Hi Kwaker,
Find a Grandparent is an online platform where families and surrogate grandparents can meet. Families and surrogate grandparents don't need to stay members of our service once a connection has been made.
Although we are a not-for-profit organisation we need to cover our costs. As costs especially for insurance are very high we need to charge membership fees from families. Further major costs include the development and maintenance of the website. We are not connected to a bigger organisation and don't receive any government support so the membership fees are our sole income and unfortunately don't cover our costs yet. We also give our time for free as nobody in our organisation receives a salary.
We currently have 42 members and we are still growing. There are lots of families that already signed up with us and some already found a surrogate grandparent through our service.
I hope that I could answer all your questions.
All the best,
This is a strange concept to Me. $90 annual membership seems a bit steep for not for profit. I wonder how many members there are