Is this some scam I've fallen into?

Won camera on ebay auction. 8 days after it was posted, still no show. Contacted seller, he gave me the tracking number.

I looked it up and it had been indicated as delivered 3 days prior.

BUT delivered from the Chullora delivery centre (PDC) in Sydney, a good 75 minutes away.

Called AusPost who indicated it should have arrived at the local Bowral PDC, so they suggested seller had put the wrong address on parcel. I'd already confirmed shipping address with seller.

I asked AusPost what address was indicated on the tracking number—AusPost said they don't record that. I confirmed with them I didn't misunderstand what was just said.

Now I've had to instigate a search with AusPost, but thought if AusPost don't record the destination address, what's to stop sellers sending things to their mates and getting delivery confirmation when signatures aren't mandatory?


  • +1

    well if its ebay and you paid thru paypal
    you can dispute the delivery claim and request money back from paypal

    • Paid through PayPal but ebay rep suggested because the shipping address I had configured in PayPal doesn't match my eBay address, there might be an issue claiming.

      Haven't called PayPal yet because I'm hoping the AusPost search finds the camera.

      But couldn't any buyer who actually received an item just claim they didn't get it?

      • yes …but that's just plain old thief

  • I had it shipped to my ex-wife's name and address

    This important detail is missing from the original post.

    • Actually I didn't think it was relevant (even removing it from my second post not to confuse the issue).

      But yes, I put her name and address on it as I was visiting her for a few days and was concerned if the camera didn't arrive before I left, she'd have trouble collecting it from the post office (and I live 3 hours away).

      • I understand, but I also think that using any alternate identity/address for the purpose of shipping might complicate the situation vis a vis a refund or similar.

        I thought about this case as I drove home today, and I think you might have a good point regarding the scam. I think it's feasible.

        • +1

          The PayPal shipping screen on checkout allows alternate names and addresses to be shipped to so I'm thinking that should be ok as far as Buyer Protection goes, plus there is nothing about it in the Buyer Protection Policy.

    • Ok, so that makes him safe (which is nice to know if AusPost lost it), but surely PayPal won't cover both of us?

    • Reading PayPal's T&Cs, it appears PayPal doesn't cover anyone for AusPost loss, only the buyer if the seller if he hasn't a receipt for postage to my postcode. Which he apparent has.

      Which means I could be the the loser here if AusPost can't find it.

  • correct mattgal

  • +1

    You may have fallen foul of Australia post.

    They track articles, but thats all. If it goes missing the best they do is to give a refund of postage.

    I lost an item all they could tell me that I lodged it, they couldnt track it after then.

    Its the biggest weakest link with internet shopping in Australia.

    Rather than going for the GST on OS goods, all Aussie retailers should be gunning for AustPost.

    Their service is atrocious and extremely expensive.

    Oh you can get insurance, but yes that's more cost by AustPost, so they win every time.

  • " BUT delivered from the Chullora delivery centre (PDC) in Sydney, a good 75 minutes away. "

    please keep in mind, even above information showing at auspost tracking id it does not mean parcel delivered at chullora.

    auspost do hire contractor to deliver some parcel at certain area.

    for my case, I live in moorebank nsw 2170. some parcel deliver direct / leave at my local post office in moorebank. BUT I do have some parcel deliver directly by auspost contractor ( I still need to sign the parcel, but the tracking was showing VILLAWOOD NSW if I tracked it online ).

    Moorebank and villawood is 11kms away.

    • Yep, understood, and 11 kms is reasonable for a contractor to drive from the delivery centre. But I can't see (and AusPost too agreed) any way a contractor would drive over 100km to deliver when there's a postal delivery center a few kms from the destination and local contractors.

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