Just as the title says, 50% off any order
Just enter the code: HALFOFF at the checkout
Before you buy you have to make an quick account but its easy as
Just as the title says, 50% off any order
Just enter the code: HALFOFF at the checkout
Before you buy you have to make an quick account but its easy as
Was the quality any good?
Quality is good, ive been using this site to buy all my clothes for a while now and can highly recommend it.
Plus with this discount code the shipping wont be that bad :D
I was all ready to slag this site off but there's quite a few good deals to be had here.
I was all ready to slag this site off but there's quite a few good deals to be had here.
Did you have to sign up in order to see the deals?
I gave up at the PopUp stage.
Hang on, is that a referral link?
referral link, needs to sign up to see deal
no, it's just a members only site
keep negging her peeps, the OP doesn't deserve a neg for letting us in on this awesomeness and it will disappear when Jackbob reaches -6 on any comment in this deal
Its just a member only site, he could have given us his referral code and made a HEAP of profit, tho if I were him I would add it at the bottom of the Deal post
6 quality streetwear t-shirts for $90 delivered is a good deal for the brands I got. Nice find OP.
i can't stand websites that require you signin just to view their webpage. These guys are idiots.
These guys ship fast, but it's a bit costly.