Surrending a deal within a deal.

I purchased an Xbox 360 on Saturday for $138 at Big W
The lady gave me a save $10 off voucher for spending more than $100.

She then informed me, if I return the xbox for a refund, I will also have to give the voucher back.

Not that I would try and exploit it, but surely if I spent that $10 and 3 weeks later the xbox packs it in, I shouldn't be penalized.

IMO shops have to start realizing, the reason we shop there is because of this exclusive offers, ie we all know about price matching etc.


  • Not that I would try and exploit it, but surely if I spent that $10 and 3 weeks later the xbox packs it in, I shouldn't be penalized.

    Is it possible for them to give $10 less when refunded…

    I doubt it would happen as that offer is only $10 for a one time customer-use

  • +4

    Not that I would try and exploit it, but surely if I spent that $10 and 3 weeks later the xbox packs it in, I shouldn't be penalized.

    You're not being penalised, you're simply being asked to return the extra $10 they gave to you in the way of a voucher.

  • Did your Xbox pack it in? If not then why are you wasting time with hypothetical questions?

    • I read the comment as if you return it (as in don't want it and haven't opened it, changed your mind ) so I don't understand this leap to hypothetical penalisation

  • That's like saying if the xbox packs it in in 3 weeks, why should you be penalised and have to return the controller too. The $10 voucher came with the xbox, just like a controller does.

  • -2

    No puffin as I said in the post, if I spent $100 I received a $10 off voucher, nothing to do with the actual xbox.

    • I'm making the point that you were given something based on your purchase (whether it was an xbox or something else is irrelevant). If the item is returned, then the bonus should be too.

      Buy a dinner set and get free knifes. If you return the dinner set, you should return the knifes.
      Buy a playstation and get a free game. If you return the playstation, you should return the game.
      Buy X valued over $100 and get a $10 voucher. If you return X, you should return the $10 voucher.

      • +1

        Yeah, kinda like if you get loyalty points with your loyalty card, when you return anything, the same number of points get deducted from your account. Just wanted to add my 2c :)

  • I was given something based on my spendings.
    If I had bought 4 $30 items I would of received the voucher. If one of those items had to be returned through no fault of my own, based on your reasoning I should also surrender my voucher as now I'm not eligible for the $10 voucher.
    If its a particular item, and you receive a cashback/promotional item, I see that yes, I would have to return both items.

    • Yes, you should surrender your voucher in that circumstance. Or at least the portion of it that is relevant.

      I recently returned some items to IKEA after they were purchased using a spend $100 get $15 off voucher. The receipt from the purchase splits the discount out over the value of the items. In this case, $25 chair less $3.75, $25 chair less $3.75, and $50 bed slats less $7.50. I returned the bed slats, and by all rights should have only be entitled to a refund of $42.50, which I would have been perfectly fine with. However, IKEA offered a gift card of $50 if I preferred that over a $42.50 refund, so I could replace my prior purchase with a new purchase.

      The same should occur here.

      If your returns put you below the benchmark for the voucher, BigW should give you a refund less that share of the voucher. Eg, 4x $30 items, and 1 returned, bringing you to $90, 10% below the benchmark, then 10% of the value of the voucher should be surrendered. Alternatively, they should offer a gift card rather than a refund, so you can buy something else that will keep you above the benchmark. Mind you, this is what I believe they should do. If their T&Cs for the voucher offer state it must be surrendered when you return goods, then too bad so sad, goodbye voucher.

      "She then informed me, if I return the xbox for a refund, I will also have to give the voucher back."
      The voucher was issued with a condition of sale. Deal with it. Or better yet, get back to us when your hypothetical situation eventuates.

  • -1

    For those $100 worth of goods did you pay $85 or $100

    I'm guessing you paid $85.00

    My deal was I paid full price for the xbox and received a $10 voucher for a future sale.

    • +2

      You know full well you should return the voucher but you just don't want too because you want to keep profit and for some reason your here trying to justify because your doubting yourself. Go get counseling.

  • -2

    Ok kwaker, firstly it's a Christmas present, so it is a hypothetical question. I posted it in General discussion. Anyone you recommend for counselling? Maybe your guy can give me a discount.

    Deep breaths kwaker, it might not happen.

    • Please learn to use the reply button.

    • So if it's a Christmas present, isn't it likely you will have spent the voucher by the time it's either Christmas or there would be a need by the person you gift the Xbox to would need to return it? Why are we still discussing this?

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