the staff members at my local Good Guys preordered a PS4 at my store (EB Games) because their store wasn't getting any PS4s until February. I'm not sure if this applies to all Good Guys or just my local one, so take this with a grain of salt.

    • According to the Good Guys Rep that posted on Ozbargain The Good Guys will only be selling online in the future for games.

  • +2

    Pity most launch titles aren't that great, can't wait till some of the better exclusives are released but will be a few months yet

  • If I had to choose, I'll choose ACBF.

  • Pretty good prices. Going to snap up AC: BF and Knack at this price.

    Is the Dualshock 4 at $78 a good price, though? Xbox One's controller was $58 in comparison last week.

    • Debatable. Both are $60 in the US, but the Dualshock 4 has an internal battery.

  • Sweet!!
    I'll try my luck getting eb to price match acbf at the midnight launch otherwise I'll just go to BigW in the morning :)


  • Big W barely had any stock for Xbox One games. Only 2-3 copies of each game. Went to 3 Big Ws for Forza 5. I assume it will be the same.

  • When will this deal be online?

  • It's early days yet I know, but only the WiiU has games that are remotely tempting to me.

  • I know with the Xbox One launch titles, it was an easy EB Pricematch. Depends on the store/staff combo though

  • EB GAMES will be price matching the games from thursday as games release on 28th not 29th like the console.

    • Does that mean we'll be able to buy games on Thursday?

    • +1

      I have found it hard to get EB Games to price match lately. The staff always have so many conditions even when I show them the price on my phone to match. It is a sale just match the damn thing!

  • All this talk about the prices over in USA I'm curious…

    There were a lot of amazon deals that were purchased here, and USA still has some stock I'm assuming, so people should know what issues arise if you have a PS4 console purchased from USA??

    Sony don't have region locking like Xbox, so is there any NTSC or PAL issues? or is it just the power brick?

    If so what is the solution? just a plug adapter? or are the voltages different and you need to buy a new brick (where even from) off setting the saving cost?

    • It is an internal universal power adapter. All you need is a AUS figure 8 cable.

    • the US is out of stock. there is no region locking (except for Blurays) but if you buy US games, you have to buy the DLC from the US too. its as simple as finding a new figure 8 power cable and plugging it in to your US ps4. for the record, amazon was $453 delivered (using the fastest postage) when they had stock

      the record on whirlpool last time I checked for issues was 40 working, 3 not working but i'm sure the working number has gone heaps higher now

    • xbox one is region free, as is the store for dlc

  • No point buying any Mk1 Console. Not only are you paying through the nose, but also you'll essentially be the advanced Beta testers. Best to wait for Mk2 and Mk3 versions.

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