Disappearing Deals

Have you noticed that some deals that were there before, and a few minutes later they just went puff and disappeared into the thin air? When you try to access it, instead of getting Not Found, you get Access Denied?

No, they did not accidentally stumbled into Area 51 and got captured by the aliens. Let me explain what is happening behind the scene.

Currently users can either vote up and down on a deal. If a deal has been voted down too many times (currently at number of positive votes + 1), then it will be unpublished and put back into the moderation queue. Items inside the moderation queue can only be accessed by the administrators and the original posters. Once in a while I will delete those old unpublished deals permanently.

So in a community-moderated forum like OzBargain, spams and "dodgy deals" get automatically removed. However sometimes it might render undesirable effect. For example an unverified deal (like the recent eBay/PayPal $5 deal) might get a few negative votes and get unpublished, but then verified later as genuine.

What do you think?


  • Good idea. But maybe they shouldn't disappear completely, a +1-1 deal for example. Maybe have them in a separate section where you can still see them? But not actually showing on recent deals to prevent spamming. Just my 2 cents.

    I was wondering, with some moneyback where they have been taken off/run out of money, could we have some sort of notification for when they are taken off and reinstated? Snapfish is "inactive" at the moment, also waiting on Centrebet, hoping to refer someone else.

    • Sure. So the idea is that they are still accessible (won't get a Access Denied error) yet not visible on the recently submitted list.

      I think there are actually two categories of "bad bargains" — one that is not really a good deal at all, and it's usually the fault of the poster who did not do enough research. The other is the spams, scams, viral marketing, etc which are actually damaging this site, and these I really want to get rid of.

      Currently you can vote negative on both, but I guess we just need a bit of manual moderation to filter out the second type.

      As of MoneyBackCo campaign notification — I think I'll leave Steve on this one. Maybe post it in the MoneyBackCo forum?

  • Just an update on this issue.

    I have revert the changes so that negatively voted deals won't disappear from the site, and all users will still be able to access these pages. However they will not be listed in recent deals.

  • Say there is a deal with +7 votes but 2 person dislike the deal for some personal reasons and voted -2, would it still not be listed in recent deals? Because it may still be a good deal after all to some people.

    I think using the percentage might also work, maybe a minimum of 50% votes are needed for a page to stay on the recent deals.

    • The criteria to appear on New Deals is:

      (+ Votes) >= (- Votes)

      So +7/-2 will certainly be listed. Actually it won't, because New Deals does not list the ones that have been voted to the front page, which currently is

      (+ Votes) >= (- Votes) + 3

      i.e. you need at least 3 more positive votes than negative votes to get onto the front page.

      • Sounds fair enough. I had to get around the maths for a while before understanding it from the last sentence you put. Another slow day at work.

        Thanks Scotty. :)

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