MYKI wallet/covers from travel aid.
I saw the aid in the window on the corner of Collins & Swanston St in Melbourne CBD.
Supposedly 900 + people already ordered one.
MYKI wallet/covers from travel aid.
I saw the aid in the window on the corner of Collins & Swanston St in Melbourne CBD.
Supposedly 900 + people already ordered one.
maybe they are just stickers? not sure
They are just stickers.. @ $2.50
$2.50 to post a free sticker?! What are they using a courier service?
They're probably sending it by public transport
ba dum tsss!
Cool for the kids I guess.
Can you pick them up for free instead?
I am still running into faults in the myki system…
this is just lipstick on a pig…
a syphiliptic pig that has been hit by a truck and dragged 500 meters along gravel.
keep your phone away from your myki and don't let any bank cards with a chip rub against the myki, I went through nearly 10 before I a friend that works for metro told me this
Ha! I was planning to use one of those phone cover with a slot for the MyKi. Good thing I didn't.
i keep my myki in the same pocket as my iphone everyday, havent had to replace it
I meant direct contact, not the phone covers
i kept my phone in direct contact with my myki for months and it still works! must be certain types of phones - ones with NFC perhaps?
myki cost $1,500,000,000 to install. to replace a ticket system that was working.
thanks Mr Bracks
I don't think he's ever used it…
HOW is this a bargain ???
They should have just copied Hong kongs octopus card. Anyone who has been there or used the similar London oyster card will know how fast and efficient it is. Oh it's been around for more than 10 year. Shameful. They work through wallets and even mobiles
on the good site. this seems to support some people - the case sticker…
Travellers Aid Australia (TAA) provides travel related support, advice and help to people who experience difficulties with transport.
Sorry a little off topic and a serious question -
I don't use public transport, haven't for like 5 years, if I needed to use it do I buy a myki from a machine or what?
no u cant buy a myki card from the machine, the machine is for topping-up only.
u have to buy a card from a manned station, or from 7-11
You definitely can buy a myki from the machine. That's where I got mine from.
Form the myki website:
At a myki machine you can:
purchase a full fare myki*.
This is not a sticker, this is a plastic wallet that holds your myki and has a second facing slot to put whatever else you want in there (I keep my health care card in it). You can touch on your myki without taking it out of the wallet. I'll take a picture of mine if you want. They're also not selling it, it's a fundraiser for Traveler's Aid which helps disabled people use public transport and also provides things like personal care, help with meals, free accessible internet access, etc at stations. You might have seen their office next to platform 12 at Flinders.
Do mykis need covers? Mine just slots in my wallet.