This was posted 15 years 10 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Windows 7 RC1 free for a year!

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Microsoft Windows 7 Release Candidate 1 will be made free for one year when it's released on May 5. If you are an MSDN or Technet subscriber, of course, you can already download the release candidate. The rest of us must wait until May 5 for the general public release.

EDIT: Link goes to MS Windows 7 home page.

This link on the MS Windows blog features the announcement:…

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closed Comments

    • +5

      Yes, I agree. But I've got machines running Windoze (XP) that I'd like to 'upgrade to '7' plus others with different flavours of Linux that wont be switched.

      The one machine in the house running Vista will also get an upgrade.

  • By free for a year - what happens after the year period? Do you have to pay to continue using it or upgrade? Or you don't get more updates?

    • it stops working in June 2010.

    • +1

      It will lock you out, and you will need to upgrade to the full version.

      Why you would want to use an RC in a years time is beyond me though.

      • Do you think you can downgrade back to Windows Vista/XP after the expiry date, without having to reformat your computer?

        • I don't think a downgrade without a reformat will be possible. (I'm using the RC, and it doesn't appear to be supported)

          You should be able to upgrade to the final version of Windows 7 without reformatting though. (which will be released Q3 this year, bar any major hiccups)

        • +5

          You should be able to run both systems in parallel, so you can just delete the Win7 partition.

        • no you can't. you need to format your hard drive and clean install Win7, once that's done all your XP files are gone.

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: yes you can - i don't see why atlas got a negative vote for writing that even if he were wrong T__T which btw he isn't

            you just format a partition on which to install Win 7 and leave your xp alone
            when you boot up you'll get the option of from which operating system you want to load

            when win7 dies just delete the partition. easy

    • +1

      Think of it as Trialware, NOT Freeware. Therefore, not really a bargain.

      BIG WARNING: Unless you know how to backup your files and do fresh install of Windows, putting this version on your PC will meant you will loose ALL your files once it expire or you will be force to fork out the money to upgrade to the final version.

    • +1

      What the hell are you talking about? There is no signing/encrypting of files, even when the time period expires.

      • -3

        Sorry, did I say :"IF Microsoft IS evil enough" ?

    • dude, i bet you can just pop in a ubuntu cd, run from the disc then copy off all the files manually. That's what i've been able to do for every past version of windows. Do you have a tinfoil hat by chance?

      PS - all microsoft trials give you plenty of warning. From experience they give you a months notice - and it will pop up every day.

  • Oh gnoes teh 3v1l M$!!11

    Windows 7 is great, and will more than likely be the first OS I actually buy, provided they get the price right. Going from XP SP3 to Win7 is an easy enough jump :)

    • sorry for the -ve vote, I wanted to do a positive, but accidentally pressing +

  • -2

    A "release candidate" means that its ready to go so far as the vendor can tell.
    If they don't get any major fault reports from a given RC, then that is declared the
    official release.
    Is this really an RC? I think MS is bullshitting again, and its really a beta.

    • +3

      As far as you can tell is irrelevant, that's what it is by definition.

      However frequently there are RC1, RC2 and occasionally RC3.

      Windows 7 has already gone through an alpha and beta stage, and it's based on the same core code as Vista (something they don't like to announce too loudly because most people aren't fans of Vista).

      I'm using build 7000 (the publicly released beta) on two computers at the moment, both are running well. I don't use all the features, but if I didn't know better I'd say it was a RC not a beta already.

    • -5

      MS' RCs are never the definition. It is another beta in essence.

  • -2

    I am still using XP. I usually upgrade to the 2nd newest OS because it gets all it's kinks out. So when 7 comes out, I will finally be upgrading to Vista and in 6 years time when the next new OS comes out to replace 7, I will then upgrade to 7.

    • +4

      Yes, the R-1 principal used to be used by many clients for their enterprise platforms, but I don't think that rule really applies these days.
      I suspect that most will stay with XP, avoid Vista and wait to see if W7 delivers all the funtionality-with-low-overhead benefits that are promised.

  • -2

    dont you dreamscene know? vista is the worst OS windows ever produce. its just like windows ME (millenium) after 1 year of release, finally they release XP. and vista aswell. WINDOWS 7 will be great OS, just like XP

    • +1

      That remains to be seen.

      • +2

        Not really…people have been using Win 7 all year. Unless MS does a 180 on us or something after the RC.

    • +2

      What's wrong with Vista? Vista's been out for nearly 2.5 years. Since Vista SP1, I have found Vista more stable on the same hardware (in my case anyway) than XP.

      If you have a slow machine I would definitely stay with XP, but on modern systems I can't say that Vista is slower.

      And yes, Windows 7 is built on Vista.

  • will the upgrade to full version kill ur files and programs? cos i seriously dun wanna reinstall everything again.

    I rather wait for the final to be safe ;/

    • haha don't upgrade
      i heard it totally stuffs your files over
      if ur unsure just make a separate partition to instal W7 on to try =]

  • +1

    What happens when Beta expires?.

    This is a very important question, because the Windows 7 Beta has an expiration date. To avoid interruption, you’ll need to rebuild your test machine using a valid version of Windows before the software expires. Windows will notify you that the expiration process is beginning and two weeks later your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. The Beta expires on August 1, 2009, and bi-hourly shutdowns will begin July 1, 2009. You’ll need to rebuild your test PC to replace the OS and reinstall all your programs and data.

    above is extract from

    So The OS will boot normal but will shutdown every 30 mins, same must be true to RC also. You can re-install XP or whatever windows you want WITHOUT format. (I overwritten windows 7 Beta to XP few weeks earlier, but will install RC1 next week)

  • Is Windows 7 RC1 still hardcoded to send usage/error data back to MS for evaluation, or am I thinking of the beta (and earlier) versions?

  • +4

    This could well be one of the great kicks in Microsoft-Apple-Linux battle. The next three years would be an exciting years for geeks in terms of OS battle. Oh – and don't forget Google's Android on netbooks.

    • Can't see that much will change. Yes, Linux uptake will definitely increase steadily but Windows will still hold the great majority share. At least it's nice to see we have a choice to some degree now.

      • -3

        linux is rubbish

        • +1

          i dont think it's rubbish, there is a bit of a learning curve (particularly with the command line) that makes it harder to master. However, alot of awesome open source software was created on linux then converted to windows.

    • +3

      This year is supposed to be the year of Linux on desktop… Just like all the last 10 years :)

      (Disclaimer — I do use Linux on desktop for at least 50% of the time for the last 12 years. Still lack that published-ness after all these years…)

  • +1

    don't u people realise it's such a fuss to reinstall everything once it expires?

    • +4

      It'd take me less than two hours. Which is a pretty good trade off for a years use of software that's likely going to cost $350ish (since the RC1 edition is the equivalent of Vista Ultimate).

      But then I do that sort of thing for a living and have for almost 10 years now.

      I certainly would only recommend installing W7RC1 to people who:
      1 - Like playing around with computers
      2 - Know how to store their files in an organised fashion
      3 - Know how to backup their files (although the inbuilt Windows Easy Transfer feature should make this incredibly simple, even for nublets)
      4 - Keep track of where their original CDs and product keys are (a common issue)

    • +2

      don’t u people realise it’s such a fuss to reinstall everything once it expires?

      Geeks like us don't mind doing that. And if you're taking your time to test W7 you'll need to be computer literate, right?

      A reinstall of Windows would usually take me an hour to do. Even faster you if you image your hard drive — if you have a spare portable hard drive for backup, you can clone your current one and keep it till next year when you need it to recover your original OS. Since it's a clone, everything will still be there, apps, doc's and all.

      • -2

        Imaging/cloning not all that helpful for changing off of an expired beta though.

        • +1

          LOL. I don't think you know how HDD imaging works. When you restore the image, you're doing it outside of the windows environment, so even if Windows 7 locks you out, you can restore the HD back to the way it was when you first cloned the hard disk.

          Besides, Windows 7 will warn you 2 weeks before hand before the expiry date.

          • -2

            @scrimshaw: LOL. I don't think you know how the Windows RC1 expiry works. It's date based, not an actual countdown of the seconds it's been running.

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Funny conversation here.. I believe Scrimshaw was meaning that you should take an image of your "existing" os prior to installing W7 which could then be restored when Win7 expires… :)

              • -1

                @kojack: That would certainly be useful in retaining an exact software setup.

                You would of course lose any documents or emails or videos etc. you'd created/changed while you had Windows 7 though. So his "docs and all" statement is true, but not really practical in the context of the W7RC1 install.

                • +2

                  @[Deactivated]: You mean you actually keep your documents on the OS drive?! For god sake if you don't have 2 physical drives at least create some partitions.

                  • @browser: Ive never had anyone convince me as to how it is easier to have two drives or partitions over one. You still need backups either way and beyond that I don't see how it's any harder or easier to backup the root of a D:\ or Selecting c:\Users\XXX\ as your root backup location.

                    For reinstalls of an OS I always do a fresh install anyway regardless of how many partitions I have and backing up old files and restoring them takes almost no time at all.

                    • @Smigit: There's more than just backup/restore. But if you like to keep everything on one drive then so be it.

                  • @browser: Like Smigit, I find there's little point. Used to do it, but found it had no advantage in the long run - it's no protection against corruption, you have to keep a backup anyway… it's just a slightly more separate folder.

                    If you like keeping separate partitions, fine. I just don't get any benefit from it.

          • +2

            @scrimshaw: In that case, then why not dual-boot Windows7 and your current OS? that way you get the best of both worlds. I'm thinking of getting another hard drive specifically for installing this RC on it, that way no need to mess around with transferring files and whatnot.

      • um have you guys ever installed games such as GTA 4, FSX, Empire total war? those games take like 30min + to install lol!

        and with fsx i have so many addons it would literally take me 1 day just to reinstall and fine everything again.

        Btw i was more concerned about reinstalling games rather than programs.

        • Games are programs.

          But I get your point.

          Personally, not a big gamer. Also, with most games you can simply copy the folder to a new computer and it'll work. Which is why all my games get installed to a C:\Games folder instead of a C:\Program Files\<publisher/developer>. Just in case I need to copy that one big folder. Steam, for instance, which I'd have to download 30+GB for. Just copy the folder, and install the tiny <1MB program again to the same location and it all just works (maybe a few minor updates have to be installed).


    this isn't a 'free' product, it's a beta period to iron out any bugs developers or testers might find.

    • +3

      Dude! Rc isn't beta, not by a long shot. This one is feature complete. (Just ask Leo / Paul lol)

    • Obviously you are not a software engineer, neither are you read enough about computing.

    • i'm going to agree with him, it will have a number of bugs and a few driver issues. I'm going to wait out until the proper retail version comes out. I'll have to buy it sooner or later anyway.

  • +2

    cool,Will probably format and run win7 rc1 instead of vista ultimate

  • This is a very good news for anyone that wants to enjoys Windows7 before buying it.

    This is OFFICIAL, "Acer says Windows 7 to ship on 23 October" 2009 in UK……

    We will be waiting to find out which PC Manufacturer will Ship WINDOWS7 first in Australia.

  • Wow, what a discussion! anyway, I know that with the recent version of Windows 7, someone "hacked" it so that the expiry date is frozen and therefore the version can be used forever. I'm sure with the release of RC, someone will do the same and therefore there won't be a problem of a frozen Windows 7RC after it expires.

  • For those who is worrying about what happens after expiry, All you need to do is, Install Windows 7 on a separate partition (say with 15 to 20GB) and set My Documents on another partition (for eg: D Drive). Also when installing applications (like Firefox/open office) try to get a portable version and install/copy them on the D: as a standalone/portable version. This way when the time come, you just need to install another OS your data is safe.You can even install/boot windows 7 to USB Sticks (8GB+ but 16GB is good).

    Also please be environmental friendly by not burning the Install media to DVD. Try install from USB Drives (like :… ).

  • +5

    For all of you who think this is bug ware….
    I'm still using one of the betas and i have yet to pick up a crash and burn error. I haven't even seen the Windows 7 blue screen!!!!

    IMO, if MS released it right now they can prob get away with saying its complete…. This is like 1000000x more stable than Vista was on RTM release.

    I don't see why people are saying "Backup this backup that". It will expire in 1 year, doesn't mean it will lock you out of your system one day. It will just revert back to "unregistered" mode. Sorta like how Windows Vista does it when you install it without a CD Key.

    This is what i say to all my friends who ask me about it: (In 1 sentence!)
    Vista Beauty with XP Performance or better.

    Drivers wise though, You can use the ones from Vista (sometimes even ones from XP). So if you cannot find Win7 drivers for your device then try to use the ones from Vista or XP (make sure if you install x64 version of Win7 you use x64 Drivers from Vista/XP, and 32 bit versions use 32bit drivers etc)

    BTW, I am a professional programmer.

  • It will be a slow download when everyone tries to get it. Downloading from MSDN since last night, still going.

    • -1

      I got it in under an hour.

      • -1

        LOL! You have no idea do you?

        • what are you you talking about? I got it last night and i was able to get it under a hour too. the Microsoft severs are behaving well for now.

        • -1

          you said 'been downloading from MSDN since last night its still going'

          it took me less than one hour to download it however. So it appears you have no idea.

          • @[Deactivated]: LOL³

            No matter how much bandwidth you have, Akamai just won't give you that much. So check your facts before exaggerating.

  • its over 2 gig

  • hmmm it's gone live… but it's always erroring and not letting me download :(

    • likewise

  • downloading now!!!! yay

  • +1

    Hey guys, just giving my POV. Been running Windows 7; for a few days now. Had no troubles with it. Runs faster and leaner than Vista.

    Quite obvious some ppl don't have a grasp of the people who this would interest. I for some reason love re-installing new OS's, see what they are like - FRESH INSTALL - AHHHH!!!!!

    It is free, you don't pay for it, it works well as long as you have relatively recent hardware (my old printer/scanner/sound card worked fine though!), you can use if for a year, then do watever - buy win 7 or go back to your other OS.

    PS. I heard that when it expires, it sends viruses to all noobs and destroys their OS partition! May also cause your computer to combust…

    On a serious note, just be aware when you install apps (such as virus scanners and firewall apps) as most are not compatible with win 7 and will cause probs. Otherwise i have office, adobe suite, steam + counter strike, Crysis, latest nvidia drivers, uTorrent, Firefox 3.5, Avira free and MS live suite and all work without a hitch. Might cause an argument but everything starts up quicker, and I can actually play Crysis at a playable Frame rate compared to vista!

  • +3

    its only really 10 months…

    Watch the calendar. The RC will expire on June 1, 2010. Starting on March 1, 2010, your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. Windows will notify you two weeks before the bi-hourly shutdowns start. To avoid interruption, you’ll need to install a non-expired version of Windows before March 1, 2010.

    having the computer shut down after just 2 hours would be very annoying

    • +1

      Would it ever lol. Pretty far away though. Will hopefully have purchased win 7 by then ;-) Atleast 2 hours is a decent amount of time. Enough to copy and files quickly then re-format time!

      Quote from Microsoft site:
      "Remember expiration dates: Please plan ahead for the Beta and RC expiration dates. To avoid interruption, you’ll need to rebuild your test machine using a valid version of Windows before the software expires. Windows will notify you that the expiration process is beginning and two weeks later your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. The Beta expires on August 1, 2009, and bi-hourly shutdowns will begin July 1, 2009. The RC will expire June 1, 2010, and the bi-hourly shutdowns will begin on March 1, 2010. In both cases, you’ll need to rebuild your test PC to replace the OS and reinstall all your programs and data."(

    • Ouch, that sucks! Oh well, can't complain too much :) I'm tempted to give this a go. My computer needs a reinstall anyway…

  • Hasn't anyone else considered that the hackers out there will be looking at ways to stop it continually shutting down anyway? They may or may not succeed but I am sure they will be trying.

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