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Samsung Galaxy S3 4G (i9305) $0 on Vodafone 30 Plan 24 Month

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$0 upfront on
$30 Plan
Over 24 months. Total min cost $720.

When in Australia you get
$200 of included value for calls and TXT except premium numbers and services.
200MB included data charged per Kb

Maximum number of 2 minute
voice calls you can make
from your Included Value = 84

Additional data usage in Australia $0.10/MB

Thought it was a good offer for someone looking for a decent phone included on a low end plan.

Cheapest I've seen the phone retail was $497 from Dick Smith

$720 (Total cost of contract)
-$497 (Cost of phone)

=$223 (or $9.29 per month for the plan)

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Am I being naive to think that it's pointless having a 4G phone with only 200mb of data?

    • No Your not. They expect you to buy more data

    • +2

      You could end up using your whole month's allowance in under 5 minutes…

    • +4

      The cynic in me says that is what they want.

      "oh look 70Mbps on a speedtest!"…"Damn, I'm already at half my data"

      But it's not hard to turn 4G off.

    • +3

      It's not pointless, Vodafone will make heaps when you go over.

      This plan is only good if you turn cellular data off instantly, I know some people claim to hardly use their data but if you forget once in 2 years then suddenly the whole plan is blown and it costs an arm and a leg.

  • +2

    200MB included data

    you're kidding? right???

    • +2

      i got sucked into a 2 year, $30/month plan with voda, htc one x, 200mb. what was i thinking?!? data allowance doesn't last 1 week :(

  • This looks like the old $29 plan, but no more free Voda to Voda calls?

    • Yep, it sucks, only in Australia have mobile costs gone up over time..
      Now Vodafone to Vodafone is only free on the 40$ plan.

  • +3

    You could get an s3 (or even a Nexus 5), get a plan on say vaya, and it would probably work out the same cost, with more data, better phone, and better network

  • +2

    I have this plan from when they had it wih an S2 and based on the experience I've had with their network speed, I'd say 200 MB is more than enough.

    • you just happen to live in their black hole. Cant say the same for everyone else

      • I live in melbourne's west and work in north melbourne. Mobile data speed at both places is rubbish. I get excellent speeds when I put my wife's optus sim in my mobile though.

  • +1

    200 MB Data is rubbish.

    • Vodafone is rubbish

  • +1

    I agree Earthman we should not be going backwards on data allowances.

  • +5

    200mb is more than enough, as you won't get reception anyway, how could you use then 200mb!

    • obviously you never heard of the term "internet" and "smart phone"

      • the voda network is teribad, wont be able to use it enough to go over ur limit

        • it depends on where you live. Me and my wife both on it and she constantly out of data allowance and has to pay extra fees everymonth, shes on 500mb and only browse news sites. I have 1Gb and enough to live by.

        • When she goes over is it by a little or a lot?


          1gb extra will cost an extra $10 a month, but if she accidentally goes over $30 once every 3 months then your paying virtually the same amount and you get piece of mind that you shouldn't get a $200 data bill.
          I've got my wife on 5gb of data a month and she fluctuates between 2gb and 3.5gb, it was $5 a month difference at the time though (between 1gb extra data and 2.5gb) and I would certainly do it again. $120 over 2 years for piece of mind is worthwhile.

        • +1

          thankyou, thats what we eventually did, upgraded to higher plan (from $30 to now $40) to get extra allowances but still dont find it enough and often paying double. So my point is dont get sucked in with low plan they offer, if you're the type that go over limit every month. Might as well go for a bigger plan and get better phone.
          Or buy a outright phone somewhere and get a $35 BYO no contract plan with voda, decent allowance. And if you're not happy, get out anytime!!!

        • If your looking at the $35 Vodafone plans your nuts. https://www.aldimobile.com.au/plans

          Shit it's just changed, no longer unlimited but it's still very good.

          2000 SMS
          500 mms
          2.5gb data
          Telstra Network

        • only reason we go with voda is their credits includes international calls which we use. For Aldi and old kogan, you gotta pay extra :)

        • Also, with Aldi mobile the internet is very reliable so you can skype callfor even better international rates and your skype credits expire(as far as I know).

          Im on a vodafone plan now, super cheap but TOTALLY regret signing up. Forget using data if you are in the city.

  • +6

    I9505 is the s4. The S3 is I9305

    • Yeah, whoops. Fixed it.

  • $30 plan on voda is pointless. I got sucked in a year ago and constantly paying twice as much everymonth anyway cos their call credits and data are useless even if you only make 1 or 2 phone calls a day. I cant even get out of the contract cos of penalty fee.

    • You can't get out due to rates and such but if you wanted you could upgrade your plan, you probably won't be able to get a new phone but they will happily upgrade your plan to say the $40 infinite plan. It may be an extra $10 a month but at least it's useful then.

      • I did eventually and still find $40 is not enough. Call credits went from $180 to only $250. If we upgrade to $50 plan, then might as well got a better phone from the beginning. Now we stuck with a crappy htc and an expensive plan. So I'm just warning others beware of low plan. There's a catch!!

  • This or nexus 4 for $299?

    • nexus of course!!

    • +3

      why not nexus 5 for $399.00/16Gb or $449/34Gb model instead? better in every way and will last longer…

      • I will argue against your point that it will last longer.

        The battery in the s4 is a 2600mah and is a proven all day phone (over 5.5 hours screen on time), it has 4G and is still relatively new in terms of specs. It's not even a whole generation behind the Nexus 5 spec wise.

        But yes, +1 Nexus 5 in everyway, cheaper, nicer screen and doesn't have Samsung bloat on it.

        • He said N5 would be longer than N4 not SGS4…

          And anyway, android OS has been optimised for the Nexus line so you get better efficiency with N5 than SGS4. In the end, N5 has a very comparable battery life to SGS4

  • $10 add on pack for 12 months gives you 1GB Per month. Or if you only want to do month-to-month it gives you 500mb.

    I'm on 30 plan and use wifi at home and work. If I do go close to limit, I will just chuck on a data add on pack.

    I also use my work phone for majority of my calling other then On weekends.

  • +2

    I would probably wait for Virgin Mobile to come up with S3 on this price.
    Atleast they have Virgin Mobile to Virgin Mobile free calls which works good for us.

  • With them for 2+years; network problem (Brisbane) going on for months. Technical team never finds a fault on their side!! Simply hopeless; Suffocating and cant even bother to be lured. This is just my personal experience.

  • IMO this is not worth it.

    I use Woolies mobile. Costs $26.10 per 45 days = $17.40 a month. You get $250/$250 optus/non optus credit and 5GB of data. Over 24 months it would cost $423.40.

    And it's prepaid so you won't get a bill shock when you go over the laughable 200mb cap or the small credit allowance.

    And you're on Optus which for most people does a better job than the Voda network.

    There are multiple other options if you don't want to go with Woolworths mobile but there's no way I'd lock myself into a TWO YEAR contract with such a low allowance.

    Now go and buy a Nexus or whatever phone tickles your fancy.

    • Woolworths mobile has stopped taking on new customers and you won't be able to recharge after 1st-oct-2014.

      Heaps of time left for you but not for new customers.

  • 200MB is pretty good on a Vodafone network. Because it's so slow that you won't be able to use up the 200MB in a month :).

  • I have been with vodafone for over 3 years now and I admit the first year was hard. Reception was fine, just the 3G network was non existent. The last 2 years it has been almost perfect. Fast 3G speeds at home and especially at work (Tullamarine area). No call drop outs. No bad signals. People on Optus at work are hating their service at the moment. And did a few speed comparisons with a friend using Telstra. He would probably download a (for example) 20mb app in 2 minutes. On my vodafone 2 minutes 15 seconds. Not too fussed considering the price he pays compared to me

    • That's because everyone has left their suggested network and free up bandwidth, which is good for you. I don't think people whom migrated over to Telstra or Optus will return to Vodafone anytime soon. You said Optus is slow, but not as bad as Vodafone.

  • -1

    For those worry about 200mb not enough for 4G speed, don't worry because the $30 plan with 200mb is not a 4G compatible plan I.e. you will only get 3G even you have a 4G phone and in a 4G zone unless you add extra data pack to increase the total monthly data limit.

    • Incorrect. I am on $30 plan and get 4G
      And also kind of defeats the purpose of Vodafone trying to sell a 4G phone and not being to use their 4G service…

      • -1

        You sure you saw 4G on your phone? I confirmed with the support team supervisor $30 plan with only 200mb is not a 4G compatible plan unless I pay for extra data pack.

        • Yes, regularly throughout the day. Also like I said, pretty silly to sell a 4G phone on a $30 plan without giving the use access to 4G…

          From: " http://www.vodafone.com.au/aboutvodafone/network/network-faq "

          All existing Vodafone Postpaid customers in a 4G coverage area have the chance to access Vodafone 4G now. If you don’t yet have a 4G phone and 4G plan or are still on an older contract, don’t worry, we’ve got options to help you access 4G.

          So, if you are in a 4G coverage area you’ll need 2 things to get onto the 4G network:

          1. A 4G-enabled Phone or Tablet
            If you’ve already got a 4G phone or Tablet you might need to change your device settings. To check if your existing device is 4G-ready and to enable 4G on it, use our handy device set-up tool. If you don’t have a 4G phone, call us on 1555 or visit us in store and we’ll talk you through your options. Check out our latest range of 4G phones here.

          1.A 4G plan or Data Add-on
          Most of our current and recent plans have 4G access. If you’re on an older plan, don’t worry. You can still get access to 4G (and give your data allowance a boost) with our handy Data Add-ons if you are on a Plan with Vodafone Alerts on it. And if you’re out of contract, we can move you to one of our value-packed 4G plans. So call us on 1555 or visit us in store and we’ll help you get onto 4G.

          I’m thinking of joining Vodafone on a plan, how do I get onto 4G?
          Vodafone’s super-fast 4G network is now available for all Vodafone postpaid customers when you're in a 4G area.
          All of our current contracted and SIM only plans give you access to 4G. Just choose your 4G device, pick a great value plan and get ready for lift-off.

          Handy tip: 4G uses data faster than 3G, so we’ve created a data calculator to help you figure out how much data you might use on 4G and which plan is best for you.

          All of our current plans have Vodafone Alerts – handy reminders that let you know when you’ve reached 50%, 85% and 100% of your allowance. Plus, if you do happen to go over, your data is charged per KB, so you only pay for what you use.

        • I'm on $29 old plan and don't get 4G (on 4G phone)
          i think its only for new Red plans or 4G enabled plans


        • Every new plan has 4G

        • New as of starting from recently. So for those signed up 1 year ago wouldn't get 4 G I guess unless you renew your contract with a new plan or add on data.

        • Yes, so based on this deal you would get 4G.

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