I know nothing about projectors, but we have a room that measures roughly 3m wide by 5m long that I would like to try out a projector in. The wall is a deep red, but I've seen some people project onto similar coloured walls without any problems (I don't care if the result is not 100%).
I'd like to be able to watch movies through it without a huge amount of quality loss, preferably having the projector about 4.9m from the picture.
I don't particularly want to spend a great deal, but I don't want something rubbish either. Basically mid range quality if possible.
I've read a few sites, and I'm way more confused than when I started. Any recommendations of where I could start doing research would be great too.
Deep red?
It will be virtually unwatchable! You need a reflective surface… a pale pink you'd get away with, but any dark colour is going to be terrible to project onto.
The result is going to be closer to 0% than 50% and certainly nowhere near 100% quality.
If you have money to burn and want to try anyway, you'll want the brightest possible unit (to "brute force" some reflectance) which means DLP and something like the now discontinued BenQ W6000
If you don't have money to burn, but the cheapest, crappiest projector you can find, cause no matter how good it is, the picture will look like crap until you buy a screen or paint the wall a much lighter colour.