This was posted 11 years 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free! 50pcs Sample E27 LED Bulb 6W Warm White. First Come, First Served


First come,First Served.
50 pcs free samples are offerring now,also freeshipping.
Only 1 pcs limit for each customer.
Buy any items over 10pcs(inc 10),get %10 off by coupon:nomled

If we have Good Feed on this post,Another free samples will be on Next week.

Related Stores

NOM LED Lighting
NOM LED Lighting

closed Comments

  • Site being hammered.

    • -3

      Hurry Hurry Hurry, step right up, and please pass over your details, so we can ship you your free item that you probably don't need, and even post it to you for free, and all we need are a few small details about you….. Nothing dodgy, I'm sure!

      But seriously - I am now starting to be a bit suspicious of these "free" offers. I know they are truly free, but can you trust who you give your details to? Is giving your details like these free offers more likely to make you the target of fraud (let alone becoming a target for advertising/marketing of other offers)

      Am I being too suspicious? (the negs will tell me if I am)

      PS - I am not claiming that the OP of this deal is up to anything dodgy at all, just asking the question about these types of offers in general)

      • +4

        If your so worried about it why not create a fake email (yahoo) hand out a fake Phone number use a fake name (perhaps a different one everytime)? obviously you'll need to use a real address but the rest should put most worries to rest.

        • +1

          i would be much more worried about what your/american governments are doing with your information etc… the whole snowden/nsa thing. [/tinfoilhat]

          but as said above, use a free email host for these things (gmail is my preference) make it something easy for you to remember like shmahoospam@gmail then ignore that address unless your forced to check it.

        • AAARGH - you already know my email address!!!!!

          hides under foil-lined bed

          PS - if you read the terms and conditions, Google says they look at our email in all the Gmail accounts. But of course, if you're doing nothing wrong, there's nothing to worry about !!! :)

  • +5

    This webpage is not available

    I only have bayonet fittings so I'll leave them for someone else anyway.

  • … order page is doing the loading please wait lets see if I made it in time.

  • Website crashed

    • +5

      Ozbargain Hug of death!
      Offer something for free and we will test your servers!

  • +4

    Good idea having a website that can't handle the wrath of Ozbargain, it may save you if you ever accidentally price something wrong or let people double up on offers (like Woolies).

    Great offer, hopefully my order goes through. Cheers.

  • The website is running really really slow - can't even place the order at this off-peak hour.

    Edit: Apparently the order page still timed out - but I just got an email with order confirmation - OP - can you confirm this order ? Order #100000056

    • +3

      This is peak man…

      • I stand corrected ! When I clicked it was just 5 clicks on the link :-)

    • What off-peak hour? It's prime time fot ozb!
      50 free units should last 10 minutes at the most.

    • oh yay I got an order conf number too! although I guess if we're the first customers that means your 56 so maybe we didn't make it?

      • yeah - that's what I'm wondering - 56 might mean that I was the unlucky 56th one :-(

        • maybe we get lucky and there were some actual orders for things before this promo.

  • maybe the should offer BOGOF instead as this rate will be here all night!

    • At this rate? At this rate they were sold out 20 mins ago!

  • Website is too slow! Hmmm… The Internet King…I wonder if he can provide faster nudity, I mean faster Bargains

  • +13

    Hey Guys,
    So sorry for the so bad performance of this web server.
    Never expect this situation for the server was down.
    And I don't want to lie to anyone.
    This is my first time to post on ozbargain.
    So sorry, we will fix the problems asap.
    And we will offer more samples.
    For the buyers who already bought from us,we will sent items out !


    • +3

      Awesome Rep is Awesome!

      • +1

        So sorry for the so bad performance of this web server.

        its not your server so much, we can crash just about any server when the word "free" is involved. its just the OzB way :)

        I don't want to lie to anyone.

        and that shows and goes a long way towards getting respect from the majority of OzB users. keep up the good work.

  • Conf #100000066 See if it goes through or not…

  • Was unsure if I had managed to get my order in or not since the confirmation page timed out and I didn't receive an email, but the My Orders section shows an order as "Pending" so fingers crossed it went though… :)

    • check your spam folder thats were it was in mine.

  • Whats the difference between these and the ikea ones?

    • +4

      These are free

      • I Mean quality wise, as the normal price is similar as Ikea

        • +4

          These are free

        • Where are the free ones?

        • +1

          It seems some people's enthusiasm for this deal has dimmed

        • +1

          That comment wasn't very bright.

  • +5

    50 got their free bulbs but only 13+ votes?

    Perhaps it's time Scotty et al made the offers accessible to signed up account members only.

    • yeah does make it difficult to get those badges when people don't vote up bargains/comments.

    • +1

      Some stingy voters out there, there's also likely a few of the 13 that were unsuccessful. I know I was but just because I missed out doesn't make this less of a deal.

    • Perhaps it's time Scotty et al made the offers accessible to signed up account members only.

      And miss out on a lot of ad revenue in the process… ;)

    • +5

      Some people only vote after they have received the item, especially with these random Chinese websites.

  • When the offer was still open..I managed to get in, and complete the checkout process. Only to find about 5 minutes later the order was no longer on the system, when i checked a few minutes later it appeared at full price and was asking to complete payment details.

    So it seems they now have all my contact details somewhere in the system, but i get no free item unless i pay

  • +2

    Just be very careful buying cheap LEDs online guys, no idea if this product is the same but I've had several eBay LEDs come apart in my hands whilst unscrewing (240v!) and just generally being of dubious quality (shake and you can hear all the bits clanking around inside) or just a sudden BOOM! and some magic smoke. I've tried 5 different models (12pcs total) and all very similar. Again, this store may be an exception to the rule but… buyer beware. Be careful.

    • lol, +1 for mention of "magic smoke"

  • +2

    280 lumens for LED bulb output is really quite poor even at 6w consumption, and this efficiency rate is only equivalent or poorer than CFL's.
    It's usage may be restricted to ambiance lighting and not much else… so don't feel too bad if you've missed out.

  • +1

    Nuuuuu … im too late for it. Im in the market for some LED light bulb (B22). Where is the good place/site to buy ? Some where between 5w-7w and under $10/each.

    • eBay has loads of choice. I've received a dozen so far (2W and 4W) and all work perfectly.

  • -1

    No warranty details……..

  • +1

    Not sure if anyone will keep up with this deal but I felt as though it deserved a quick review.

    Image 1 - Comparison with my current led lights (which have cut around $20 off my electricity usage). Very similar product though the new globes look smaller.

    Image 2 - Under the hood, I know SFA about electronics but I thought it may be of interest to someone.

    Image 3 - 6w Warm White provided

    Image 4 - 5w Cool White (I already had)

    • The cool white while being a lower wattage appears to brighten the room more but the warm white does a good enough job (I actually wanted to buy warm white when I was looking but my wife wants the house to look like a doctors clinic…).
      The light performed exactly as expected and as advertised, it lit up the room. The company, well to be honest I didn't know this was coming. If I received a confirmation email after the website had crashed then possibly it got lost in my spam folder, however when it arrived I was pleasantly surprised. I must admit had I payed for the light I would be disappointed with the fact that I didn't know what happened to the order but then again I probably would have followed up rather than when I gave up because I thought the site was down.

    Light value for money - 10/10 (free can't complain at all)
    Service - 8/10 (knocked off a couple of points in fairness because I didn't receive confirmation but I do assume that this was at least in part due to the nature of the free item).

    If I had one complaint it would be the packaging, again this is more than likely due to the fact that it was a free item but the bulb was in its box and in a clear bag wrapped with the shipping details. I haven't marked down against this because it is most likely because the item was free, but due to the (what I am assuming is aluminium) body and decent build quality the product arrived in perfect condition.

    Thanks again guys, I would and do highly recommend these bulbs as you can see I have some from the same manufacturer myself from a previous deal through another company. This bulb will now live in one of my wife's many lamps to further reduce my electric bill.

    • Mark, we have the same type of lamp shade fittings as your pics. On the one hand, we HATE them. On the other, using something "nicer" will likely reduce the light spread, especially with LED bulbs.
      Just wish I could find decent batten fix shades that aren't plastic but don't tunnel the light!

      But luckily for me, my missus prefers warm lighting. The only exception are the solar PIR leds which are quite blue-ish but we had no choice there.

  • Received my bulb promptly - thanks :)

    Unfortunately I couldn't get it to work - no visible damage but I assume something is wrong with the circuit. Given they are straight 240v I don't think there's much room for user error here but if there's anything I can do please let me know..

    The review rekabkram provided suggests they are pretty good bulbs - just wish mine would have worked.

  • My bulb arrived in the manner rekabkram described above. Postage paid by sender was $6.95 and for something free, I can't complain. If there is anything to go by - the bulbs are pretty robust. In fact, this is to say Thanks for posting up a real deal.

    Now I am putting it on to burn to see if they are the type that will burn up after a few days of use. I had bought one (not from this company nor this brand) that lasted about 2 days. Thank for the test unit - you might win a customer, or might not!

  • Got mine today will try it later shocked by how it was sent but it was free so I'm not gonna complain!

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