Vegetarian Sausages

I'm hosting a veg bbq.. So i'm in need of some vege sausages.. checked out woolworths. Sanitarium are too expensive and macro tastes bad.

Any idea whether aldi stocks them? or even costco?

Any other place I can get it from?

Thanks for helping


    • do you have any idea how much they cost? Does coles have their own brand sausages?

  • linda mcartney sasuages have a special on at woolworths at the moment. 2 Packets of 6 vegan sasuages for $8. They're usually $6 each.

    They taste good on the bbq or even in the oven.

    • +1

      THIS. They're delicious. Very "chickeny". Quite short though, as far as the usual sausages go.

    • Thanks.. I'll be making my trip to coles tonight.. Hope they are still there..

      • as far as i know only safeway/woolworths carry them in the frozen food section.

  • I've been eating the sanitarium ones for 8 years. my favourite. get them.
    coles had them on special but that finished yesterday (tuesday)
    the sanitarium ones are the best in my opinion. linda mccartney ones are ok - only tried them once. better than macro.
    I found quorn sausages to be very average.

    aldi don't have vege sausages

    • I actually hate macro and quorn. I like sanitarium.

    • +1

      coles still has $5 sanitarium sausages when I was there at lunch time.

  • Make them yourself - I have a brilliant recipe that everyone LOVES, even my meat eating friends think they are actually normal sausage rolls ! PM me if you want it

  • green palace in the city and lotus blossom at newtown may give you links to buying the asian variety which is more subtle

  • Quorn are pretty good (Coles/Woolies) but rarely on special.

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