Woolworths Online Cancelled Order - Beware

Last week I placed 3 orders with Woolworths online using the set of vouchers available. These orders were accepted, processed and charged to my credit card.

I went to the store to collect the next day and no goods were there. After a lengthy investigation and a number of calls and emails, Woolworths Online worked out that the system had automatically cancelled the orders, not told me or anyone and (luckily) refunded the money.

Calls to customer service have come up blank. Apparently there is a Terms & Condition that only one voucher can be used per customer. The system had only allowed the use of each voucher once. There is nothing I can find about using multiple vouchers in different transactions. Woolworths are skirting around this by say a "transaction" can be multiple "purchases" or "orders" all in the same name. No timeframe provided for when a transaction closes.

The online T&C I read (November 9) just says a coupons can only be used once. As mentioned, the online system itself enforces this.

Woolworths are not going to honour the orders their system accepted and processed.

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  • Sorry to hear that you didn't end up getting yours.

    I ended up getting all my orders even the one where I stacked 4 coupons for a 700mL bottle of Cointreau

    Only issue I had was getting a different sized bottle. (I ordered a 700mL bottle of midori and I only got a 500mL bottle) I called them up and they refunded the full amount.

    Quite happy with what I got; however I probably won't be using this service all too much myself.

  • +1

    I had a totally different experience with using $10 off $50 spend voucher. I placed multiple orders using the same code and asked for them to be delivered at the same time on Monday afternoon. On Friday I missed a call from Woolies asking me to contact them urgently regarding the multiple orders (but without leaving me a contact number).
    Later I checked my email and there was one from them asking me to call them and advise which orders I wanted to cancel. Instead of doing that I replied to the email advising that I did not want to cancel any of my orders as one was for me and the rest for other family members.
    I got no response over the weekend, but yesterday afternoon my orders were all delivered with no problem. This morning I received an email from them, suggesting I really needed to call them on the 1800 number. Obviously, I didn't as everything was delivered ok yesterday!

  • I order twice a month, once on the 1st and than on the 15th, both times I've used the 10 off 50+ and got a 10 discount, and they delivered both times as normal. Perhaps there is a day limit where the system terminates orders with the same voucher used within a week or something. Also I've only ever managed to use one voucher at a time for an order. I heard somewhere that in USA super markets let you use multiple coupons for a single order LOL.

      • +1

        LOLOLOL yes, I knew it was extreme coupling, I was just too ashamed to admit I know of/perhaps seen an episode of the show.

        I almost fell off my chair in one part where they mention that you can use coupons of other items that are on sale for something else, not sure how the specifics work but they lower your overall total based off of some deal in you are a member or something, crazy! I would be one of those people on the show if such happened in Aus LOLOLOL!

  • Perhaps it is daily limit. But you think that would be said somewhere at least. Then the system should check (although I realise the system is newish). Not even having that in their T&C, cancelling without notification and not considering reinstating order is all pointing to BAD customer service. I will be looking elsewhere for better online shopping experiences.

  • Have you tried to place orders again Nalkur?

    I experienced the same thing - order cancellation. I was very annoyed and have been waiting for my grocery to arrive. What does their new system do?

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