This was posted 10 years 8 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Mass Effect 3 (for Xbox 360) $9 Pre-Owned at EB Games


Finally picked up this game at a good price to complete my collection. Mine is in great condition. Stock may vary per store.

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  • oh if we're doing used at ebay now for all those recent $148 ps3 owners Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is also $9 used great price!

  • +2

    Wish the PS3 one was 9 as well. I'm pretty envious of anyone who hasn't played the trilogy.

    • bought one and two on pc but refuse to buy 3 with the whole origin required and the DRM system in place.
      Might consider it for ps3 but then don't think I can use my save files but maybe someone made a converter.

      • I got them all on 360, than 2 on PS3 and PC, looking to get 1 in a PSN sale and 3 PS3 pre-owned for crazy cheap like 9 dollars. Yea I'm hesitant for 3 on PC too, but it's worth the experience for mods and if you have a high-end rig. I'll probably get 3 on PC when I have a GTX770, now that would be awesome.

        • That is crazy…

          You must really love these games to get them on 3 different consoles. Can't you just replay them on the same console?

        • I was just thinking that. Not to mention the physical space of having duplicates.

        • LOL yea I can see how it looks kind of insane on the outside, I don't know why but I really enjoy the difference's in experience each system offers; the keyboard mouse, 360, PS3 controller's and than the menu difference's, the way PS3 show's the background when you highlight the game in the XMB etc.. all these details may seem insignificant but games that I really enjoyed I love playing them again on a different system, I'm not really sure why but I just love it, each system has it's uniqueness. Also I usually pick them up a year or two after I first played them, so they usually are like 5-10 dollars so might as well get them!

    • +1

      Why are you envious of people who haven't played the trilogy?

      Do you wish you didn't go through the torture of the series that you did, or do you wish you could experience it again for the first time?

      • +2

        I loved every second of the whole experience, I'm obsessed with Sci-Fi and Aliens and Mass Effect was the most incredible Sci-Fi Experience ever, the ending fury is understandable but I had no problem with it. Yea the fact that they left the stream just open there and Harbinger just randomly left, also how he hit everything except Shepherd even after the Normandy was hovering as a open target. Personally I believe in the Indoctrination theory.

        I wish I could experience it again for the first time.

        • +1

          Ahh spoilers!!!
          You have corrupted my gameplay experience. Can someone erase my memory MIB style please?

        • I'm sorry!!!! Maybe I should have added spoiler warning, but don't worry I haven't mentioned anything about the actual ending, above mentioned stuff was just like background info happening behind the main point.

        • That spoiler doesn't really spoil much at all. Don't stress too hard.

        • I like how you got no problems posting spoilers to the ending of the game on a deal page for people who haven't played it to buy it… Because that's exactly what people who don't have to game came to this page for right.

          Also post spoiler warnings if you're going to do that.

        • Yea I hate to be that guy that ruins it for someone else, I think I should have said spoiler warning, but to be kind of fair it has been over a year since ME3 came out and chances are if you are remotely interested in ME you would have heard about the ending debacle, but yea I should take more caution in future!

        • If that's the case, we shouldn't bother posting deals for ME3, because if people were even remotely interested they would have played the game already, if not they won't bother.

  • The DLC all adds up to $50 USD on Origin store btw. I would recommend at least From Ashes because you get a new squadmate with dialogs and character interactions.

    • I really wish they would discount the DLC's, or at least have a sale on BioWare points for once (or, better yet, scrap them completely). I still have some content DLC's from ME2 I want to pick up.

      As for the DLC's themselves: the Leviathan DLC is pretty good too - it mixes up the gameplay a bit and expands on the backstory (a bit slower-paced, though). Citadel is practically a must if you're invested in the series. Omega wasn't too bad, but it was really just the same old deal in a different setting.

  • I play offline. Am I missing out on anything(apart from MP)? I heard that EA were coerced to "fix" the ending in an official game update?

    • Yeah, you won't be getting the Extended Cut endings or any of the free MP DLC.

      The Extended Cut wasn't too bad - it filled some of the holes (sometimes not terribly well, mind you, but at least they weren't there any more) in the last sequence, but didn't change anything drastically. Some people were still pissed with it, others were relatively satisfied - make of that what you will.

      • Extended cut = paid DLC? That is a lame effort by EA. No thanks. I look forward to making my own opinion about the ending when I finish the game. Perhaps MA4 will tie any loose ends and complete the story arc. The character depth and combat mechanics are worth the price of admission alone so I don't think I will be disappointed with the game.

        • Sorry - It's free, don't worry.

          And ME4 will have nothing to do with Shepard's story, so unless they indirectly make references to this story arc based on your save files, I wouldn't expect much in the way of closure. I'd expect some characters to return, though.

        • -4

          ME4 having nothing to do with Shephards story is what has made me completely disinterested in ME4. Its like saying "Oh we are doing a Turtles movie, but there is no Splinter, or Shredder… or Turtles."

        • It'll be a shame to leave it behind, sure, but I'm looking forward to another RPG in the same world. I think the ME universe is strong enough to stand on its own, without Shepard as the common denominator.

        • +2

          They'll make some other character, where you can be paragon or renegade, and really it will be nothing different to playing as Sheppard.

          What defines Sheppard exactly? His personality, past, and actions are completely player driven.

          So that leaves voice and face. Is that really a problem? The face itself can be changed to your liking, which leaves only the default face which I'm sure a lot of people kept. Who's to say the new default face won't be even cooler? I never felt the default face was particularly handsome myself.

          So that leaves us with his voice. I'm sure a new actor can do just as good or even better a job as Mark Meers / Jennifer Hale.

          ME4 will be just as good without Sheppard.

        • Thanks for the heads up. I just went to the effort to connect my xbox to the internet to downloaded it(with a 20metre LAN cable, cause it's not wifi :P)
          Quite a large download at 1.5 GBs!

        • +2

          "ME4 having nothing to do with Shephards story is what has made me completely disinterested in ME4. Its like saying "Oh we are doing a Turtles movie, but there is no Splinter, or Shredder… or Turtles."

          That would have to be the dumbest thing I have ever read on this site.

          For a comparison - there's been plenty of excellent stuff within the Star Wars Universe that barely even mentions Luke Leia or Han..

          Personally I can't wait to be involved in a story line within an expanded Mass Effect Universe that doesn't involve its destruction.

          They barely touched the whole "Spectre" thing - they could really do something amazing with that concept.

        • I think a story about Anderson becoming a spectre and the fallout leading up to Shepard in me1 would be a fantastic game. Or a proper genophage game, oh who am I kidding , I'd lap anything mass effect up..

        • Wasn't Sheppard the first human spectre?

        • They could write novels and encyclopedias about the MA universe, mythology, characters, history, races, etc. It is so deep and rich in content and extrapolation for a fictional universe. Its canon could equal Star Wars in proportion if the authors get prolific and start expanding on what they have.

        • My gosh, we have a difference of opinion, please insult me and neg me, otherwise I might incorrectly assert that you were capable of civil discourse.

          I enjoyed ME because it was my journey as Shepard, well, up until the last 20 minutes where my journey became somewhat irrelevant, but I wont go into that.

          The difference between Start Wars and Mass Effect is that I wasn't Luke Skywalker, I was watching his journey, not taking it.

        • So watch someone else's journey. The rest of us don't have a problem with it. It's what they had to do with SW 1-3, and will have to do in 7-9. Yes Luke might be in it, but I doubt he'll be the protagonist.

  • I picked this up at kmart for $3 still haven't played it tho

    Can you play it without playing 1 & 2 or is it best to play them from start to finish?

    • +1

      Playing them in order is best because decisions you make carry over and affect the sequels.

    • $3 OMG that's so cheap :O

    • +1

      Though dated when compared to 2 and 3 - ME is a must play, take the weekend off, play through all the games from start to finish.

      • +1

        ME 1 is good but not without its problems.

        It recycles the same few cavern and building layouts throughout the entire galaxy.

        The planet exploration gets very tedious, and the Mako really sucks at traversing mountains (which are everywhere).

        Then there's the insanely long elevator loading times, even though the levels load instantly on my PC. ME2 and 3 on my SSD loads in a snap. But ME1, the elevator ride length is hard coded based on the 360's loading times. I can almost accept a long elevator ride on the citadel (though this many years in the future I would expect faster elevators), but a long elevator ride on the normandy is inexcuseable.

        The minimap is also really dumb. You see yourself on the map, but you're just a circle, not an arrow. So you don't know which way you're facing with respect to the map view, so it's hard to figure out which direction to go when plotting a route. Only way to test what direction you're facing is to look at your position on the map, move forward, then look at the map again to see your displacement, to figure out which way you're facing.

        My final complaint is inventory management. I spent a good 20% of my game time managing inventory and it was extremely tedious. I favored some NPCs over others, so what I would do is give the latest and best equipment (I would need to spend time comparing stats of this new item against everything I have before I could determine it was one to keep and not sell, and this would take time too) to my most used squad mates, and their second best gear I would hand down down to the next person on the pecking order, all the way down. So whenever I got new equipment it would lead to a cascade of inventory trading. If I ever play this game again, I'm going to use cheat codes to give me the best stuff right away so I don't bother with this again.

        ME2 and 3 fixed all of these problems. Only thing is, I prefered the combat of ME1 over 2 and 3. I don't like how they turned the series into a Gears style cover based shooter.

        • All of problems you mentioned above did not actually bother me when I was playing MA1 for the very first time. Although this was a few years ago and I porbably didn't know any better because I was so deeply engrossed in the rich storyline and MA universe to care.
          I even made an effort to read through the majority of the Codex entries because it was fascinating.
          In hindsight, they are issues which bog the game down and make it tedious to replay.

        • In spite of all these points, I still loved the game.

          I do think that ME2 and 3 had better gameplay and refined everything that was wrong with ME1. However, I did enjoy the original combat from ME1 more than the cover based shooter the series became, but that's a matter of taste.

          The things I pointed out were universal irritations fans had.

          I think my favorite overall was the second game because it had the biggest squad, though its story was perhaps the weakest since there wasn't much of one. It's just you recruiting people on a suicide mission. All these loyalty missions are just side quests that don't matter much to the suicide mission other than via gameplay mechanics (i.e. doing them will increase their chances of survival). To be fair, they did have affects in ME3.

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