This was posted 11 years 3 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One $578, Controllers $58, Launch Games $68 @ Big W


Credits go to Ge3ks on WP for this deal, I am just reposting it here.

In the new Big W catalogue coming out next week they have:

Xbox One available for $578 on release. RRP is $599
Additional controllers for $58. RRP is $80.
Launch games for $68.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Doesn't seem to be the one that comes with free Fifa 14, and Ryse, Forza and DR3 don't seem to be Day 1 editions. Still pretty good prices.

      • +1

        Another games stuck at 720p, 30FPS on Xbone, This ones an exclusive…

        GCN 1.1
        768 Cores
        DDR3 2133MHZ
        68GBps Memory Bandwidth
        32MB esram 204GBps memory bandwidth ( *May help future titles hit 1080p,60FPS )

        Most games need to run at 720p to stay at 30fps/60fps
        COD GHOSTS 720p 60fps
        BF 4 xbox One : 720p 30fps
        Dead Rising 3 720p 30fps

        GCN 1.1
        1152 Cores
        GDDR5 5500MHZ
        176GBps Memory Bandwidth

        Most games can run at 1080P, 60FPS
        COD GHOSTS 1080p 60fps
        BF 4 xbox One : 900p 60fps

        This is a VERY good read on whats going on with the Xbone's performance issues, ALL is not lost for future titles…
        Quote: GPU’s such as the Radeon 7770 GDDR5 vs the Radeon 7770 DDR3 show that the DDR3 version is up to 90 percent slower than the the GDDR5 version…

        • +1

          Forza 5 1080p 60fps!
          No PS4 exclusive is running 1080p 60fps.

    • +2

      Staff sale begins this coming weekend so an extra 10% off for woolworths limited employees :)

      • Really? Damn, should have waited. :P

        • Get a refund on your deposit. I did it yesterday from JB. No questions asked.

      • Is it advertised anywhere? Normally it's up on AllYours by now.

        • +1

          Usually we get the flyers posted up on the notice boards or lying on the lunch room tables

        • Thanks, wasn't that I didn't believe you, I was interested to see what the Apple deal was this time around. Looks like they're a bit lazy putting it up at my work.

          It's up on AllYours now (Apple deals are pretty average).

        • -3

          I'd rather not work for Woolworths and pay an extra 25% to be perfectly honest.

        • It's a job. Don't be so picky

        • -2

          OH awesome my opinion has been viewed as negative. Feels like I work for Woolworths again!

      • Can we pay for our pre ordered ps4 this weekend?

    • Pretty sure fifa 14 is a free download for the first week

      • If you pre order I thought?

  • Great deal. Big W have dropped prices on gaming for the last year at least, and they actually give some pretty decent deals. If you don't care about free FIFA 14, this is probably where to go.

    • +1

      Harvey Norman are still advertising that bundle but I'm not sure if it is guaranteed. If they don't complain and make them throw in Fifa 14 disc version for free.…

      • +1

        Pretty sure all non "day one" boxes come with the preorder code for Fifa14. Thats what I read last week anyways.

        • Pretty much all stores aren't offering that bundle anymore. Only HN and gamesmen seem to have it.

        • Source of information?

    • -7

      Dick smith r still advertising the fifa deal n their website…but do they wctually have stock?

      Feel sorry forthe mums and dads stupd enough o buy shares in the $540m upcoming float

  • +16

    Said it before and I'll say it again - Big W are doing something right to get my money. Some of these multi-platform titles are cheaper than their 360/PS3 versions!

  • +1

    Cant find any info on this other than here,even called big w and they said pre order is over.

  • -1

    Minus 5% with gift cards from entertainment book and 10% off TRS. Would be a good deal

    • +28

      you're gonna carry XBox One out of the country and bring it back for $50? LOL

    • +1

      haha TRS good idea in theory, but who is going to lug a huge Xbox overseas and pay for the baggage charges. would be good if you could get the TRS without taking it with you though.

      • +5

        Plus the fact it has to be in your carry on.. Useless taking it with you to get a bit of money back.

        I can see the thread now 'Took my Xbox One overseas for TRS now I have a smashed up Xbox!'

  • +1

    Do I have to pre-order the launch games to get it for $68? Or can I just buy them on launch?

  • +7

    Surprised people are buying xbone instead of the other one.

    • -1

      The ps4 isn't generally available until Xmas time at best, otherwise it's early 2014

    • +5

      I'm personally buying the ps4. But these prices are pretty good. I'm sure big w will have ps4 games and controllers for the same price a week later when it releases.

      • +1

        yeah PS4 with the touchpad/move like controller seems more flexible for games in future…
        just saw a demo on the jimmy fallen show…

        gonna call it…
        PS4>XBONE this generation.
        XBOX360>PS3 last

        • +7

          Honestly, I believe Sony won the last generation as well. 40%+ failure rates for launch 360's, inferior hardware (no wifi standard, I had to pay $70(!) for an adaptor, technically supported HDDVD but never used it, initially no backwards compatibility)
          The only thing that made me get an Xbox 360 over the PS3 was the controller and the exclusives (grew up with Halo).

        • +2

          the original 360s had bad reliability - but the slim ones were rock solid… guess bad reputation dies hard…

          kinect > move
          exclusives on xbox + better network/subscription model made it a better overall system at the end - global sales numbers dont lie…

          but i'm still team playstation… PS4 looks good

        • +2

          That the Xbox exclusives were better than the PS3 is highly subjective; (as far as the bigger releases go) Fable, Forza, Gears of War, Halo, Left For Dead versus Demon Souls, Heavy Rain, Infamous, Journey, LBP, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Ni No Kuni, HD God of War. As a 360 owner I always wished the PS3 had been more affordable.

        • Still have my launch day Xbox 360 working perfectly. It did RROD once about 3 years into its life and was repaired for free.You are right about the wifi adaptor though, I think I paid $150 for it at launch.

        • -3

          PS3 sold more with one less year of sale. Enough said

        • Just forget the Wii…

        • They didn't win a simple online feature called cross game chat.

    • +9

      Long term I plan to get both. The fact I enjoyed my X360 more than my PS3 and there being no PS4 exclusives at launch that interest me have lead me to going XBox for now. When titles like InFamous Second Son arrive I'll look at the PS4 more closely.

      No stock of the PS4 also makes it a simpler decision.

      • +9

        Me too, Xbox has been alot more enjoyable overall. Owning both is great, but not prepared to pay launch prices so will wait a while for a PS4.

        • I have both and enjoy the Xbox more. Media functionality and online features keep me on it. Pity it doesn't have blu ray, but I hardly watch actual discs anyways.

    • -1

      Why the surpise? For $50 more I got kinect, a new media box, Fifa14, a wider variety of games, better online and better interface.

      • +8

        While I am considering getting an xbox one myself, you cannot translate the xbox 360 online being better to mean that the xbox one will have better online. It is a different online to the xbox 360 as it requires a different console.

        Sony have done a lot to make their online better for the PS4 and to be honest, what we gamers get from a PS+ subscription seems better at this point than what we get from a Live subscription. Until a few months have passed and the new online experience of these two consoles can be compared, we can't go claiming one is better than the other, especially when the xbox one isn't even available yet.

        I just hope they bring Windows 8/8.1 Metro apps to the xbox one, that will make this console amazing.

        • +3

          If MS can get their act together and make it a SHARED marketplace (ie. buy for Windows 8, get for Xbox, vice versa) they'll win a lot of people over.

        • "I just hope they bring Windows 8/8.1 Metro apps to the xbox one, that will make this console amazing."

          Besides media streaming apps, how is that going to work? It's not like you'll be able to purchase touchscreen games and run them on your TV with any fidelity. Plus, UI doesn't scale that way. Consoles are designed around the '10 foot interface' which other products aren't.

        • +4

          Actually, Xbox One and 360 use the exact same Live backend, which has been boosted massively by Microsoft building an enormous $700 million data center for it.


          Sony's online servers have always been awful - try downloading anything on PSN at decent speeds.

        • +1

          @Strand0410 - I don't get your point about the 10 foot interface, perhaps you don't use many Windows 8 metro apps. Most of the ones I use are already very friendly for use on a TV. Big interface areas for selection etc, text is no smaller than I find on the PS3 interface. There are sure to be exceptions but developers will just need to adjust to that.

          The benefits of having windows 8 metro apps isn't for the touch screen games, I've never found any interest in such games. It is for all the other things the apps can do. It makes your xbox one more flexible, allowing you to really use that console for much more of your entertainment and media consumption.

          I use many metro apps on my desktop and I don't have a touch screen, I could just as easily navigate them with a controller, and I would love to have them voice controlled using kinect.

        • +4

          You're wasting your time. People here could care less about the truth. They much more prefer to work in group lynch mobs.

          People are still complaining about problems in the BETA (it's impossible to shut down!) and they talk about Start Screen apps as being completely unusable on non-touch devices. It must be really strange that my non-touch device works flawlessly then I guess.

          You have to pay for Xbox Live? Terrible!
          You have to pay for PSOnline? That's OK :)

          You have to pay for Xbox Live to use Netflix? Terrible!
          You have to pay for PSOnline to use Netflix? That's OK :)

          You get RROD on Xbox? Terrible!
          You get BLOD on PS4? That's OK, first generations have problems :)

          You have to get a day one update to play Xbox games? Terrible!
          You have to get a HUGE day one update to even play DVDs on PS4? That's OK :)

          The fact that people complain about a measly ~$100 price difference between the PS4 and Xbox.. for a device that will be used for 8+ years.. even though the Xbox provides a much more polished and feature packed product is enough to ignore most of people's opinions.

          There is a single truth in all of this, and that is that Microsoft have the better and more future-proofed entertainment product. Microsoft introduced a new generation of consoles, and Sony merely introduced a PS 3.5.

        • +6

          Microsoft introduced a new generation of consoles, and Sony merely introduced a PS 3.5.

          I hate to buy in this fanboy argument crap (I'm on the fence), but this is getting silly.

        • +3

          How is it getting silly? What difference is there between the PS3 experience and the PS4 experience? Nothing. All it does is play games with the same cluttered interface.

          You don't even have to log into an account on the Xbox. It will see you and log YOU in. It takes in voice commands. It bakes in a whole new way to look at game save states, it very heavily bakes in communication through Skype, and at least for the US market at the moment, it works extremely well with television.

          I'm not a fan boy and I'm not saying MS can do no wrong. I'm merely pointing out the truth.

          All Sony fan boys have for an argument is DDR5 memory, as if raw power is more important than usability, flexibility and features.

        • RRP diff is actually only 50 dollars here and only 28 dollars with this big w deal.

        • +2

          Both consoles have refinements, it's silly because your continuing last gems fanboy debate…

        • +3

          Arguing over which console is best for everyone is silly, stating which is best for you personally is of course perfectly acceptable.

          I think it is too early into this generation to comment on them much, give them some time to mature, add features, etc.

        • -4

          It's not the last gen's debate, because the last gen didn't introduce enough of a significant change. The leap from PS2 to PS3 or the original Xbox to the Xbox 360 was not significant enough to say that it was a major change. The leap from the Xbox 360 to Xbox One is. It offers completely new ways to interact, offers completely different functionality, and so on. I don't see how something so contextual can be written off to be equal to Sony's refinements.

          I suggest you pick up a copy of a book called "Age of Context" by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel. It will help explain why the changes Microsoft have made are much more progressive than Sony's, and why what Microsoft is doing will be copied by Sony in the next iteration of gaming.

          Remember: this is a device that knows when you are in the room, so it knows whether or not to display notifications from calls and messages.

          Imagine baking in your calender, where it could tell you if you're up too late to be playing games for the important meeting you have in the morning, or telling it to alert you for important mail. It can display RSS feeds from OzBargain as notifications. Heck, if you fall asleep in front of it, it can even wake you up for class if you're sleeping in. I'm not saying this has already been implemented, but this is the already possible potential it introduces.

          I'm not excited about the Xbox One because it's an Xbox. I'm excited because it introduces contextual computing into gaming as well. The same thing that many major companies have been doing for years. The same thing Facebook tries to do to your newsfeed, the same thing Google does with it's searches, and working on it with Google Glass. It's the same thing Netflix does with it's movie recommendations. It's all about the computer learning more about you: what games you enjoy, what your schedule is, what your habits are, what shows you prefer, what news you read, what apps you use more than others, and so on.

          It's much more than just a gaming system: it's an icon for what is to come.

          That said, let me make it clear that I do not intend to purchase an Xbox any time soon. Again, I'm not a fan boy, and I realize MS have made several mistakes with the Xbox One (you have to be online once every 24 hours to play games? And you can't use one disc on more than one machine? Ridiculous ideas IMO). I guess it just means a lot more to me because I'm a lot more vested in the vision than the platform itself.

        • +4

          It's silly, because from a video game console perspective, trying to argue it's the PS3.5 is like trying to argue the SNES is the NES1.5 and the N64 is the SNES1.5.

          After all, the experience is the same. You put a cartridge into the console and video games happen. The only thing you've really produced here is a point about a poorly designed UI. The difference between the consoles is ideological and saying one is a halfway iteration of its predecessor, at best shows a fundamental lack of understanding between predecessor and successor (from the hardware perspective alone).

          Unless you're going to put up some objective analysis here, you're just going to blend in with the fan boys that you're supposedly not trying to be. Perhaps you should just support and enjoy the eighth generation console with the games and experience that caters to you, rather than whinging on OzBargain and purport to telling truths that are, at best, half-truths.

          Both have their pros and cons and both are going to experience a rather lacklustre launch.

        • +2

          @WeiKaiLe - I built a Steam/Media PC last year with W8 during that $40 Pro promotion. It's always connected to my TV and the interface does NOT scale well with a 40-50"+ TV if you're sitting on a couch. The touch elements are the right size, yes, but the text elements do not scale well at all. I resorted to reverting back to using XBMC in desktop mode and booting from that, rather than sticking to Metro.

          @ausmechkeyboards - Just quit please. It's the same tired debates and you're beginning to sound like a MS evangelist, paid shill or South Park character.

        • +1


          Why didn't you say?!? That right there is an absolute game changer. And I LOVE the fact I'll be watched and monitored by Kinetic all the time, simply because I <3 Microsoft and trust them like I do my Mum!

          P.s. my tv also has a camera and Skype and can do motion control. Guess how many times I've used it? Zero. The camera stays in its little holder pointing at the sky.

          I'm neither a PS4 or Xbox fan, I have a HTPC which has a HD7870 and love my cheap as hell games on Steam, Origin etc. Consoles to me are now just closed systems you have to pay through the nose for games, accessories and even to play multiplayer.

        • @Strand0410 - Interesting, perhaps I'm just easier to please, haha. To me the 8" tablet, 15" laptop, 24" desktop monitor, and 40" TV I've looked at with W8 Metro look good.

        • It's called track record.

          "Sony have done a lot to make their online better for the PS4 and to be honest, what we gamers get from a PS+ subscription seems better at this point than what we get from a Live subscription."
          - Some free games but can't chat cross game. Lame. The PS3 interface is bad.

        • Except that there is now cross game chat on the PS4, as I said Sony have done a lot to make their online better for the PS4. Hence, we need to give both systems and their online a decent crack before we could have a somewhat informed opinion on which is better. If we all judged on past record and never gave companies a chance to redeem themselves we'd have no Apple products, no Microsoft products after disasters like Vista and Windows ME, basically, we'd have nothing much.

          The free games you could have over the life of PS+ have actually been quite remarkable. It is great value. Have a look at the list yourself:

          I really hope Microsoft feels pressured to follow and offer some great games for Live subscribers on the Xbox One.

          Really looking forward to what these two consoles will be like this time next year.

        • +1

          we got a fanboy over here

  • Perfect! Will match these at launch.

  • Does anyone know if EB Games will match these prices for preorders?

    • EB say they won't match pre orders

      • You can when you pick it up , but only the games

    • +4

      Eb will only match if a store is open nearby with stock.
      Just buy at eb games and return within 7 days and then buy cheaper at bigw if u can b bothered.

      I expect jb hifi eill drop x1 prices too.

      Ryse wad $88 at jb, noew $77….

      Jb always used to have the cheapest new games prices but target/ bigw / kmart often have much cheaper deals in their catalogues now.

      Jb are pretty reluctant to price match i find
      " its aspecial so we wont match it"
      " ts belw our cost so we wont match it"

      • +1

        Yeah I only go to JB these days if they have something that I can't get at another bricks and mortar store.

      • When I was talking to the guy at EB the other day he said they have quite a few Xbones in a few store available for launch day. Hasnt been sold out/preordered out yet.

        Its worth a shot if you dont have a Big W nearby.

        Im considering getting one but I dont know why.. I just want something new :/

    • +11

      if you have options, do NOT buy from ebgames.

      • +1

        If your eb games case isnt sealed u r probably buying 2nd hand goods…

        • Pretty strong accusation without anything behind it. I would say EB would be out of business and in the courts if that was the case.

        • If you dont believe me then ask at any eb games store. The returned stock gets resold. Thats why they ask " have you used the dlc content".
          Do you really think they just bin the returned games?
          The courts have better things to do and i doubt anyone would bother to brung a case.

        • They actually have been to the courts before over it. Sometimes I think its actually true with some games I have gotten - maybe it just got scratched etc in post/delivery?

          I just get curious where they put their 7 day returns, into preowned or selling as new.

        • +4

          buy from ozgameshop lol
          ozbargain style

        • They are labeled if they are preowned.

          Its not that clearly labeled but it is.

          I dont think ive ever had a non-sealed new game from them. They are great for organising preorders and price matching. If you use them correctly they are a great tool.

  • Nice fnd.
    Ezy dvd is cheaper at $60 for a few of those titles but who wants to wait weeks?

    • +2

      And EzyDVD are UK versions, not AUS versions (if that matters)

      • -2

        Only matters for DLC (and only in some cases). IMHO If your cheap enough to buy overseas, you wont be forking out for the pathetic excuse for DLC we get today anyway.

        • Matters when you try to trade in, in Australia.

        • -1

          they take them

        • JB/EB actually are not meant to, if they do, you just got lucky.

        • Ive had no issues trading in overseas titles. The UK ones didn't get a second glance last time I did a trade in, and the one title that stood out was a Play Asia import that also had Asian writing on the box and EB Games still accepted that too.

        • Lucky, I've been refused multiple times, sometimes from ones I even bought from them. I guess it depends how much of a crap the person serving you gives.

        • Last time I traded uk titles, they took a $1 off the trade price, and I was asked them straight up if they took up copies, should be the same elsewhere

  • +1

    This is actually cheaper than a launch PS2 ($750) and far cheaper than a PS3 ($1000). I think the 360 was $650.

  • I thought both PS4 and xbox sold out first shipment? Or at least I know my PS4 isn't coming till February. I guess the availability reflections the demand/public reception.

    Either way the great competition between the two have kept both honest, which is exactly the point of a free market.

    • PS4 sold out. The XBox One 'Day One Edition' sold out but there are standard versions still available as far as I'm aware.

      • I pre-ordered at Big W today. All release day stock is sold out so I have to wait until 'before Christmas'.

        • EB Games site looks to still be taking orders for the 22nd (PS4 specifically states preorders are for a later shipment, XBox does not. Also recall seeing posters in store about remaining stock last week). JB Hi-Fis site is also listed it as still available for day one purchase (see - "Preorder and get it on the day").

        • Interesting. Possible that Big W has much less allocated stock for release day than JB, EB, etc.

        • Clever wording. Not the "day one edition" though I don't think.

    • -1

      Jb have pre xmas ps4 available…just go xbox one.

    • +2

      If the US launch is anything to go by, there'll be 'plenty' of loose stock on launch day for walk-ins. Sony purposely withheld stock apparently.

      Also lol at all the FUD in here about the updated Sony TOS (which are the same as every digital TOS ever on every platform), the comments about the handful of busted HDMI ports on launch PS4s as though it was some endemic issue. It's like GameFAQs in here.

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