I know that price matching is not allowed, but instead you should post the original deal. In my case, the original dead was only if you pre ordered the game. Since the game has been released, the pre order deal no longer applies, but I price matched with EB Games anyway. My post basically saves you $10, as EB Games will most probably accept the price match of the receipt I posted. For those interested, it was Need for Speed Rivals on PS3 for $69.
Why was my bargain removed?
LCroDemon on 23/11/2013 - 19:20
Well here it is for anyone interested.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/14256…It's because it isn't a bargain. It's a price match. You answered your own question. Still, thanks for sharing, but it needs to be put into the forums.
Maybe you should've posted it in the forums instead.