I just saved $25 on Comp Insurance with GIO by listing an extra driver even though they will never drive the car, I did an online quote using only myself as the driver (47 yrs old clean record max no claims discount) and was quoted $703. I am the only driver but decided to list my sister (44 yo same clean record etc) on the policy just to see what happened and the price dropped to $678 saving $25
I don't think this qualifies to put up on the deals list as it is quite variable with different circumstances but it worked for me
Just saved over $25 on Compehensive Car Insurance

I thought female always increase the risk?
Guys like to take risks, but females don't like to give way!
Jokes aside, insurance is based on statistics and risk pools. Stats show that historically males are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents than women, hence the price difference.
Perhaps they should charge less for homosexual males?
My insurance only lists my wife. If I am listed the price goes up, even though the coverage is exactly the same.
do they up the excess for non-listed drivers ?
Only if you are under 25.
Try an online quote with Coles insurance…see how that compares…I have heard it is cheap cheap :)
I did one recently and it didn't beat my GIO renewal. It was a pretty involved process too.
Yeah Coles is cheaper but read the PDS, they don't give you as good cover as with some other policies….but that depends on you need out of insurance. I got a quote from them and was inundated with calls from the Indian call entre for weeks afterwards. A lot of the time they just hung up and never spoke. I knew it was Coles insurance as the number came up each time. They are very pushy sales people, I ended up putting in a complaint to Coles to get them to stop calling/hassling me.
yeah knew this before, not sure exactly what the go is
Exactly the same thing happened when I added my wife's name on my insurance.
You might find that that 'rarely/never' drivers carry a set percentage risk overall. Because your sister is female, her risk is lower, and that reduces the risk.