My email have been SCAMED

hey everyone,

I just noticed my email have been SCAMed (keep sending random emails to people I dont know) and I had to change the password. just wondering if anyone else got the same situation ? and if yes what is the last deal you signed with ?

for me it was

here is the screen shot of what happened to my email.
thank god its not my main email.


  • +1

    dat email address… "ilove.forevercool"

  • I think you mean …hacked?
    Maybe you logged into a fake hotmail/gmail/yahoo page. Hope you're using diff passwords for emails and accounts on buying websites.

  • +1

    Did you use the same password word for that site as you do your email?

  • Are you certain you don't have a trojan, OP?

  • +4

    Scan your computer with combofix and malwarebytes
    Change your hotmail password (from another computer)
    Get yourself a password manager like "lastpass" and start generating unique passwords for all sites.

    • +1

      Rather than the email being 'SCAMed'/hacked, it's more likely that the main computer (from which email is accessed) has been infected with viruses/malware.

  • I'm sure those people you don't know like you even more now that you've posted their addresses publicly.

  • You Have 1689 mail in your in box !!?! When would you ever have time to read them all ? Ours annoys me when it reaches over 30 a day. I have better things to do in life than read them all - but obviously as I am replying to you-I do !We often receive the viagra ones, work from home ones & how much we are owed from Nigeria ones + Fed-Ex.
    DELETE box is then activated.Why is there nothing to beable to bounce back these nusiance unwanted scams ? For years we have had it set up on the landline phone,fax & mobile phones through Telstra so why can't it be done from the computer?

    • You can "bounce" emails back but it is worthless. The "from" field for spam mails are almost always forged so it looks like it is coming from a different email address than the one it is actually sent from.

      • This, if your bounce it back you are just spamming someone else.

  • How can we all stop them - surely technology must have a way. Know we can use the tried scam fighter sites but they still keep coming. Whoever invents how to block them completely will soon be worth a fortune.

  • I hardly ever get any spam on either of my hotmail accounts, just have the junk email settings to send junk mail directly to the junk folder, and before deleting them, just block the lot, you can even block the whole domain so that script generated emails from the same domain will be blocked in the future as well. Not a big effort considering you have to click the delete button that often!! :)

    If you're afraid you might be missing out on something, just go through the junk folder and make sure nothing you actually want ended up there.

    It's working great for me as Ive had these accounts for many years, as for the email being hacked, changing the password usually does it.


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