Bought this game for my friend $68 today at BigW TopRyde
Got mine from EB Games ($99.95), should have waited. damn it…
Bought this game for my friend $68 today at BigW TopRyde
Got mine from EB Games ($99.95), should have waited. damn it…
That was ntsc not pal
Sold out. NTSC version.
What does it come with extra or is it simply the first batch of releases that come with the extra map just like BLOPS 2?
Not bargin i got mine for the same price the day it came out
only limited as it has the extra map
Not a deal, that's no discount price.
Also, wow $100 for cod? You must be dedicated.
$68 is fairly standard price. Was $62 at jb hifive over weekend.
Anyone who buys at ebgames ridiculous prices doesnt belong on ozbargain.
..and welcome to the community -_-'
Eb aren't great for recent releases, but if your smart enough you pick some nice gems up when they have proper sales , not the monthly promo sale.
anyone who buys this game doesnt belong on ozbargain… unless its free.
I played this at a friends place and totally not worth $5.
Same goes for BF4, they both suck at present…perhaps they should actually finish a game before releasing it.
At least BF4 will be a decent game once they patch it up. COD is simply a turd to begin with, and you can't polish a turd.
Agreed. But yet they persist year after year…The one thing about COD is it keeps the Annoying Trolling, Booster types out of BF, so that's one thing it has going for it.
was on eBay lastnight for $49.95.