On clearance is stanley stud finder intellisensor prometal +.was29.98 now $10 at bunnings box hill.enough quantity.
Bunnings - Stanley Stud Finder Intellisensor Prometal Clearance $10 [Box Hill, VIC]

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good find, but better put price in title
Now I know why people keep walking up to me, pointing this thing at me.
It's because they're attracted to me with their stud finder!!Negs?? Haters gonna hate I guess…
their Sense of Humour Finder was probably broken ;)
probably those implants triggering…
pointing this thing at me.
They're probably wondering why the 'intellisensor' is showing a -ve reading…
Looks like there is only one left…
Quantity is enough.
How many did you see?
It's been there for over an hour though, I've been watching it in the link…
Note that this is a METAL detector
It's not designed to detect wooden studs reliably.
Save your $10, crack open a failed hard drive and you will find a pair of rare earth magnets. I use them all the time to find the metal studs at my place
Around 25-30.the first one on the hook I bought.
What about other bunnies. Anyone look
will i have any luck with this one in Ballarat?
It should work in any Australian city…
This deal found me. I must be a stud.
Got one on my way home from work. Walk past the tool shop. Opposite the DIY. Still plenty more left.
Thanks op. Got one. Good find
On two locations along Aisle 9, near front and next to fly screen. 16 left now.
Price in title please.