eGlobal - request for proof of identification / credit card details post order processing (genuine or scam??)

Hi All

I purchased a set of noise cancelling headphones from EGlobal yesterday (HKK based electronics company) via their online site with a credit card using a secure encrypted link. I've this morning received a strange email asking me to send through a copy of valid photo ID as well as a copy of my debit/credit card (can only assume this is the same one I purchased with!) in order to prove that the order is genuine.

Before purchasing, I undertook some research via and also via OzBargain, and based on what I've read and the fact that they have a rep on OZB, they seemed legit. However the email below has me worried.

Dear xx

Thank you for your order.
In order to ensure the order is genuine, we have a procedure and need your full cooperation so that we can process your order swiftly. We will continue to process your order after receipt of the below documents:
Identification Document
Copy of valid Photo ID / Driving License / Travel Documents or any equivalent identification document
Credit Card Proof
Copy of Debit/Credit Card*
(*Please be advised to only send us a copy that indicates your Full name, expiry date and leaving the first and last 4 digits of your bank/debit/credit card number before sending us the scanned copy)

We will continue to process your order after receipt of the above document(s). Please be assured that your personal information will only be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy stated in our website.
Your support in our effort to protect the interests of both buyer and seller is greatly appreciated.


Customer Protection Team

Has anyone else encountered this "procedure"?


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  • Yes, I've done this before.

    Even some Aus companies require this, better to be safe than sorry with these big purchases

    It should be mentioned that I purchased through eGlobal a while ago, however I paid via Paypal, so I did not get this.

    • +3

      It's probably better to be safer than sorry and NOT send out all your personal information in an unencrypted email.

      • I was thinking about people using your credit card details; but yeah, goes both ways.

  • bought from eGlobal before and they phoned me to confirm my existence.

  • +2

    Tell them to get lost. You should not need to send such specific identification information offshore, especially having used an encrypted link to pay by credit card.

  • Is it an option to get them to change the funding source to Paypal? When dealing with them you're really far better off using paypal than your credit card anyway. If, for some reason, you need to get a refund, they're going to take their sweet time (and some more) in issuing the refund, whereas Paypal will get it for you much sooner.

    I had about 3 weeks of promised refunds "today" that never eventuated before I had to resort to escalating an Paypal claim.

  • It is genuine and may come down to them being liable for any fraud if they haven't verified people appropriately. But whether you wantto send these deatails or not. That's up to you. I risked it when I bought a camera from them.

  • +4

    Even if its genuine I think its a foolish thing to do. I never give my details to companies, they don't have a database to verify it from and they have no authority to verify identification.

    Its a great way to have your ID stolen.

  • +3

    Ask them to send you a copy of their business licence and photo id, for your protection.

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