I've recently had a good experience at a Harvey Norman store @City West in Perth, which is rare. I had purchased a HTC one but in less than a week I noticed their price had dropped, with no questions asked I was given the difference back because of their price guarantee. At the same time i noticed there was an issue with the quality of the screen and it was instantly swapped over after it was compared to the display model. I was absolutely surprised and shocked at the quality of customer service I ended up purchasing an iPad air for my son.
The worst customer services I have experienced was from the Cannington and O'conner Harvey Norman stores in Perth. This is mostly due to disinterested staff, lack of product knowledge, company processes and policy. I recall wanting to purchase an ultrabook from one of these stores and as I approached a sales person they started walking away. In the end I just purchased it online.
Anyone else have recent good or bad experiences from specific HN stores?
Add Bundaberg to the list, as the worst there is. Customer service is not a concept with which they are familiar.