I am looking for a new card to refresh my antique gtx260. My power supply is QFan650, which comes with 2 x 6pin for PCI express, spec here:
I did some research and plan to go for a GTX760, and I find this:
This card is within my budget, it is short (even shorter than my gtx260 which just fit my Armor+MX case) and only use 1 x 8pin, which comes with a 2x6pin to 8 pin converter according to Amazon picture.
Any advice? Is this a good card for $315? I was also looking at Gigabyte GV-N760OC-2GD but the card is huge (29.5cm!) so it can't fit my case :(
atm 7950 and 7970 are better and being phased out, very good deals